Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 449 Magic Version King Kong?

Chapter 449 Magic Version King Kong? (1 more)
No one has ever seen such a wonderful situation and don't know why!
The storm and thunder were flickering, and Fang Yun saw such a magnificent sight in front of him!

Jack told him that after passing through this storm layer, he could see Dragon Island!

And Long Island is surrounded by this kind of thunderstorm, and the center is their final destination.

They were at a distance of [-] meters at this time, and they could fully realize that the thunder storm was a thousand meters high, the clouds were pitch-black, and the sea below was constantly rolling with waves, and from time to time waves of more than tens of meters, or even nearly a hundred meters were set off. It's hard to imagine how a battleship below the legendary quality could go to the mysterious Dragon Island.

"Don't look, you don't know about the Dark Lord, do you know that we are here, so hurry up and go there first!" Jack's Black Pearl was not far away, calling out to him.

Fang Yun held down the captain's cap that was about to be blown away by the sea wind, and finally felt something was wrong at this moment, so he quickly turned his head against the wind and waves and shouted: "Sparrow!!"

"What?" Jack turned his head in confusion.

"Are you sure the giant dragon on this island is the boss, not some gorilla?"

"FCUK, you idiot, you call it Dragon Island, how can there be any gorillas, even if there are any could it be the opponent of the dragon!" Sparrow curled his lips and ignored him, turned around and continued to shout Said: "Tighten the sail, you'd better wrap the rope around your hands, or else it will be blown away by the storm, then feed the sharks!"

A group of pirates heard Jack's threats and hurriedly followed suit. After all, this thunderstorm looked much more terrifying than what they experienced yesterday.

Fang Yun was a little restless, the normal version of King Kong is already very perverted, if this is the magic version of King Kong, he would not be able to pass through the earth every day!
"Grandpa Sea God bless me, don't run into trouble again!"

"Gogogo, rush in for me, can this little wind and wave blow our boat away?" Fang Yun yelled at the stunned crowd, and the crew of Longhua immediately got busy.


The moment the two legendary battleships rushed into the storm layer, blood-red lightning flashed across the sky non-stop, and the violent wind and rain slapped on people's faces, feeling like being hit by small hailstones.

Especially the sudden cold weather made everyone shiver. It was as if the hot summer had suddenly entered the cold winter, which really made many people uncomfortable.

"Damn it, head, one of the sail ropes of the Black Pearl was hung up again, maybe the Black Pearl can't make it through!" Taylor covered his eyes, and the wind and raindrops whistled by his ears.

He walked on the deck with difficulty, the soles of his feet might be blown off the ground by the wind at any time, and he was still holding a rope in his hand. Even Taylor, who had become a legend, did not dare to be careless.

Fang Yun pricked up his ears when he heard the sound, and looked at the storm in front of him. He didn't know how long it would take to rush over, but the Black Pearl was about to be blown apart at this time...

After all, the Black Pearl runs fast, but it doesn't mean it's strong. There are many magic elements contained in this super storm.

That's why it has such great power.

What's more, how can the Black Pearl have the awesome materials of the Black Dragon!
After all, the sails of the Black Dragon are all made of Smaug's wings, especially some of the more critical ropes are made of Smaug's dragon tendons, not to mention that when it became a legendary battleship, the ship was almost integrated , only because of the heavy hull, the sailing speed was a knot slower than the Black Pearl.

But in other aspects, it completely surpassed it!

This is also the reason why the Black Dragon can be upgraded again!

"MD, adjust the course and go closer, otherwise the sails of the Black Pearl will be blown off, and it will be over!" Fang Yun yelled at Taylor.

Taylor swallowed his saliva when he saw the Black Pearl a hundred meters away, turned his head and said in pain: "No, we can't lean over at this time, the wind and waves are too strong, and the game will be over if the two ships collide, especially the Black Pearl. The sail bridles of the ___ are not secured, and if they get tangled in our sails, both ships are doomed!"

"That's not okay? That's not okay. Could it be watching Jack sinking into the sea?" Fang Yun couldn't help but cursed. He wasn't really afraid that Jack would die, but it would be very dangerous for the two to enter the mysterious Dragon Island without being together. what!

And Aiken seemed to have seen something, and immediately told Fang Yun that Jack seemed to want to say something to him.

Boss Fang immediately braved the wind and rain and walked to the side of the ship, not knowing if Sparrow had used all his strength, and shouted at the top of his voice: "You... (Don't) go, Black Pearl... ( problem occurs!"

"What did you say?" Fang Yun didn't hear clearly, and asked again
"The sail... (out)'no' thing,...(otherwise) float away!"

"That's slowly drift with the wind, I'm leaving!" Fang Yun seemed to have heard, what kind of sail is fine, we're floating away...then what is Boss Fang worried about, he decided to withdraw first!
Then the Black Dragon, like a steel battleship, slowly left Jack's sight with a little shaking, and Fang Yun seemed to see Jack and a group of crew members waving at them, as if sending them away...


"They're gone...Captain!" Gibbs couldn't help taking a sip of the rum when he saw this scene.

"Yeah... they actually left!"

"And I left so happily, I don't remember it at all!"

"MD, wait until you get to Dragon Island and kill them, drink their blood, and turn into dragon people, you sons of bitches, stop talking nonsense, work for me, how could the Black Pearl sink Here, when we enter Dragon Island, we must skin those giant dragons and strengthen the Black Pearl!" A light flashed in Jack's eyes, especially his tall and straight body, which brought a lot of confidence to many people , but maybe the black pearl will be blown apart!

A full hour...

The Black Dragon finally escaped from the scope of the storm circle, and the crew members seemed to have completely escaped from hell, with the joy of surviving by luck on their faces, and they never wanted to go back to the storm just now.

Fang Yun also felt emotional, turned around and looked over, there was red lightning flashing in the dark clouds, and the torrential rain was galloping inside, spinning around an island. If there were no major problems on the island, he would not believe anything.

But Dragon Island! !
There are so many magical creatures in it that it is already amazing!
There are also various dragon-like existences, which belong to a special plot!

Could it be that there really is a King Kong?
"Well... I don't think so, otherwise, what is the dignity of the dragon!" Fang Yun thought about it carefully, then shook his head quickly. After all, a guy like King Kong doesn't matter if you are a dinosaur or a fire-breathing dragon.

If you really don't agree with each other, I will punch you in the head with a small fist.

If the brains were not splashed all over the ground, and the dragon's jaw was cut in half, he probably wouldn't be happy!
Therefore, in this place called Dragon Island, the giant dragon should be the tallest predator, the existence at the top of the biosphere!
Taylor glanced at Captain Fang who had been thinking for a long time, and finally asked, "Boss, what should we do, should we land on the island now, or wait for Jack and the others on the sea?"

"Don't wait, leave 50 crew members to watch the ship, and the other 250 people..." Boss Fang said and paused here.

"Well...Leave 49 people, and the other 261 people will follow me to the island...Maybe the Black Pearl was hung to the right by the storm, after all, where is the wind direction.

So let's see if we have a chance to meet up on the island! "

Fang Yun shook his head, and looked at the huge island in front of him. It couldn't be seen at a glance, and the trees were lush. He felt that this place should be much larger than the so-called Skull Island...

 --.I still have to repair the computer, it’s okay, I can fix it quickly... I will continue to update after half an o’clock, and see if I can update a few chapters

(End of this chapter)

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