Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 445 Legend of the Caribbean Sea!

Chapter 445 Legend of the Caribbean Sea!
Boss Fang, who has completely recovered his strength, doesn't need to be protected anymore. Give Taylor and the others two hours to have fun at the port...

Of course, playing is not the main thing, and playing what is not the most important thing!
Didn't you see that barrel after barrel of rum being moved into the cabin?

Jack sat on a chair next to the Black Pearl, with a table in front of him. As the captain, although he didn't know a few words.

But he had to interview in person, not only to be familiar with the abilities of these crew members, but also to confirm the loyalty of these guys with his many years of captain experience.

This ability, basically every pirate captain can have it!

Not to mention a cunning guy like Jack...

When he saw Fang Yun approaching, he patted his fingers and shouted with an exaggerated expression: "I want to become a powerful dragon man!"

Then he pointed to the crew members of Longhua, each holding two oak wine barrels, and threw them onto the Black Dragon without any effort, and the crew members caught them easily.

Jack asked them to look at the Black Dragon, and said in a seductive voice: "Do you want to have great power? If so, then let the magical Captain White Wizard turn you into unparalleled dragon pirates!"

Jack hugged Fang Yun's shoulders: "Yes, you all know him, the legendary Captain White Wizard, next, let him introduce to you the benefits of becoming a dragonman!"

Captain Fang, who was suddenly pulled over, looked confused, but when he saw those pirates with burning eyes, he finally said: "Is it good? Strong, powerful... Well, there is another feature, you know, some aspects very long lasting...

So if you want to become a dragon crew, then join the Black Pearl, but Jack only accepts the best crew! "

"I'll join!"

"I will join too!"

"And me, FUCK, you idiot, get the hell out of here!"

Jack's charm value has long been inferior to Shang Yun's. At this time, King Fang casually said a few words, and some plot characters couldn't help being tempted and came here one after another, especially the keyword 'very long-lasting', which gave them a lot. Big temptation.

As for the dragon scales on his body, whether there will be an accidental death, Boss Fang didn't say... But the group of pirates who were bullied by the navy were about to burst into anger.

Everyone heard Jack say that after going to Long Island, they fought with the British Navy... Then come on, haven't you seen that the crew of the Black Dragon no longer have dragon scales? Don't be afraid of becoming too intimidating yourself.

In the end, the Black Pearl recruited 230 people. In fact, this has already exceeded the upper limit of this legendary battleship, but Jack considered that Dragon Island is too dangerous, and the chance of death of the dragon is also very high, so he had to exceed the limit.

Fortunately, the journey is not far away and there is enough food, even if the food is not enough... Buying enough rum for these guys to make them drunk for a day can save a lot of food.

As for Boss Fang, he once again boarded his legendary battleship, the Black Dragon, in the Caribbean Sea!
At this moment, a message came from the space!
"Reminder: Your title has been upgraded. Because your flagship Black Sea successfully advanced to the legendary battleship Black Dragon, you will receive the legendary title, Legendary Pirate Captain!"

legendary pirate captain
Title requirements: Legendary battleship captain, one of the nine pirate kings, owns a sea area of ​​his own.

Title requirements: Own a legendary battleship!
Title Ability: Magical White Wizard Captain: When you are at sea, your all attributes +10.

Title ability: Captain White Wizard, your deterrence against ordinary pirates is increased by 300%, the deterrence of the officials on your battleship against ordinary pirates is increased by 200%, and your underwater breathing time is extended by 60 minutes.

Title ability: When you are on the water, on a small island, on a ship, etc., the ship under your feet will increase the attack power/defense power/moving speed by 60%, and your attack power will also increase by 30%.

Title ability: Privateering license, when you successfully capture/sink other ships and enemies at sea, you also get a certain chance to view and get some loot, such as precious special parts of ships/precious special materials/precious special equipment , or equipment on some pirates.

Title ability: White Wizard: Since your magic ability is widely spread, when you are on any ship, small island, or in the water, you will cast magic on non-contractors, the effect is X4.

(Explanation: I have become a legendary pirate captain, is it still far from the super pirate king of the sea?)

"The legendary title is really abnormal..." Fang Yun silently took off the title of King of Sunset City. Anyway, as long as he is in the water, small islands and other places, he can get the increase of the legendary title, that is, all attributes +10 Passive, almost on par with it.

What's more, there have been some small changes in the title ability. It used to be required to be in the sea, but now it only needs to be in the water.

There is no doubt that when encountering water battles in the future, he can use this title, which will bring him a huge boost.

So when Fang Yun wore this title again, many pirates looked at Fang Yun differently, as if their former captain had returned!

In the morning, there was no wind and waves in the port of Tutuga, but when the Black Pearl finished recruiting the crew, the sky became dark and cloudy again for some reason. They looked at the sky anxiously.

Because it's the calm before the storm!
And... the rain is definitely not too light, they immediately rejected the idea of ​​going to sea.


"Head, Captain Jack sent someone to tell me that we can set sail. If the storm is too strong, it will definitely delay the speed of the ship!" Aiken, the deputy boatswain ran over and hurriedly reported the situation. Afraid of a storm... because even if there is a waterspout in the sky, it is nothing to this legendary battleship.

It's just that sailing in such a harsh environment will definitely slow down the speed of the ship. Jack plans to leave the port of Tutuga as soon as possible before the storm comes, because this seems to be the center of the storm!
"Okay, you go to greet the brothers!" Fang Yun strode to the rudder, motioning Taylor to ignore him and continue to steer.

And he looked at the many crew members who were watching over, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. When he was in the Caribbean Sea, these guys were still a group of elite-level crew members!

But after he summoned them to the world of Lord of the Rings and bathed in Smaug's dragon blood, everything changed!

It can be said that any legion in Sunset City has 300 people, and it can't be compared with the dragon crew!

Because they are too strong!
These guys are the ones who have followed Fang Yun the longest!
They are also the group of guys with the deepest feelings!

"Captain, set sail?"

"Haha, my lord, where do you want us to kill people, just a word is enough!"

"Why are you sighing again, whoever refuses to accept it will fuck him!" A group of guys drew out their long swords and shouted, especially when they got excited, they would turn into dragon scales, which really shocked the sailors who watched them off!
Fang Yun pressed down with his hands, looked at them with a flash of excitement in his eyes, and said loudly: "The world in the Caribbean Sea is different... Maybe you will face many powerful beings, maybe you will also be buried in the sea ..."

"However, I know you are all fearless, so... raise the sails of the Black Dragon!

Let the Black Dragon roar!
Let the whole sea world know that I am back, the Black Dragon is back, we are back in terror, I am

They will crush all enemies!
So, damn you guys, what are you still doing?
Give me, Yang Fan, set sail! "As he cursed loudly, everyone burst into laughter, but each did their own thing quickly!
And the moment the Black Dragon set off, a [-]-meter-long magical flame spewed out from the dragon's head, and with Smaug's roar, it officially rushed to the sea.

Only then can everyone really feel the power contained in this battleship!
Jack was on the Black Pearl, looking at the Black Dragon intently. He murmured: "The Black Dragon really changed back then. This is a warship built by a giant dragon..."

That's right!

This is the battleship rebuilt from all the bones of the legendary top creature, Smaug!

And this has not fully activated the strength of the entire battleship!

As early as in Azeroth, Fang Yun said that only Xiao Hei can completely transform this battleship!

But after the real transformation, he was afraid of the revival of Smaug's soul, and he was also afraid that the value of this warship summoned was too great, so he didn't let it really change, but... even the Black Dragon at this time is the most powerful in the Caribbean world. A battleship!
The violent wind and rain could not stop the speed of this battleship. It faced the huge wind and waves and directly crushed the waves. The heavy hull seemed not to shake at all. He feels cold.

And this kind of bad weather and dark clouds all over the sky will make Fang Yun's heart more and more hot and surging!

At this time, the Black Dragon is like a legendary dragon, soaring above the sea, heading for Dragon Island at high speed!

Jack's Black Pearl is also not weak!
After all, it is the blackest and brightest pearl in the Caribbean Sea!
It is the fastest legendary warship in the Caribbean world!

No matter how violent the wind and rain are, they will always be its friends!

As long as the sail can be unfolded, its speed will reach the fastest!
The two legendary battleships just left, relying on their extraordinary sailing speeds, they crossed the stormy sea.

And they also have pitch-black hulls, like ghosts in the dark, completely disappearing from the eyes of everyone in the port.

The owner of the Lucky Tavern came out silently with a bottle of rum to see them off!

How many thousands of pirates have come out!

They know... Legendary warships are not afraid of wind and waves, nor are legendary pirate captains hiding in a port because they are afraid of the navy!

Legends should create legends!
Maybe in the near future!

The news that two legendary battleships defeated the British Navy will also spread in the world of pirates!
And this news will also become the next legend!
 =. = Recently I am improving my writing style, trying to write a story about a man’s romance and conquering the sea!

  Maybe when everyone sees a Caribbean movie, they want to have a kind of give me a ship, or add such as the Black Pearl, and go to that fantasy world with Captain Jack for adventure!

  And this volume, at the moment when the plot just ends, will also officially enter the fantasy journey of the Caribbean Sea!
  Then... a few monthly tickets, rewards or something... that's the point.I haven't begged for more than a month...have pity on me...

(End of this chapter)

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