Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 446 Scarlet Battleship!

Chapter 446 Scarlet Battleship!
The moment when the low magic world enters the high magic world!
Unusual scenes will appear in the whole world!

For example, all kinds of large monsters appeared one after another, the whole world has been ignited, and some guys with strange abilities have also emerged, especially the strong magic elements, so that everyone's physical fitness is growing rapidly.

So the crew of the Black Pearl is really not weak!

The last time they were all boss-level pirates!

There are even a lot of silver plot characters appearing. Although the overall strength is still far behind that of the Black Dragon, after going to Dragon Island, it is uncertain!

As for why the strength of the Black Pearl is so great!
There are several reasons!
1. Jack is the protagonist of Pirates of the Caribbean, the protagonist through and through, the world will not be able to turn around without him... (Without him, making movies will not make money)
2. The high magic world will naturally increase the strength of some pirates.

3. The world of Pirates of the Caribbean asked Fang Yun to collapse the plot, but if he only wanted to restore the plot with the Black Dragon alone, it would be a bit difficult, so the protagonist of the world had to be sent to help him.

So before this world was ruined, Jack also had his own mission, which was to help Fang Yun restore the operation of the plot world!
At least those magicians on land don't come to make trouble at sea...

The speeds of the two battleships heading against the wind and waves were almost the same. Of course, Boss Fang needed to use a skill or something to completely match the speed of the Black Pearl.

It's just that in terms of wheel stability and sway, the Black Dragon is definitely the best. In his eyes, the so-called storm is just a little wind and waves... It's just that there is a lot of rain, which makes everyone drenched and a little uncomfortable.

From time to time, a blue lightning flashed across the sky, and the downpour of rain slapped on the windows, forming beautiful notes.

Boss Fang sat comfortably in the captain's room, struggling to prepare the incomparably delicious grilled squid, black golden abalone, and a plate of yellow-lipped fish...

As for the tiredness of the crew members outside, Fang Yun does not need to care about this. After bathing in dragon blood, these guys are strong and powerful, and they will not get sick at all, let alone worry about whether they will be cold... because they all I'm about to become a cold-blooded animal...

And Fang Yun is not only the captain, but also the king of Sunset City. Of course, this group of guys know it well. The king will give them some advice and take them to the Caribbean Sea...

Without having to face the perverts in Azeroth, or even go to land to attack the orcs, how could they not serve Boss Fang well?
Therefore, Boss Fang's small life is all about peace and happiness, just waiting to go to Dragon Island is enough.

"Oh, that idiot Jack is still navigating with a compass against the wind and rain. I'm enough to eat and drink here. This is life..." Fang Yun glanced at the hard-working Captain Jack through the window, and wiped his eyes. Wiping his mouth, he took out another cigar.

'Snap' With a snap of the fingers, flames emerged from the fingertips, and it was easily ignited.

Fang Yun took a deep breath and tasted the taste of a cigarette after eating it. It was... endless aftertaste.

"Hey, at this moment, my life lacks a girl..." He leaned on the chair, crossed his legs, frowned slightly and hummed a ditty, which is called a virtue...

A crew member pushed open the door, glanced at Captain Fang, quickly took away the plates on the table, and left quickly, without disturbing his beautiful moment at all...

But with a dazzling burst of fire and the violent explosion, Fang Yun really felt upset!

Just as he was about to open the door, Barton, who was drenched all over, rushed in: "Ship, Captain... I have encountered the British Navy within the route, and it seems that the group of guys with magic are sailing towards us at this time." Already!"

"What, so fast?"

Boss Fang raised his eyebrows, picked up the pirate hat buckle from the clothes rack, and walked out of the captain's cabin against the wind and rain. He turned his head to look at Jack who was not far away, and the guy shook his arms and shouted: "It should be the Dark Lord's fleet!" A magical ship with at least 5 wizards in it, seeing that we are pirates, rushed over!"

"Only five?" he yelled back, in case Jack couldn't hear him.

"Yes, but these wizards have a lot of black magic and are very lethal!"

"MD, don't be cowardly, run over to me!" Fang Yun sneered, drew out his sunset sword and pointed at the battleship that was almost the same size as the Black Dragon, and was about to turn to attack it!
Jack twitched his lips when he saw this scene. Almost no one in the entire pirate world would do such a stupid way of fighting.

After all, the smartest way to do naval battles is to keep your ship from being harmed and sink the opponent, so as to gain the most.

Of course, legendary battleships are another consideration. Almost every legendary battleship can automatically recover the damaged hull, but the recovery speed is different.

But they didn't dare to be so forceful, it doesn't mean that Fang Yun didn't dare, no matter what kind of magic warships these black wizards have, Lao Tzu is just one word.


"Break it for me, what kind of black magic is it? It's not the Dark Lord coming in person. I'm afraid of a bird. It's just a group of little wizards. Give them 5 minutes to baptize my warship with magic. You can destroy a dragon scale, count me lose!"

The others were speechless about Boss Fang's willful fighting style, but they had to say that Smaug's dragon scales were very useful. Under certain circumstances, the magic damage would be weakened to the extreme for the Black Dragon.

And when the Black Dragon rushed towards the extremely red magic battleship!
A blood attack full of tyrannical energy swept over!
"bang bang bang bang"

The long line of red guns hit the hull and bow of the ship heavily, and exaggerated explosions appeared one after another. The power it set off was no less than that of the artillery, and even stronger.

But... Smaug's dragon scales are really extraordinary. This kind of magic full of destructive energy only blasted a black mark on the dragon scales, and did not let a single dragon scale fall off at all.

And the Black Dragon rushed over with an indomitable momentum!
Just at that moment!
The people on the Black Pearl suddenly exclaimed!

When Jack saw the red battleship, he immediately yelled: "It's a bloody battleship, not a piece of shit, it's a legendary battleship under the Dark Lord's command, it's unusual, you may not be able to hit it.

The reason why the bloody warship is this color is that they have incorporated the blood of pirates into the hull, which has become this situation.

It is rumored that this battleship can release the spirits of pirates to fight for them, priest, be careful! "

"I can't hit him? Is he really a joke, let me hit it!" Fang Yun sneered, and on the opposite bloody battleship, a wizard in a blood robe also appeared, looking at him coldly, not caring whether the ship could Come over!
Because they have unleashed the spirits of the pirates!

The moment when hundreds of light blue wraiths flew out from the hull of the bloody warship.

The blood-robed wizard decided that they were doomed, even if he saw that this battleship was the legendary Black Dragon, with a dragon head on the bow, could it still spew fire?
Fang Yun really wanted to tell him... There is nothing wrong with your thinking, you can really spit it out!
So when the two approached less than 50 meters away, Smaug's dragon head seemed to come alive. It opened its pair of cold golden pupils, opened its mouth wide, and suddenly sprayed out magic flames over [-] meters away...

(End of this chapter)

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