Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 439 Undead!

Chapter 439 Undead!

As the Black Pearl came out of the magic bottle again, Boss Fang kicked the shrunken model of the Black Pearl into the sea. When everyone saw the Black Pearl reappearing on the sea, they felt a sense of joy from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, it is the fastest legendary pirate ship in the Caribbean!

Fang Yun also finally boarded this legendary battleship, and following Barbossa's command, he began to brave the wind and waves, and hurried forward to find the Sea God Trident!

As night falls, there are many and dazzling stars in the sky. Looking up at the sky carefully, in the Milky Way above, we don't know how many planets are in it, let alone how many planets with life outside of space.

"Are you sure?" Fang Yun walked over with a smile on his face.

Barbosa was a little choked up at this moment, holding the compass that had never been used as a guide with trembling hands, and sure enough, he found that the pointer pointed to Karina.

But at the next moment, Barbosa, who had been strong all his life, took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at Fang Yun: "Don't tell her... After all, my daughter always thought his father was a hero... and I was just a Pirates..."

Tenderness rarely appeared in Barbosa's eyes, but at this moment he didn't dare to recognize his daughter at all. He had to say how much he loved this daughter who had been separated for so many years.

Fang Yun nodded, and when he turned around, he muttered: "Maybe at that moment, Karina will really are her hero!"

As an emotional person, what Boss Fang hates the most is the scene of relatives who have been lost for many years, or it is a tragic plot.

For example, King Kong masturbates on the Empire State Building, and the result is shot to death...

Or like the protagonist in The Pianist at Sea, he is silent in the sea with the ship that he has never left in his life...

And like Wolverine dying of old age...

Otherwise, it will be a scene where the main and supporting characters are extremely charming, dying for the sake of their loved ones. When Fang Yun thinks he has the strength, he will definitely change the ending.

Because... the reality is already very difficult, so why do you have to be so cruel when you experience the world of plots?

However, time is passing by quickly. Although the Black Pearl is the fastest ship in the Caribbean Sea, it still has a score to compare with...

Encountering this undead warship, it really can't be compared... What's more, they have to change their course at any time to find the Seagod Trident, so the speed is naturally slower.

So as the Silent Mary crushed the British dragon battleship with ease, and with the fierce fire shining on the group of undead, Fang Yun looked at the past and knew that at this moment, the most difficult battle between the two legendary battleships would take place !
At this time, Barbossa, as the captain of the Black Pearl, showed his composure and calmness!
With the sound of a violent collision, the two warships shook non-stop. I don’t know how many things they smashed. Fortunately, they are both legendary battleships, and they don’t care about this kind of collision. Moreover, they maintain the same speed and go hand in hand!

Although the ship shook, it didn't shake Barbossa. He knew in his heart that if he and the others couldn't escape, everyone here would be killed, and his daughter would also die tragically here.

So he immediately drew out the sword of Triton and shouted loudly: "Kill this group of undead, fight for me!"


The undead crew leapt for life and landed on the Black Pearl one after another. As for Gibbs and other pirates, they also began to fight to the death!
Fang Yun stood on the bow of the boat, with the Sunset Sword hanging on his waist, holding the Thunder Staff in his right hand, and Medivh's magic book in his left hand.

He watched an undead sailor rushing towards him, about to slash his head with a sword.

But as his magic staff shined brightly, arrows of holy light shot through this name's body instantly, and his body, which lacked limbs, showed traces of scorching.

"Ah, ah, what is this, he can hurt me!" The undead hadn't felt pain for some time!
At this moment, although he didn't receive too much damage, he also had a lot of panic.

Fang Yun ignored his roaring and screaming, and a series of holy light arrows came out with his staff. The power produced was not strong, but the feeling of directly injuring the soul was definitely not comparable to ordinary damage!

Especially these low-level instant skills don't consume much MP, and the boss above has an MP value comparable to that of a legendary mage.

It's a super fort!
Jack yelled and yelled while trying to block Salazar, until he popped his head and saw arrows of holy light flying around with Fang Yun as the center. He was really surprised.

Moreover, although this kind of attack would not cause too much damage, it really made this group of undead miserable, and it was much easier for the pirates to fight swords with them!
"Kill him, kill this wizard!" Captain Salazar yelled, and seven or eight undead sailors rushed forward. film.

But at this moment, Fang Yun sneered and shouted: "Hurry up and crash into the island, and watch Lao Tzu's holy light technique!"

Salazar frowned, and as a result, an invisible white holy light burst into bloom. The soft color instantly shone brightly, turning the entire pitch-black sky into white.

But this kind of Lv3 holy light technique, although it doesn't do much damage to them, the impact it can cause is really beneficial!

One after another piercing screams rang out, and they didn't know how much exaggerated pain they suffered at this moment.

If you can use metaphors to describe this pain.

That is freshly boiled water, splashed directly on your face... Although you will not die, or even lose too much blood, but the exaggerated pain, will you be disfigured, in short, various psychological shadows appear one after another .

And they were also afraid that Fang Yun could release more powerful light magic!
This also caused those undead crew members to not dare to move forward in front of the other boss. They hid behind the bunker tremblingly holding knives, for fear of being irradiated by the holy light again.

"It's here, it's here, we really found it!" Karina screamed excitedly, and everyone looked forward, and land really appeared!
Salazar's face was full of blackness at this time, and an extremely angry roar of the undead suddenly rose from the center of the crowd! !

At that moment, I don't know how many crew members fell to the ground in pain.

Even Fang Yun's eyes widened in an instant, spitting acid water from his mouth, his staff fell to the ground, and he knelt down on one knee and covered his head in pain, feeling as if a needle was constantly stirring inside.

"Reminder: You are attacked by Salazar's undead roar, which instantly causes 635 points of real damage to you, and causes continuous damage, including negative effects such as pain, nausea, and panic."

Fang Yun raised his head with difficulty, and saw Salazar's sword piercing through with black energy. He stretched out his hand to form an invisible barrier of thought power!

But... like a bullet hitting glass, the barrier shattered!
The chest was pierced instantly!
And Salazar drew out the blood-stained sword of the undead, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth: "Damn pirate, since you want to stop me so much, then become an undead with me, I will torture you forever and ever!!! "

After shouting these words, Salazar grabbed Henry who had come to support him, jumped up without looking back, and jumped into the Silent Mary, and the undead warship made a sharp turn and successfully avoided it. the island!
As for Captain Fang, whose body was constantly trembling, he sat up with difficulty, couldn't help opening his chest, and looked down... only to find that black undead auras, like spider webs, were spreading from his heart to the surroundings !
It seems to be spreading all over his body... But when it really comes to that moment, he is very likely to die, and even become an undead controlled by him!

(End of this chapter)

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