Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 442 Breaking through the key points of the extraordinary!

Chapter 442 Breaking through the key points of the extraordinary!
Boss Fang, who fell down, really passed out. He was able to withstand the attack of divine will and stand up to kill Salazar, which is already very difficult!

At this time, he is basically skinny, counting the bones, he is only about 50 catties!
Jack carried him onto the boat and carefully placed him on the bed in the captain's cabin, not knowing what to do!
But it turns out!
Favorability is not for nothing!

Even if they are just a bunch of unreasonable pirates!

So Captain Jack, who hadn't drank the water of life yet, took it out after making up his mind, and poured it into Fang Yun's mouth without spilling a drop!
"Watefalk? What is this thing? Just by smelling it, I feel like I'm going to be very young!" Barbossa swallowed, but just because the anchor hit a giant coral, his daughter still When it fell, he grabbed it in one fell swoop, and was finally recognized.

So at this moment, in order to maintain his own image, Barbosa can only swallow his saliva and watch, but he is too embarrassed to snatch it!
Jack, a guy with a cheerful personality and almost no worries, ignored Barbosa, and couldn't help sighing when he looked at Fang Yun at this time, and kept muttering: "It shouldn't be, this thing is indeed full of life. , according to his situation, drinking 30 drops of the water of life can increase his lifespan by 100 years, logically he will definitely recover, why is there no response?"

There is a reaction!
It's just that facing Fang Yun, a freak with a long life, this kind of reaction is extremely small. It just makes his face slightly rosy, but his skin is still connected to his bones, and his body is extremely fragile.

But Jack was particular enough to use the eaux-de-vie at the critical moment, otherwise Fang Yun might just hang up here!
After all, the emergence of divinity can no longer be summarized by data!

This series of data errors kept echoing in Fang Yun's mind!
It seems that such an exaggerated thing, the space is a bit out of calculation!
But he still underestimated the ability of space. After all, space will always provide detailed data information when the contractor is injured or attacks the enemy!
But this time the computing power is a bit large, and it is a bit laborious to let the space calculate from time to time, but after a while, the space still sends the message again.

"Reminder: Since you belong to the contractor, you have direct contact with the Seagod Trident, causing the divinity to directly integrate into your body!
But since your vitality and lifespan belong to the extraordinary realm, it has been offset!
Up to now, you still have 100 years left in your lifespan. Due to the disappearance of vitality, physical collapse, and muscle atrophy, your attributes have been greatly reduced. Please eat quickly and supplement nutrition. When your body fully recovers, you will regain Your original attributes are even more powerful.

At the same time you also get the 'flawless divinity'! "

Flawless divinity

Ability source: Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Trident of the Sea God
Ability Grade: Extraordinary

Ability introduction: This item is a key item for an evolutionary to break through a superhuman, and since your supernatural vitality has offset the divinity of the sea god, the current one belongs to the flawless divinity, please choose for yourself when you break through the superhuman. the way!

(Explanation: Extraordinary is naturally a realm of difference between gods and mortals!)
After Fang Yun saw the introduction, he felt his head was big. He didn't expect that he would get the key item to break through the transcendent in this way!
And he never thought that he would reach this step when his attributes had not reached the limit of an evolutionary!
But Fang Yun also understands that the information he has collected once shows that the attribute is not the most important key point in the extraordinary realm, and he doesn't know the most critical information, but at this moment he understands, it turns out to be this thing .

And he finally understood, it seems that there is only a few attribute points between the evolutionary and the extraordinary, but the gap is so big?

For example, when he was in the DC universe, he saw some news, and the reports showed that there were superhumans and superhumans. Although they had never fought, the strength of that person was absolutely extraordinary. What about the evolutionary?

An attribute of 130 points is the limit, and more than 130 points is a transcendent, but who has reached the limit of an evolutionary, dare to be tough with a superman?
This is impossible at all, just like when he entered the king's template, he was so powerful that people couldn't describe it, and he couldn't remember it, so he couldn't know how to break through the extraordinary.

"So, Hanks and Ares, going on the so-called MT trial road, maybe it's a journey to hell to obtain divinity, but how to break through after having divinity?" The key point appeared here, and Fang Yun's head was confused again.

Because according to his thinking, King Kong is a guy who has passed the road of trials, but he is still an evolutionary. Although his strength is so strong that people can't see his limit, he has not yet reached the extraordinary, so why?
Is some critical factor missing?

In the end, Boss Fang sighed, glanced at Jack and the others, opened his mouth with difficulty and shouted: "Hungry..."


"Do you want to eat?"

"FUCK, this monster is now telling us that he is hungry, his eyes are bloodshot, is it possible that he wants to eat me?"

"MD, I haven't showered in three months!"

A group of pirates gathered around Fang Yun, seeing Captain White Wizard's extremely weak appearance, and started the mocking mode... After all, they are pirates... They all lack a string in their heads, as if they don't think that Boss Fang will survive, and then clean up They have a meal.

Jack heard the sound here, so he rushed over, twitched his mustache, and asked closer, "I'm hungry, what do you want to eat?"

"Meat!" Fang Yun felt that his stomach had shrunk. Logically, he shouldn't eat meat, but he still has confidence in his physical fitness. After all, even if he is weak like this, his physical strength is still around 10 points... So he couldn't help but lick his lips, and opened his mouth to eat meat...

"Well... yes!" Jack stood up, glanced at the lingering guys, and cursed: "What are you looking at, if you don't get me to catch fish, remember, let the pastor and captain catch the most fish!" Good fish!"

"Bluefin tuna... okay?" Fang Yun leaned on the bed, unable to hold back his lips every day.

Jack smiled at him, turned around and cursed again: "Why don't you hurry up and get bluefin tuna for Captain Priest, and I'll give you 10 minutes. If you can't get it, roll into the sea and feed the sharks." Bar!"

A group of pirates ran away in a panic, using messy methods to attract fish, and there were really a lot of bluefin tuna on the earth in the 17th century, not to mention this is a magical plane, so this kind of fish is not rare!
Seeing Fang Yun licking his lips, Jack felt that he was thirsty, and he was diligent in finding a glass of water, and even fed him to drink it himself.

This feeling! ! !

Very bad!
Boss Fang drank it tremblingly, looked at Jack with burning eyes, couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

Now I have no power to resist, my muscles are atrophied, my skin is dry and yellow, and my charm value has dropped to less than 3 points...

And this guy takes care of himself so much, why doesn't he let Karina come over? It's obviously more convenient for women to take care of others...

So Jack might have some conspiracy. Could it be that he looks so ugly, but this guy suddenly became sexually interested?

Are you going to use a mysterious weapon against your wrinkled self? Fang Yun thought of this, and thought about the day when he was raped, and almost shed tears of grief.

Because as Jack drove away the group of pirates, he smiled and stretched out his evil claws to Boss Fang: "Hahahaha... Is there any more water of life? I just gave you the 30 drops of water of life." I’ve fed you all the water, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to survive at all, but you have to give it back to me in double!!!”

Boss Fang, who was so nervous at first, finally breathed a sigh of relief: "MD, what did you think you were going to do, don't move...don't move, I told you... don't touch me...I Cao, I'll hide Don't stretch it down...I'll give you the water of life!!!"

 The number of chapters and chapters is written wrong, but it does not affect reading!
(End of this chapter)

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