Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 447 The Raging Dragon Crew!

Chapter 447 The Raging Dragon Crew!
The turbulent dragon roared, and in just a short moment, it burst out with infinite power!
The 100-meter-long magical flame directly melted the hundreds of wraiths, and even hit the bow of the bloody warship without stopping.

"How is that possible!!" The blood-robed wizard's eyes widened. These wraiths are his trump cards. He can be under the command of the Dark Lord and own a legendary battleship. Naturally, he is playing the wraiths and terrifying routines.

Among them, the best method is to kill pirates, raise wraiths in captivity, and use the blood and souls of pirates to cultivate these hundreds of wraiths on board.

Wraiths attack, which is unusual. They are basically immune to physical damage. Although there are some existences that can use magic on the ocean, for him, it is very good to be able to kill dozens of wraiths.

Who would have imagined that this Black Dragon, apart from having a large number of dragon-like crew members, would have such means.

"Quick, use artillery to attack, try not to engage in boarding battles!" The blood-robed wizard is not an idiot, since he knows that the crew of the Black Dragon is powerful, he will naturally not choose any boarding battles.

But Boss Fang didn't want to play slowly with him, and immediately let the Black Dragon rush forward without hesitation.

The turbulent waves couldn't stop the Black Dragon from charging, and the dark sky was filled with lightning and thunder. Only those lightning bolts could truly see the situation of the three warships clearly.

Seeing that the scarlet battleship's most powerful weapon had disappeared, the Black Pearl realized that this was a good opportunity to kill him, so Jack Sparrow immediately showed his strength!
That is, the blessing of the goddess of the sea!

The attributes of all crew members increased by 20% as a whole, and the various abilities of the Black Pearl increased by an additional 30%. Just watch it turn a big bend on the sea surface, set off waves, and hit the scarlet battleship's hull!
For ships in the seventeenth century, only the bow is the hardest!
Especially for these legendary battleships, the bows are made of all kinds of weird materials. If you really want to aim at the hull and hit them, you may even break the keel of the bloody battleship!

"Quick, fire, fire!" the blood-robed wizard yelled, cursing at the British sailors and soldiers, but the cannons fired past them couldn't even hit the Black Pearl.

After all, the wind and waves were too strong at this time, and the ship was swaying, how could it just hit the bow of the Black Pearl?

And when another wave rose high, and the Black Dragon broke through the waves, Fang Yun stood holding the rope of the sail with one hand, and raised his long sword high.

Immediately, the Sunset Judgment was swung down, and the sword energy with the red afterglow swept away, causing many crew members to be fragmented, and blood flowed all over the place.

But the blood-robed wizard with fierce eyes snorted coldly, and black air in his hands merged into the hull, and the blood and soul were merged into the hull again.

The huge wind was coming, almost suffocating, and the strange howling and begging for mercy seemed to carry terrifying power, which made some crew members feel chills.

"Crash it over, smash his bow for me, don't care what wraith he is!" Fang Yun looked at the blood-robed wizard coldly. These crew members will be afraid, so the combat effectiveness of this ship will only get lower and lower!

Didn't you look at the eyes of the British navy looking at him with horror? After all, the soul cannot find peace after death, so how could it be possible to do it desperately?

The sound of artillery resounded in the storm, and shells hit the dragon's head of the Black Dragon heavily, but they couldn't stop his charge.

When Smaug's dragon head jumped high on the turbulent waves, with the power to crush everything, it hit the bow of the bloody warship.

It was as if the tank had crushed the car, crushing its dragon head into a piece of wood. There was a loud 'creaking' sound, as if the entire Scarlet battleship was about to sink into the ocean.

The blood-robed wizard unleashed powerful magic and slammed it at the Black Dragon frantically, but before the wizards on board could use it a few times.

Black Pearl also seized the opportunity and crashed into the hull of the Scarlet Battleship again.

"Bang bang" two loud bangs, plus the sound of the hull being torn apart, everyone already knew that the bloody battleship was over!
"Damn black wizards are right in front of your eyes, tear their bodies apart, and let the damn British navy understand that the legendary Black Dragon is back!" Fang Yun's voice was accompanied by magic, running through the entire battlefield.

With Taylor roaring: "Kill!"

Many crew members roared at the same time: "Tear them apart!"

At that moment, the crews of the two battleships couldn't help but look over. There were hundreds of crew members of the Black Dragon. At that moment, their eyes turned golden. The same is true.

His fingers became slender and his nails were as hard as blades. He twisted his frenzied body one by one, and jumped directly from the Black Dragon to the Scarlet Battleship without any ropes at all!
The British Navy saw a group of ferocious monsters rushing up at this time, and it was impossible not to resist at this time!
A second lieutenant looked coldly at the group of monsters running over with a musket, and shouted: "Fire, fire all the fuck, let these perverts eat shit!"

But... something unexpected happened!
Both Jack and the blood-robed wizard stared at that scene with wide eyes!
Hundreds of musketeers fired at the same time. The dazzling flames made people unable to open their eyes, but what about the damage caused?

None of the crew members of the Black Dragon died!
Taylor, who rushed to the front, had four or five bloody flowers blooming on his body in a short moment, and lost three dragon scales, but that was all!
Beside him is a big hapless Barton. After this guy transforms into a dragon, he will be a big monster of about 2 meters. With a big mouth and sharp teeth, he looks like a mutant dragon man!
I don't know who shot his teeth and made his mouth bleed, but the pain at this time can only bring him anger.

Just seeing him smashing past like a cannonball, instantly crushing a navy into a pulp, blood splashed out from his huge soles, some navy couldn't help swallowing, and some muskets couldn't help but shoot over, just Let Barton narrow his eyes and splash a few blood splashes on his body.

And when he raised his murderous hands, he stretched out ten sharp nails, and once again wreaked havoc among the crowd...

As for the close combat, if the sword of the navy slashed at his body, if the force was too light, it would only draw a bloodstain on the scales...

At this moment, a large group of Longhua crew members showed unimaginable fighting power!
They were as agile as a leopard, and they didn't like to use the sword in their hands, so they directly used their nails to tear a group of marines into pieces.

And a legendary dragon crew like Taylor is even more extraordinary!
At this time, the corner of his scaly mouth was stained with scarlet blood, and he ran into the crowd with a long sword in each hand. The blood splashed high like rain, and then dripped down again.


In just ten minutes, Fang Yun also landed on the bloody battleship. The deck was full of stumps and broken arms. It is completely possible to imagine how crazy these crew members are!
As for the bloody smell here, no matter how violent the storm was, it couldn't stop the strong smell from being blown away.

Jack came here with a dozen crew members, and he frowned and asked, "Where's the blood-robed wizard?"

"Still looking for it, just now it turned into a phantom and disappeared..." Fang Yun glanced at the thick and lingering blood under his feet, it seems that this guy has something behind him?
(End of this chapter)

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