Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 443 The Elixir of Longevity

Chapter 443 The Elixir of Longevity
In the end, Boss Fang still escaped Jack Sparrow's clutches...

However, it is impossible for him to return Jack 60 drops of water of life!

"It's ungrateful, bah, I shouldn't have saved you, I might as well let you die in the sea!" Jack babbled while taking away the water of life.

Boss Fang ignored him, and struggled to get out of bed, feeling as if his whole body was going to be broken, but he wasn't dead yet, although the eternal lifespan and the endless prayers canceled each other out.

But after drinking 30 drops of the water of life, he still has 100 years of lifespan, and the vitality remaining in his body will continuously restore his body.

Similarly, he drank fresh fish soup, the meat of bluefin tuna was of excellent quality and rich in nutrition.

According to his physical fitness, if he can eat some good food every day, and if he doesn't encounter any major troubles, he can eat it back within a month...

It's just... Jack couldn't wait any longer!

"Oh, NO, is it possible that I have to eat good things on the boat for 30 days, that's impossible!" Jack took the compass that Barbossa gave him back, looked at the direction, and felt a little anxious. (Barbosa let the undead monkey steal the compass, and let the monkey give the compass to Jack, and Barbosa was also afraid of the compass's revenge.)
As for Barbossa, his daughter, Henry, and those crew members were all sent back to the Queen Anne by the Black Pearl. After all, this magical warship was just empty and was not destroyed by the Silent Mary, and Find it easily with a compass.

Fang Yun wondered if Barbossa would retire to the countryside after having a daughter, and planned to retire from the Flying Dutchman like Wiltner, and be old neighbors together.

But he saw the fiery flash in Barbosa's eyes, it seemed that even if he really stayed with Karina safely for a while, he would return to the sea sooner or later, because...he is a pirate, a legendary pirate captain!

Even if he dies...he will die in the sea!

Seven days later, Fang Yun's health improved slightly, and after Jack's persuasion, he still came to the port of Tutuga, because Jack's crew was still too small. After all, Barbossa was not dead. Did those strong crew members follow him? He rides the wind and the waves.

Well, although Jack's men are all crew members above the silver plot, if he wants to slay the dragon, he can't just have these six or seven kittens. He needs to recruit enough and strong enough crew members!
"Wow, look quickly, is it the Black Pearl that was sucked into the bottle?" A bearded man was drinking and excitedly watching the Black Pearl that was approaching the port.

"Haha, those old women of yours can actually suck the Black Pearl, why don't you suck the Black Stick under my crotch too!" A tall nigger suddenly replied.

'Crackling' The two idiots fought together without any suspense, and finally both fell into the port.

In short, the Black Pearl, like the Black Dragon, hadn't landed in the Caribbean Sea for a long time. The assassin's sudden appearance in the pirate's port really caused a lot of repercussions.

As for the gold coins for recruiting crew members, there are still a lot of them in the Black Pearl, so Boss Fang doesn't need to worry about it.

As a legendary captain, Jack, even though he had a miserable life, still belonged to the BOSS level for this group of pirates in the port.

And he owned the Black Pearl again, and the crew was small, but he was still respected by everyone.

It's just that Boss Fang got off the boat... It really scared a lot of people. The white wizard captain who was so handsome at the beginning, like a high-ranking nobleman, now he didn't even have a boat, and he was extremely thin and pale, as if it had been a few months It was as if he hadn't eaten, and was almost supported by other crew members to disembark. This situation is really frightening.

A group of people started to discuss curiously, could it be that the Black Pearl and the Black Dragon had a battle, and the Black Dragon was defeated in the end, and the captain was arrested and used as minced meat?
Fang Yun didn't care about other people's imagination, but walked into the Lucky Tavern at the port again with a little nostalgia.

The former bartender has now become the owner of the tavern. Seeing the extremely weak Captain Fang, he swallowed his saliva: "You are a priest, why are you acting like this?"

"...I overturned the Seagod Trident, and it was backfired!"

"Don't brag, maybe I can help you find some crew members and regain your glory!" He looked at Fang Yun sitting on the oak chair with difficulty, brought him a glass of rum and curled his lips.

"Okay... I don't need the crew. I'll go to slay the dragon another day. Are you going?" Fang Yun took a sip of his drink, coughed a few times, his face was flushed, and he was almost choked to death by the drink, especially his stomach The body is not well yet, daring to drink at this time is like drinking hot chili water.

Gibbs quickly patted him on the back, and said painfully: "You are not as good as the kid next to you now... Can you see, he is giving you the middle finger!"

Fang Yun looked over, and saw an eleven or twelve-year-old kid wearing a pirate hat, gulping rum and smiling mockingly at him.

Although when he looked over, some pirates hurriedly grabbed the little bastard and told him not to be presumptuous. After all, this guy is also a legendary captain, um... Although there is no ship, but where is the legendary degree...

"Damn it, I'm going to get my boat out now!" Fang Yun was slightly depressed, and limped out. Gibbs didn't know why, but he still helped him to the vicinity of the port.

A group of pirates seem to have heard something and hastily followed!
As for Jack and the others who were recruiting crew members, although they saw what he was going to do, they didn't stop them!
So they saw a shocking scene!
When Fang Yun stood up straight with difficulty, pointed at the sea with his finger, and roared: "Black Dragon, come down to me!"

And then!
A gigantic pitch-black battleship suddenly fell from the sky!

Everyone saw a huge black shadow hitting the sea heavily, and the huge waves generated almost overturned the small boats in the port. The Black Dragon, which was getting bigger and bigger, was now bigger than the Black Pearl. At least a fifth!

Especially the jet-black and shiny dragon scales on the hull represent his incomparable defensive power.

The artillery battle is invincible, and one round of artillery can't do much damage to it. This is why the British Navy is also afraid of it.

The huge dragon head is at the bow of the ship, and it is rumored that the dragon head of this battleship can also spew out flames!

At this moment... the eyes of all the pirates looking at Fang Yun changed... Maybe it's not that Captain White Wizard has become weaker, but stronger!
Because he seems to be able to transform his battleship at any time!
The moment the battleship approached, a group of fierce and murderous dragon crew members jumped onto the port with a big laugh. This situation really scared a group of pirates back, they were afraid that these guys would suddenly become dragon people Monsters, eat them!

As the first mate, Taylor naturally knew that Fang Yun had summoned them, and also knew the current situation of the captain, so he hurriedly led the team to surround him, and handed him a crystal bottle with his own hands!
And this thing is why Fang Yun didn't summon the Black Dragon!
This is the elixir machine made by Gandalf. The material is the water of life and the essence of the world tree!

He needs to recover his strength quickly, so he can only drink this thing!
(End of this chapter)

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