Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 453 Dragon Slaying

Chapter 453 Dragon Slaying (1)

"Jack... It seems that you have had a miserable experience." On the way to the top of the mountain, Boss Fang finally met them.

There were ragged clothes, many people were covered with blood, and there were scratches all over their clothes, as if they were besieged by a group of monsters.

"Damn it, how did you leave at that time? Didn't you hear me yelling that there was something wrong with the sail and you were about to float away? But you were fine and disappeared immediately!" Jack looked unhappy, wishing to give him two blows. ear scraper.

Fortunately, although this group of people looked miserable, they were only superficially injured, and they didn't suffer too much loss!

"Uh... Didn't you say that the sail of the Black Pearl is fine, so you're going to float away?" Boss Fang looked embarrassed, and wanted to tell him that your voice is not high enough, I can't hear you at all!
"Fuck him, just drift away... Forget it, let's not talk about this, I finally found you through the compass, and I can be taken care of!" Jack shook the torn clothes on his body, and still looked helplessly. He took out the compass to point out the direction.

Fang Yun shrugged his shoulders and looked at the high mountain. There were no trees, and there were often scorched marks around it. Maybe it was caused by the flames emitted by these giant dragons.

"Are we going to trouble the dragon now?"

"No, after the Black Pearl floated away, it almost floated around the island before finally landing, but it just happened to me that I discovered an accident!"

"What accident?" Fang Yun wondered, could there really be King Kong?

"There are other ships on this island. As far as I can see, it is a legendary battleship with the British flag on it, but the Dark Lord's logo is also on it, which means that our real opponent is also in this small island. Island!" When Jack said this, his voice couldn't help but sink.

"In this way, wouldn't it be just right to kill them directly!" Fang Yun sneered, even if the Dark Lord was good, he couldn't be too perverted. Anyway, he didn't believe that this guy had the legendary top-level strength.

"I didn't say that the Dark Lord himself is here, it's just the symbol of the Dark Lord. Maybe it's his dark wizard, but we are not good at fighting on land. Even his subordinates, you have seen blood. Pao wizard, don't be so confident, okay?"

"That's because you're not good at it... I don't know who it is, but when you land on land, your strength drops a lot!"

"FUCK, it's good for you to say a word less!"


The two cursed and cursed, and started to continue the route. The Dragon Island was huge, and a prehistoric dinosaur appeared from time to time, or it was some kind of magical creature, which almost made their little hearts explode.

If it weren't for their large number and strong strength, they might have died here long ago!
And Jack brought all the crew, he said that the state of the Black Pearl at this time could not continue sailing, and he was not afraid that anyone could take it away.

So a total of 250 crew members died on the way, and now there are 203 people left, including Gibbs and other main crew members.

There are a total of 400 people, the worst ones are the bosses, and there are a few legendary plot characters, no matter which plot world they are in, they are not weak forces.

But if you really want to slay a dragon, you have to be mentally prepared to die!

Of course, don't worry too much.

After all, Fang Yun has considered that this is the world of Harry Potter, and the dragon blood is relatively low-end, and the average dragon is eight or nine meters, or even more than ten meters in length.

Therefore, the rank will not be too high. For example, when Xiao Hei first came out of the egg, even if the egg shell was damaged and the quality dropped, he was still a legendary third-rank scum!

But even if it is restored to its original rank, which is the fifth or sixth rank, how can this rank be worthy of the name of the Dragon Clan?
Therefore, the most powerful dragon in Dragon Island is the ability of the seventh and eighth level of legend, and this is also a super boss dragon, a type that cannot be met under normal circumstances!

It's easy to go up the mountain, but it's hard to go down the mountain!
And this mountain range with dragon nests is really easy to go up and down the mountain, because the slope is not steep at all, and there is no vegetation, so it is convenient to run, but if there is a giant dragon chasing after him with flames, it will be terrible up.


"Damn it, why is this mountain so hot, and some places are still emitting heat?" Gibbs was fanning the wind with his hat on, his sweat was dripping, and steam would appear when it fell on the surface. It is completely conceivable how the temperature here is. high.

Fang Yun took out a bottle of mineral water and drank a few gulps, then took out Medivh's magic book, and used a few oversized water balls to quench the thirst of others.

When he heard the words, he licked his dry lips and said: "The mountain at the foot should be a volcano, so the giant dragon living here is obviously a fire dragon. It's just this bare mountain range, so we swaggered." Is it really okay to rush forward and kill him?"

"I've said it all! There is only one dragon in the dragon's lair, and they are not social animals!" Jack replied angrily.

"What about the dragon-slaying equipment, all kinds of giant nets, and giant crossbows?" Fang Yun felt bad, after all, he didn't find that Jack and others were carrying such things.

"Attacked by a group of grasshoppers and lost..." Jack didn't answer when he heard this sentence, and Gibbs said leisurely beside him...

"What? Was attacked by a group of grasshoppers, and then lost the equipment?" Fang Yun thought he heard it wrong, so he couldn't help digging his ears.

Jack directly said impatiently: "There are thousands of grasshoppers as big as our fists. If we hadn't run so fast, we wouldn't even have a shred of meat now, and we would have turned into bones, okay? Otherwise, you How do you think the clothes on us are broken?"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, we will be able to adapt to the situation at that time, but you know why the Dark Lord's legendary battleship came to Dragon Island, it can't be for dragon slaying, right?"

"I didn't know that Dragon Island is so big and there are so many dragons, so it's impossible to kill this one by chance, right?" Jack casually pointed upwards!
And the next moment!
A flame tens of meters long burst out from the hole on the top of the mountain!
The exaggerated roar of the dragon erupted in an instant, and the sound waves spread accordingly, causing many animals to roar!

Many of Jack's subordinates were directly bleeding from their eardrums, knelt on the ground with fear on their faces, their hands were scalded with blood blisters, but they dared not stand up!
The ground was trembling, and flames shot out from the hole. Fang Yun, who stood firm, looked over and found a fiery red dragon crawling out of the hole with anger.

But the moment it spreads its wings and flies!
A magical giant net woven by iron chains just envelops the hole from above!
Then there are some British soldiers, plus some wizards in black robes!
Holding staffs in their hands, they swung black magic tricks one after another, causing the fire dragon to roar continuously, and they were still tearing at the giant steel net with their sharp claws!
Fang Yun and Jack's eyes lit up, and they said at the same time: "Great opportunity!"

"Two birds with one stone!"

"Kill people first, then slay dragons!"

"So, let's find a chance and kill them!"

 Please take a leave of absence tomorrow, I'm really sorry! ! !

  The shop at home is really busy at this time of year, and I have to go out tomorrow, so I may not be able to update it, so let me tell you in advance!

  I have been updating continuously for 199 days. In fact, I don't want to stop updating, but I am a little helpless now.

  I can only ask for your understanding. After all, when the monthly ticket is doubled now, I don’t want to stop updating... Sorry, because I understand that the day is over, and I really don’t know if I can write any more.

  -, I sell seeds at home, corn seeds, it’s the season of harvesting, I need to go to the fields to see how the corn is in the common people’s fields, and I’ve been doing this for the past few days, and I’ll have to walk a long way tomorrow, advance Say sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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