Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 452 The name of the chapter is the best!

Chapter 452 The name of the chapter is the best!

Fang Yun received a lot in this battle, a golden key, plus a dark golden key!
But the Longhua crew suffered a lot!

A total of 23 people died in battle, and there are 228 people left on this trip.

And the rest of the guys are also exhausted. They are completely exhausted, and their combat power has been weakened by more than one layer. They need to rest for at least two hours before they can recover!

At this time, Boss Fang was deeply aware of the danger of Long Island, and he was not in a hurry to run around. After all, he didn't know where Jack would be!

But as long as Jack has a little intelligence, he will use the compass to track their positions, first to meet up, and then to kill some dragons!

"Rest in place. There has just been a big battle here, and the smell of blood is very strong, and this is still the territory of the color-changing python. There should be no animals that dare to come here easily!" Fang Yun is right, there are very few animals here, even if he knows that he has experienced a period of time here. Fighting, there may be opportunities to pick up leftovers, but the murderous intent is too heavy. After all, they are very afraid of giant pythons, and the existence that can fight with giant pythons is not something they can provoke.

In this way, Fang Yun also has time to open the two keys to see what interesting things can be revealed. After all, this is a hidden plot task, and the difficulty is not small at first glance, so he must seize every opportunity to improve his strength, otherwise he will face It's really not necessarily beatable.

Open with the golden key!

"Hint: You got the 'broken color-changing python scale' silver plot item!"

"Hint: You got the silver plot item of 'A Giant Python Tooth'!"

"Hint: You got 3000 Universal Coins!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Yun still sighed: "Hey, that's true, that giant python will have to be chopped into pieces by me, it's pretty good to be able to give it to me."

But then his eyes lit up, the death of the remaining python boss was even worse, but the dark golden key can still be revealed, maybe something good will appear!

When he opened the dark golden key again, a blood-red radiance appeared, and several items fell into his hand.

"Hint: You have obtained the golden storyline item 'The Eyeball of the King of the Color-changing Python'."

"Reminder: You have obtained the dark gold storyline item 'The Braves of the Python'"

"Hint: You got 5000 Universal Coins!"

The two things he acquired suddenly were very unusual. The corners of Fang Yun's mouth curled up slightly, and he finally came across this kind of thing that increased attributes.

The eyeball of the king of the python

Origin: Pirates of the Caribbean, Dragon Island

Grade: golden

Function: When encountering illusions, you can take them out and crush them directly, and you will see through all illusions within 5 minutes.

Number of times: 1 time!
This thing that sees through illusions, Fang Yun feels okay, but the most powerful thing is the gall of the python!

Gall of the Python
Origin: Caribbean island
Grade: dark gold plot props
Function: strengthen

Effect: strength +5, stamina +5, agility +5, perception +3.

Effect: HP+300
Effect: MP+200
"It's a great supplement, it's definitely a great supplement. For an existence like me that is already a half-transcendent, it is impossible to add attributes. Relying on free attribute points is simply a drop in the bucket, and you have to rely on this kind of windfall!" Boss Fang said He picked it up without hesitation, and swallowed it without chewing a few mouthfuls!

After all... this stuff doesn't taste very good!
"Astringent... so unpalatable, Taylor!" Fang Yun felt the slight changes in his body, only felt a heat flow from his abdomen, pouring into his limbs, his attribute was already very high at this time, so increase this attribute , it was nothing to him.

Of course, these crew members cannot be forgotten. They are all plot characters and can directly use these things.

"What are your orders, sir?"

"Let brothers, eat all the snake gall in the giant python, and increase some strength!"

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Taylor was overjoyed, and the remaining 200 people picked up their swords and started cutting up the corpses of these giant pythons.

In a short while, more than 300 pythons were all taken out of the gallbladder. As for the distribution method, the boss didn't care, Taylor naturally ate the big head, just watching them gobble up, many snake gallbladders ate their stomachs one after another, each of them turned red and breathed. Finally got stronger.

"Xue Te, this taste is really terrible, but how do I feel, my transformation ability has recovered?" Aiken didn't know where to take out a bottle of wine, and took a sip hard, letting the water in his mouth The taste is better, but I unexpectedly found that my transformation ability has improved again.

"I'm the same, I didn't expect this python to have this function?"

A group of people were chaotic, and Fang Yun was a little surprised at the efficacy of the snake gall, why it was so good, but since their strength has recovered, of course they have to move on!
Several of the seriously injured guys were completely recovered by their healing techniques, and the remaining more than 200 dragon-shaped crew members once again returned to their peak condition.

Of course, Fang Yun's effort to help Jack slay the dragon is also an attempt!
Not to mention killing a giant dragon, what level of key can be revealed!

Even without a key!

Dragon bones, dragon scales, dragon blood, and dragon meat are also good things. Although his crew members have already transformed into dragons, they will definitely be able to improve their strength by eating these great supplements!
What's more, the Sunset Sword in his hand is an artifact for slaying dragons!
The Sunset Sword fused with Smaug's Reverse Scale will cause more damage to the dragon with the purer dragon blood!

Unless the dragon he is about to meet can exceed the top level of the legend, then he is not an opponent at all, but Boss Fang has great confidence in the other dragons, and he joins forces with Jack to kill them.


There are so many strange and weird things in the entire Dragon Island!

For example, he saw Thunderbird.

In the movie Where are the Fantastic Beasts, the Thunderbird with golden feathers and three pairs of wings, with its huge physique and a body length of more than ten meters, soars in the sky and preys on a pterosaur with ease. Especially when it flies past, it will be accompanied by black clouds, lightning and thunder!
It is definitely a plot creature above the seventh level of legend!

And I also met a white tiger with wings, with the word king on its forehead, majestic and full of domineering!

Boss Fang intends to seize it as a mount or something!

But this guy can fly with a slight flap of his wings, and he looks at him contemptuously, as if saying: "If there are not so many people behind you, I will definitely swallow you!"

This feeling made Fang Yun very unhappy, but the flying white tiger didn't delay with him. After floating in the sky for a while, it quickly left his sight.

After walking for another two hours, the jungle was no longer so dense and began to become sparse, but Boss Fang knew that they were going to a high place, and some large footprints could be seen everywhere, which really made him a little worried. monster!

And with the roar of a giant dragon, which spread far away, Fang Yun climbed up the treetop and looked at the high mountains in the north, as if he knew their destination!

(End of this chapter)

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