Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 451 The Dark Golden Key!

Chapter 451 The Dark Golden Key! (3 more)
Hundreds of pythons!
It is entirely conceivable that those giant pythons in the Calamity of Pythons are intertwined and doing some unexplainable things!

But at this moment, they all leaped down from the tree poles!

Fang Yun immediately drew out the sunset sword, and made a move of sunset judgment on the guy above his head!
Like the radiance of the setting sun!
The majestic sword energy turned into an umbrella shape and swept forward!

Then a series of messages rang in my ears!

"Hint: Your attack on the 'boss' of the color-changing python caused 1304 points of damage, as well as bleeding, damage, cutting damage, etc..."

"Hint: Your attack on the color-changing python 'Elite' caused 1613 points of damage,..."

"Hint: Your attack on the 'Legendary Creature Tier 869' of the color-changing python caused [-] points of damage,..."

Super powerful range attack!
It can be called Fang Yun's strongest group move method at this time, but it can only be used once in 12 hours, and the cooldown time is so frustrating!
But facing the scene at this moment, he really made a great contribution. When this sword energy passed, it was like blood rained in the sky, not to mention how many small boa constrictors were cut in half with one sword, and they could only sway Blood fell to the ground.

What's more, it also instantly injured some large pythons with terrifying looks!

And in this way, it will naturally give the Longhua crew a chance to transform!

At this moment, Taylor and the others broke out with all their might!

More than 200 crew members were transformed into dragon scales at the same time. The ferocious aura and the roaring sound scared away many animals!

The moment when they drew out their sabers and joined forces with the boa constrictor, let people truly see how cruel and bloody they are!
Just look at a boa constrictor wrapping around Barton's body, wanting to wring his body into pieces and let him suffocate to death.

But the guy the boa constrictors were facing was unusual. The scales on his body were very hard, and even the flesh under the skin was also very resilient. Even if this force weighed a thousand catties, it was impossible to entangle the crew members who had transformed into dragon scales to death.

But the entanglement that has been passed down for countless years is so sharp that it still traps the feet of many crew members, making them unable to move!
And the python seemed to feel that Barton was about to become food in its mouth, and immediately opened a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, and was about to swallow Barton in one gulp.

But... it was facing the idiot Barton!

I don't know where he got the strength from, he forcibly pulled his arm out of the entangled snake's body, and swung the long knife fiercely.

Just look at the cold light flashing!

A torn wound appeared in the giant python's mouth, and the blood splashed on Barton's face, but he refused to let go, his body suddenly swelled up, his muscles swelled up, and his dragon scales became harder, as if he couldn't see the appearance of a human at all.

Barton, who was completely like a monster, also opened his mouth wide, biting at the boa constrictor.

And this scene didn't only appear on Barton, many dragon crew members had this transformation ability.

In a short period of time, the blood of Smaug bursts out. Although it loses intelligence, it can increase super powerful attributes and attack power!
Fang Yun knew about this situation, so he wasn't afraid that the crew would be in danger of mortal danger, but he never expected that not long after entering Dragon Island, his crew's cards would be completely blown up!
It really made him a little unwilling!

He could only turn grief into speed. With his agility, he held the sunset sword and walked among the giant pythons, hitting snakes seven inches. This is an obvious reason.

Of course Fang Yun can use it, just look at his sword cutting in like cutting tofu, instantly hitting thousands, or even thousands of points of critical damage.

After a while, he easily killed a legendary Tier 4 python!
After all, a half-baked transcendent has much higher attributes than this giant python!
At the same time, a golden killing key fell into Boss Fang's pocket!
This made him frowned, and he finally found the so-called King of Boa Constrictors, or was found by him...

This king of pythons is more than 20 meters long, with a heavy and exaggerated body, and the power it carries is full of oppression, which seems to make people's breathing a little heavy.

What's more, the king of the giant python is very spiritual. When he saw Fang Yun slaughtering his people, he was not in a hurry. He pumped it loudly!

Boss Fang, who was massacring Boss Fang, hadn't had enough fun when a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then he felt his head sink, and his body flew away involuntarily, hitting a thousand-year-old tree heavily!
The old tree surrounded by the three of them was almost broken by Boss Fang!

With such an exaggerated Juli, one can imagine how miserable he is at the moment!

The life value instantly dropped by 1932 points!
Waist fracture!

Six ribs were broken!

Bloodshot eyes!

Three teeth fell out!

The front face was rubbed with scales, bloody and bloody, like the scene of a car accident...

But... life is endless, fighting is endless!

A white light flashed!
Most of the health is restored!
Boss Fang stood up again, and the wound healed quickly. This is the advantage of dataization. If it is a real human being, even if a super soldier is hit like this, he should not think about getting up easily. But Fang Yun, who has healing skills, is most afraid of not lasting Fight, not to be afraid to fight blood with the so-called 'boss'!
At his level, as long as ordinary people don't kill him, he can recover blood and be tough with you. If others want to say that Boss Fang can do anything, there's nothing wrong with that!

But he has an advantage!
Legendary Healing Lv10, and this advantage is his courage to fight anyone!

"Sao Nima, let's use the evil pen, dare to slander the old man, go to hell!!!" Captain Fang, whose face was covered in blood, was leaking out of his speech. When he realized this, he stopped talking nonsense and added a magic shield to himself. He rushed up again, and on the way, he added a guard of mind power!
A thin layer of invisible X-psychic power clings to his body, as long as the upper limit is not broken by one blow, the shield will always exist!
Fang Yun, whose swordsmanship was sloppy, didn't dare to fight hard against this guy at this time. He was dexterous and changeable, and his agility was super high. Taking a flexible route at this time also made the python boss miserable.

After all, it just saw this two-legged sheep knocking hard at its offspring, covered in blood and didn't escape it, why has it changed now?
You must know that this product is so fast, how could it appear so easily!

At this time, Fang Yun walked around under it with a 'swish, swish', so that it couldn't catch his shadow at all.

Moreover, the toothpick-like thing in his hand could cut through its scales with ease, causing damage ranging from hundreds to thousands of points.

It really made him more and more angry!
But Boss Fang, who desperately wants to take the sensitive route this time, no matter what big moves you use, I will be 'Sparkling' all kinds of wretched, all kinds of profane...

The python BOSS rushed over, and he retracted it. If it dared to run, it slashed at it with a sword. From time to time, it took out the Desert Eagle and fired a shot, and a huge blood flower burst out. The damage is also not to be underestimated.

In this way, 15 minutes have passed!

Relying on his own strength, Boss Fang grinds this behemoth to death abruptly!

And the giant python boss didn't have a single intact scale all over his body, almost all of them were cut in half, and finally let him be shot in the head. The moment the holy sand eagle was full of bullets, Fang Yun came with a violent combo!
A total of seven bullets!

All of them hit the python's head one after another.

And one of the special effects is very powerful, that is, every time a bullet hits the enemy, it will increase the critical strike rate by 1%, and the maximum increase is 5%. The violent sand eagle's passive critical strike rate will last for 35 minute.

I don't know if Boss Fang's real luck is playing a role!

All seven bullets are critical strikes, even hitting the Achilles heel, resulting in double critical strikes!
Almost in an instant, tens of thousands of points of damage exploded, and the head as big as a water tank was smashed into a puddle of flesh!

"Then... this dark golden killing key is the reward for this legendary sixth-order creature?" Fang Yun looked down at this thing, as if the key for a plot creature hadn't been released for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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