Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 440 Artifact... 3 forks!

Chapter 440 Artifact... Trident!

"Reminder: Salazar's cursed sword has caused heart damage to you, and the breath of death will gradually spread from your heart to your entire body. When that time comes, you will completely become an undead. At the same time, You too will be Salazar's slave!"

"Hint: According to your current lifespan and breath of life, you can still maintain a human state??? Time!"

"Hint: You can still keep... time"

"There is an error in the spatial information!"


"Hint: Spatial information is being repaired!"

"Reminder: This cursed sword will cause 3000 real damage to you, and cause the negative effect of permanently reducing your stamina by 10 points, but due to your lifespan and breath of life, the curse of the undead will not take effect"

Fang Yun saw a series of spatial information, his face turned pale instantly, and the power of the curse turned into real damage. This sudden heavy injury almost made him cry out in pain, but it also made him clenched his fists involuntarily, angry Said: "What? Why didn't I know there was such a plot, and killed me by 10 points of stamina for no reason. Do you want to be so perverted?"

And the Black Pearl finally hit the small island, and came to a stop with a burst of shaking. Jack walked over, looked at Fang Yun whose face changed drastically, and raised his eyebrows at his chest again: "Wow , You have such a deep wound on your chest, bleeding black, seems to be dying?"

"Hmph, go find the Trident!" Fang Yun closed his collar, but he already felt that his body was recovering, and fortunately, he had enough HP, otherwise, just 3000 points of real damage would be enough to kill him. Take your own life.

But at this time, Boss Fang could only use a depressed healing technique to restore his health.

And now he can't wait for this curse to succeed, because as long as he gets the so-called trident, the curse will be lifted, and he won't lose 10 points of physical strength!

"What a fool..." This was the first time Fang Yun felt depressed because of his elven blood.

Barbossa, Jack Sparrow, Karina, and Fang Yun walked towards the island at the same time.

As soon as the sun rose, the island below began to glow, and the colorful gemstones were shining at the same time. Everyone saw it, feeling like they were in a dream, and the stars in the sky were printed on the entire island. Words simply cannot describe the beauty at this moment.

This place is uninhabited, without any plants and creatures. It seems that those so-called birds and insects can feel the magic of this small island and dare not come here at all.

The moment Karina picks up the ruby ​​and puts it back in its place!
The whole ocean seems to be roaring!
The small island was trembling, and it seemed that even the heaven and the earth were moved by it. A scene that made people dumbfounded appeared, the sea was being split into two halves!

And the majestic power from the bottom of the sea directly blew Fang Yun's pirate hat over, making him deeply feel the breath full of endless power!

That is a kind of... indescribable power!

It seems that it should not be controlled by humans at all!

"That... is the power to control the sea!" Jack took a deep breath, but at the moment when they were about to fall, Fang Yun felt ruthless, and jumped decisively!
Hurrying ahead of everyone, he jumped into the bottom of the sea with a depth of [-] meters. After all, this is not the time to delay the plot. He must get the ocean trident as soon as possible, otherwise Salazar will get it again. What unexpected happens.

As the only one who didn't fall, Barbossa took a deep look at Fang Yun, and immediately turned to go to the Black Pearl.

The moment Fang Yun landed on the ground, he also saw Henry with an ugly face. At this time, he was already possessed, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to see the changes in Fang Yun, but...the two approached For a moment, Salazar discovered that Fang Yun's body hadn't turned into an undead at all!

"Damn it, you damn it!!" Salazar drew out his long sword and rushed towards Fang Yun!

"Yeah... As an undead, you really deserve to die!"

"Then... the ultimate way of running! Time Zero... turned on!" At that moment, Fang Yun's body seemed to be replaced by a phantom, and he didn't attack it, and ran directly to the ocean trident not far away.

As an undead, Salazar, with his original speed, has a chance to catch up with Fang Yun!

But he gave up his original body and used Henry's physical body. Even if this guy is considered a protagonist, his strength is still a dark gold after all. Fang Yun didn't dare to touch him because he has an immortal father, but with time · Zero to run, this extravagant method can be called the speed of half a quicksilver!

Just look at his body turning into a stream of light, rushing there like lightning!

Hold the Ocean Trident in one fell swoop!

Fang Yun originally wanted to pull it out directly to break the curse!

But suddenly, an unimaginable divine power poured into him from the trident!
A series of inexplicable messages came over, making his head almost explode, and also made him unable to let go of the trident in his hand at all!

", no!!!"

I don't know if it's because of my digitization, and I don't know if this trident is a living monster!

Fang Yun only knew that he was full of fear and wanted to let go of this thing immediately, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't let go! ! !

Because the moment he held the trident!
He felt that his soul was beginning to tremble, and his strength was still passing away.

And Fang Yun was bleeding from the seven orifices at this moment, and the skin all over his body was cracking!

He felt that his lifespan was constantly shortening, because there was an unusual force in his body that was absorbing his life force, and even...soul!

Fang Yun was covered in blood, his once glossy black hair had turned into dry grass-like white hair, his skin was like old bark, and his body was covered in jet-black blood.

He knelt on the ground, motionless, his eyes were blank, and his hands seemed to be stuck on the trident, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

And Salazar, who rushed over from the side, originally wanted to kick him away and hold the trident in his hand!

But when he saw that Fang Yun was like a real pervert, he was startled immediately, um... he was really startled, and jumped to the back, keeping a distance, staring at this unusual scene with wide eyes.

Jack and Karina were also standing not far from Fang Yun. They swallowed and didn't dare to get close at all, and they didn't know what to do. Even though Jack was resourceful and knew many unusual secrets, facing Trident, no one has detailed records!

They just stand there and can't do anything!
I do not know how long it has been!

The sky seems to be dark... The anchor of the Black Pearl has long been dropped, but Jack doesn't intend to leave, because he wants to know whether Fang Yun, who is about to be sucked into a skeleton, is worth saving!
And Sara saw that the trident seemed to have not moved for a long time, finally took a deep breath, held the long sword nervously and walked up slowly!

He aimed his long sword at the withered hands holding the trident, just as he raised the sword and swung it down vigorously!
The kneeling man with withered human skin and dry hair... still opened his eyes...

 Here... there should be applause! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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