Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 448 The Secret of Dragon Island

Chapter 448 The Secret of Dragon Island
"Hmph, there is no back hand in the endless sea. You lead people to evacuate. The things on this battleship basically have curses or black magic, so it is best to blow it up!" A flash of light flashed in Jack's eyes at this time. Han Guang, although the blood-robed wizard has disappeared.

Let them completely control this legendary battleship, and after two collisions, the bloody battleship is still recovering at an exaggerated speed, but... the whole ship is full of blood, and the pungent bloody smell seems to be Fascinating, the situation is evident just by looking at the crew behind him.

Some people can't wait to lick the blood on the deck. It is completely conceivable that if they really want to control the ship, there may be problems.

Fang Yun was very depressed at this moment. The blood-robed wizard should be using apparition... Well, it is teleportation magic that teleports back and forth.

However, this is an endless sea, even if it is Apparition, it cannot be teleported too far, except for moving to a certain hidden place in the hull, or drifting on the sea.

But with such a legendary black wizard disappearing suddenly, Fang Yun really didn't dare to capture the ship just like that. After all, the black wizard can disguise and other abilities... And who knows what traps there are in this ship made of black magic.

In fact, this legendary battleship is basically built with blood. If you want to maintain the capabilities of the legendary battleship, you need to bathe in more blood, that is, as long as you don't kill people, the strength of this ship cannot be maintained... Although at the beginning The Black Sea also played like this, but not as perverted as him!

"Okay, okay, it's a waste to just blow up a legendary battleship that can be sailed for nothing!" Captain Fang curled his lips and called out, Taylor and others followed him back to the Black Dragon.

Jack glanced at the group of dragon crew, and couldn't help licking his lips, as if he was looking forward to his group being so strong.

And as the two sides left the battleship, the sound of artillery continued one after another, and blood-colored wooden boards were splashed into the sky in quick succession.

After hitting forty or fifty shells, the bloody battleship has become a hornet's nest, but it is not sinking, and the ship is still glowing with blood, constantly recovering the damaged parts of the hull.

But when this happened, Fang Yun didn't intend to stop firing. He went up to have a look, and fired dozens of rounds in a row. He didn't know which shot finally hit the gunpowder warehouse.

With the sound of a violent explosion, dazzling flames appeared in the dark sky again, and the entire battleship also turned into blood-red fragments, and slowly sank into the sea with the flames.

Fang Yun and Jack took a deep look at this sea area, and left without looking back!
As for the secret of this ship, let him be silent with the sea!
The most important thing for them now is to go to Dragon Island. If the Dark Lord still has some legendary warships under his command, the situation they will face will become more and more critical, so they must hurry up!

At the same time, Fang Yun told Jack to carefully check the abnormality of his crew. Three people must live together. If anyone has a problem, he should report to the two of them. Otherwise, the blood-robed wizard will change into his crew and go with him. If you leave Long Island, it will be dangerous.


After sailing through the storm for more than ten hours, I finally saw the bright sunshine.

Yesterday's battle made Fang Yun very uneasy. Although the Black Dragon's combat power is very strong, it happened that so many resentful spirits were wiped out by one ship, so that all the crew members of Longhua were unharmed.

And if the blood-robed wizard hadn't been too confident and afraid of a side-to-side battle, releasing hundreds of wraiths at one time, intending to destroy the Black Dragon directly, Smaug's dragon breath ability would not have been blown to ashes in one fell swoop.

But this kind of black wizard is really hard to kill. If it wasn't for the storm yesterday, he wouldn't dare to ride a flying broom, otherwise he wouldn't be able to use Apparition.

As for where the blood-robed wizard is now?
That's really interesting... This guy was originally hidden at the bottom of the bloody battleship, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack, and he knew the pirate's mind to snatch the spoils, and the value of a battleship, after all, it was a legendary battleship!

This is a legend!

Not to mention pirates, even the navy of any country will not let them go!
But who knew that Fang Yun and Jack were too cautious!
And the two of them also own legendary battleships. Although they also have thoughts of snatching other legendary battleships, the bloody battleship did not attract them too much.

So this plan failed!
But he was not killed by the hull, because the blood-robed wizard saw these two bastards, and really wanted to kill his battleship, so he could only use the teleportation again to leave here, while floating in the sea, he was afraid of being caught by a shark. kill.

He could only desperately ride on the flying broomstick to get out of the stormy area.

But the wind and rain were too strong...the flying broom was broken.

Let it fall into the sea, and finally floated to a deserted island. At this time, it is not working every day. After all, there are three trees on the island, more than a dozen coconuts, and the wood for building a boat. Not enough...

This guy won't die by virtue of his ability... But he really struggled to leave, after all, the blood-robed wizard wanted to say: "I look awesome, but I'm just a mage with a weak constitution..."


"Boss, I heard that we are going to Long Island soon. Captain Jack told us to be careful!" Aiken walked over and said softly when he saw Boss Fang lying on a chair and racing against the sun.

"Well... be careful, you all look around, don't let what the dragon gives you away!" Fang Yun said impatiently, breathing out.

Aiken rolled his eyes, gestured to Taylor, and said: It's okay, the captain signaled us not to be cowardly, and seize any day...

Where is Dragon Island?

What kind of dragons are there in Dragon Island?

Why would Jack know about this rumor!

That would have to start a long time ago!

As early as 800 years ago, the wizards of that era were the supreme rulers of the human world, because there were many magic elements in this world in that era, unlike the Pirates of the Caribbean a few years ago, which were very scarce.

And 800 years ago, wizards were powerful, but they also consumed a lot of things. They needed all kinds of magical magical creatures as materials!

But there are many magical elements in the whole world, but there are also many wizards, but the earth is too small...

No matter how many magical creatures there are, they cannot withstand the persecution of human beings. More and more magical creatures are on the verge of extinction!
In the end, some giant dragons left the mainland first, and found a place to live in the endless sea, and this is Dragon Island!
But don't think that there are only dragons on Dragon Island... There are so many strange creatures in it, and an ecological circle has long been formed.

As for how Jack knew this place... I can only say that he is awesome, with a compass, this guy can know what he wants to know...

But now that magic elements are flooding the whole world again, the creatures on Dragon Island probably won’t be peaceful either. They were driven to extinction by wizards... They have recuperated for many years, as long as they have a little IQ, they will not forget the situation that they were almost wiped out, so it might not be possible. There will also be a war with wizards.

(End of this chapter)

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