Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 441 The power of divinity...

Chapter 441 The power of divinity...
No one knows what kind of torture Fang Yun suffered during that time!
And no one knows!
This trident, which can be cut off with a single sword, is not a so-called divine weapon at all!

Because the moment Fang Yun held this thing, he felt the aura of a god, and the trident was just a container, which carried the divinity belonging to the sea god!
When divinity really meets the person who can master it, it will quickly integrate into his body.

And this divinity will also burst out of unparalleled power in his body!

But what is divinity?
Divinity represents the cohesion of beliefs. I don’t know how many countries on the entire earth are close to the sea, and fishermen who rely on the sea for food, pirates who plunder all day long, national fleets on the ocean, and so on.

All of them believe in the Sea God!
Don't think that in this ignorant age, there will be no science. Basically, people who play science are regarded as wizards and burned to death. Otherwise, why do wizards in Harry Potter hide in the real world and not be discovered by ordinary people? ?

What's more, there are all kinds of incredible existences in this era, wizards, undead, ghosts, and many signs show that there must be gods!

For example, Jack's wife, the goddess of the sea, belongs to a very low-level false god!
And what about the Seagod Trident?
Definitely not the weapon of this sea goddess!
Because the divinity contained in it is full of various beliefs and prayers for thousands of years!

They all prayed to the sea god how to bless them, how to get more fish, and even prayed for a son, prayed for themselves to become stronger, and prayed for themselves to find a beautiful wife. There are countless prayers!

To be precise, the ocean trident is a symbolic weapon belonging to a false god!
That is, the divine weapon of the Seagod!
However, this sea god cannot bear this kind of divine power by himself. He is afraid that countless voices and prayers will directly tear his soul into pieces and swallow his thoughts. In the end, he can only use some methods to store his divinity in Among this trident!
But false gods are not gods after all!

Without the blessing of divinity, and not daring to bear the price that Seagod should pay, he would certainly not have the lifespan of a god, so he died!

The Ocean Goddess made a coincidence, knowing that the name Sea God cannot be easily used, so she used the name Ocean Goddess!

Although faith is still difficult for her to control, she can share enough faith with the help of countless crab avatars, at least for a short period of time, so that she doesn't have to worry about whether she will be swallowed by divine consciousness!

And Fang Yun!

Direct contact with divinity!
In an instant, my mind was in chaos, but he has something extraordinary!
Although he doesn't have that extraordinary consciousness!

But he has an extraordinary lifespan!

The kind of lifespan that is different from mortals and is born equal to that of a god!

The reason why he can still open his eyes is because his extraordinary lifespan has brought him extraordinary power!
But the firm belief of tens of millions of mortals will inevitably bring infinite power of consciousness when they come into contact with the new shelter. It just so happens that Fang Yun also has infinite vitality, and that infinite lifespan, he also chose to use it immediately. Life force to maintain your own soul!
And also because of Fang Yun's particularity as a half-elf!
When endless prayers, cursing, roaring, pain of death, endless sounds and thoughts flooded into his mind.

The infinite vitality and life force in his body turned into the strongest protective layers, constantly consuming it!

He is not a godhead after all!
The prayers that can be carried are limited after all!
Even if there are billions, billions of prayers and thoughts!
They are still not permanent!
And the power carried in Fang Yun's body is also not weak, it seems... Fang Yun doesn't have other powers, what he has is just the infinite vitality, but... this kind of extraordinary is enough!

Even its eternal lifespan will not be able to bear the time.

The consciousness carried by the divinity was finally wiped out, turning into a pure and flawless divine thread, deeply rooted in his body.

So... the moment Fang Yun opened his eyes... it seemed that the whole world had changed...

Especially when he is in the sea, he feels that he has infinite power, as long as he flips his hands casually, he can make the whole ocean rough!

Of course...that was an illusion!
After all, this is only divinity, not godhead!
But the benefits of this divinity are self-evident!

It is even easier to lift the ocean curse in the Caribbean world!
Sara looked at those eyes without a trace of emotion, and felt fear from the bottom of her heart, but he was an undead, he wanted to kill Jack Sparrow's undead, he wanted to control the sea and kill all the pirates Undead!
That sword!
Surge with endless black air!
The moment the sword light slashed past, the space seemed to be torn apart!
But at the next moment!
Fang Yun stood up!

He moves!
It's like the god of the sea descending!

The sea is howling, the sky is covered with black clouds, and the thunder is flickering, bringing blue thunder dragons madly smashing towards the ocean!

Just when he stood up, time became extremely slow!

Although that man was like a mummy without a breath of life, his eyes were like the brightest star in the night sky!
He said a word with a blank face!


But this character will represent the first divine voice that Sea God uttered in the entire world!

So the power of this word is unimaginable!

The whole word just bumped into it so slowly. Salazar looked terrified, but he couldn't dodge. He could only watch helplessly as the infinite power separated his undead body from Henry's body.

And that force relentlessly crushed his undead body, tearing him into powder with a little bit of despair on his face, leaving nothing behind!


Jack swallowed his saliva at this moment, with a slightly terrified expression on his face, but before he could say anything, Fang Yun, who was dry and not like a human being, closed his eyes directly, fell straight down, and fell heavily on the ground.

As for the trident in his hand, it also turned into dust and went away with the wind!

The curse is finally broken!

And it is a large-scale comprehensive contact!

The sea world of the entire Caribbean, at this moment!
I don't know how many curses have disappeared!
Not to mention how many mysteries have resurfaced!
The sea was closing, and the undead crew members of the Silent Mary reappeared in human form, and they all ran out to spit water, but Jack didn't dare to delay any longer, he pulled Karina, helped up the dazed Henry, and hugged him again. Fang Yun, who was as skinny as a stick, climbed onto the anchor in a hurry.

"Pull up, pull up." Barbossa hung on the side of the anchor and watched an earth-shattering show. At this moment, he came back to his senses and yelled quickly.

The crew members who had been resting for a long time, heard this sentence, pulled up the anchor one after another with all their strength. As for Jack, who seized the opportunity, he didn't let those guys who were spitting seawater rush over at all.

So they could only look desperately and be submerged by the ocean again!

Fang Yun was successfully rescued on board, but this does not mean that he is safe and sound, because he did a wave of death just now and lifted all the curses of the sea world... I don't know how many powerful monsters he released!

It can be said... the current Caribbean world has completely become a high-demon world, not to mention his body... is simply scum!

(End of this chapter)

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