Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 435 Hidden Missions

Chapter 435 Hidden Missions
"Crew members, tie up these three prisoners for me... No, it's better to be these two, let them lead us to find the Trident of the Sea God." Captain Jack grinned, and originally pointed at Captain Fang, but seeing Boss Fang slightly The small eyes with deep meaning, finally changed his mind, and tied those two unlucky ghosts together!
"Nice, Jack, are you going to find the trident?" Fang Yun ignored the yelling man and woman, turned his head and asked.

"Hmm, Captain White Wizard, don't you want some rum?" Jack walked over with two bottles of rum shaking.

"Bring me a drink, it seems that you want me to help you?" Fang Yun leaned on the slightly damp wooden railing, the sea breeze blew, and his hair was scattered between his eyebrows, but it couldn't hide his handsome eyes. He picked up the long-lost rum and sniffed it, and raised his eyebrows: "Very good wine, but this witch..."

"I'm not a witch, I'm an astrologer." Even though she was tied up, Karina looked over without fear, and immediately retorted, especially the two white things on her chest dangling, which were really eye-catching.

Many pirates looked over, and just about to say something, Fang Yun said: "Well, she is indeed an astrologer, a guy who looks at the stars in the sky and makes maps, so that broken book is not a magic book, and I can't understand it!"

"Oh, so you mean you can't read the map?
So tie him up for me, I think Captain White Wizard should be able to teach us how to become a dragonman..." Jack seemed to understand something, and immediately turned his head and said shamelessly to the crew.

Seeing Gibbs leading a group of pirates approaching excitedly, Boss Fang couldn't help but swear: "MD, a bunch of ignorant pirates..."

The goodwill between him and Jack is obviously still above 80+, but this guy said to tie himself up, so he just wanted to tie himself up...

In the end, the somewhat helpless Boss Fang waved his hand again, threw a small bottle to Jack, and said, "If you can find the dragon and kill it...I can help you become a dragonman, and this is the reason your crew rescued me." Gift……"

After Jack got the bottle and opened it, he sniffed, his mustache twitched immediately, his eyes widened, his favorability soared, and he immediately raised his hand to signal the others to stop.

"Well, it's a very good gift. I won't tie you down this time. In method of becoming a dragonman is more attractive than my getting the ocean trident, so let's cooperate..." Jack chose Raising his eyebrows, he pulled Boss Fang aside.

Fang Yun doesn't know what this guy is going to do, but there is nothing unusual about the method of dragon transformation, as long as there is dragon blood, and as long as the characters in the plot sacrifice enough to bathe in dragon blood, some crew members can have this ability, but This situation is equivalent to being cursed...

Especially in the low-magic world, the whole body is scaled like a monster.

In the world of high magic, the situation can be better... Well, Fang Yun raised his eyebrows after experiencing the world of the Caribbean Sea: "Well, it is evolving into a world of high magic, it seems a bit interesting..."

"Actually, the ocean trident is nothing to me... After all, if someone had owned this thing before, he would have ruled the ocean long ago, but if he doesn't, it means that this thing is not very powerful, so I just look forward to it. It’s enough that this thing can help me deal with the group of undead.” Jack drank a few sips of wine.

Then he looked at Fang Yun and continued: " help me stop those undead coming out of hell, get the ocean trident to lift their curse, and then kill them, and I will take you to find Dragon Island...with you help me... to become a dragon, and then I will give you the trident"

Jack looked into Fang Yun's eyes, and when he said this, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, as if looking forward to becoming stronger again, because as the protagonist of the Caribbean world, he had already felt the strange evolution of this world, so he was very excited. If you want to become stronger, and know the way to become stronger, you will be the most powerful!

Fang Yun looked at Jack in surprise. He didn't expect him to know about Dragon Island. It seems that there is really a problem in this world.

It seems that this world originally belonged to the same world as Harry Potter, the era of Harry Potter, the pirates were not dead, nor did they have such exaggerated strength. After all, that time had entered the age of technology.

And at this time the message came again!
"Hint: Your side quest will be changed to a hidden quest.

Task details: Help Jack Sparrow resist the undead sailors, kill the dragon to help him transform into a dragon, and finally get the legendary item, the Ocean Trident!Whether to accept? "

Seeing this task... Fang Yun felt that his 30 drops of water of life were not in vain, and this is a bit interesting. This ocean trident is really a treasure, but it is so fragile... It was cut in half by someone. It can be regarded as cheating.

But it is very likely that people without magic used this artifact and could not exert its due power.

So he nodded: "I agree...!"

"Then let's set sail, my sailors!" Boss Fang ran to the rudder of the ship and yelled loudly at some point, and many crew members were about to take action as soon as they heard the sound.

But they only heard a "bang", and they stopped...

Jack Sparrow blew the blue smoke into the muzzle of the musket: "MD, this is my ship" and then turned to look at the other crew members: "Also... Are you idiots deaf? Can't you hear it?"

Gibbs twitched, who knows what the two of you talked about, maybe you made a PY deal and exchanged the title of captain...

"Oh, your ship..." Captain Fang shrugged when he heard this, and walked aside with the rum to blow the sea breeze!

As for why he didn't summon the Black Dragon, it was naturally because the speed of the Black Dragon was too fast, and it was useless to summon it. Apart from magic damage, this group of undead couldn't cause physical damage to them at all.

Even if they were really summoned, they would have run away with the speed of the Black Dragon, and Barbossa couldn't catch up with them even with a compass. Wouldn't it be too miserable to die? Because of Bosa's friendship, he thought it was necessary to change the plot to save his life.

Fang Yun, who had no parents to take care of him since he was a child, has deep feelings for the family relationship between Barbosa and Karina. Maybe sometimes, entering a certain plot world does not necessarily have to gain any benefits... If some tragedies can be turned into Being a comedy is obviously equally important!
And when he saw Barbosa jump into the deep sea with his long sword in order to save his daughter's life, he only wanted to die with the enemy, and he didn't want him to hurt his daughter in the slightest.

That kind of no hesitation, that kind of fearlessness.

What death, what pain, became very small at that moment.

Maybe...every parent will not show it normally, but the moment it really can never imagine how powerful their slightly hunched bodies can burst out!

(End of this chapter)

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