Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 454 Dragon Slaying

Chapter 454 Dragon Slaying (2)

Not paying attention while slaying dragons!
Don't talk about the problem of how many crops are replaced.

Even the person who dug the hole for him probably died without a whole body.

Therefore, although Boss Fang and the others were numerous, they were all stooping, and they were not noticed by him.

After all, this is a legendary seventh-level fire dragon. When it was trapped, it just sprayed a few mouthfuls of dragon's breath, and it burned dozens of British navy, plus an unlucky wizard!
The fire dragon with a heavy body has lived on this dragon island for a long enough time, at least 500 years, so it can reach a body length of 18 meters.

Trapped at this time, the scales all over the body are exuding scorching heat, just touch it a little, and it is guaranteed that your palm will immediately take off a layer of skin!

And it also relied on its powerful strength to frantically drag the magic giant net. The smoke and dust on the ground continued, and the rumbling sound really made many people tremble with fear.

But those who dare to slay dragons are not simple characters. The remaining three black-robed wizards suddenly looked at each other with cautious expressions on their faces, and then drank a bottle of black soda at the same time. Raise, join forces to cast spells instantly!

Three black and dense chains are directly connected together, passing through the giant magic net in a blink of an eye, and engraving a clearly visible mark on the scales of the fire dragon. The dense black light is like a living thing, sticking to the scales. I want to rush in along the wound.

This pain seems to make it think of the memory of inheritance!

It seemed to think of how its ancestors were persecuted by wizards... It didn't want to endure such a miserable experience, so it struggled almost with all its strength, and a huge burst of force broke out in an instant, even making the magic iron chains go away. There is a breaking sound of 'card bounce card bounce'.

But at the same time, the three black wizards exerted their strength at the same time, and miserable dragon roars came out instantly, but this kind of sound really wouldn't attract other animals to come, it would only make other creatures run further and further away!
Fang Yun and others, who were already less than 200 meters away, hid behind a huge rock, otherwise these four hundred people would really not be able to hide!
Fang Yun felt a little bad when he saw the black wizards teaming up to cast spells!
Because the three black magics were connected into a strange triangle, heading towards the fire dragon's chest, but although the dragon's roar was miserable, it didn't sound like death, but it seemed that something more terrifying than death was about to happen! !

"Could it be that these three guys used some puppet technique, or magic to control creatures?" He murmured a few words.

Jack listened carefully, and immediately said: "Then what are you waiting for, take the opportunity to kill them, and save them from controlling a giant dragon, and the pirates will have no place to live!"

Seeing that Sparrow was about to go up after finishing speaking, Fang Yun hurriedly grabbed him, and shook his head: "Don't worry, you should have seen that there were originally four legendary black wizards here, but one of them died suddenly. Contrary to their expectations, follow me to play games and catch pets...

No, according to my thinking, at least they have to beat the fire dragon to the point of dying, and then use this kind of magic when it is weakest, so as to have a chance to capture...control a fire dragon.

Although the fire dragon was trapped, it didn't consume much, and there were almost no injuries on its body. These people suddenly used this method, and it seemed that they paid a very high price. "

Speaking of this, Fang Yun glanced at the crowd behind him, took out the holy sand eagle and said slowly: "So it's best to wait until they are both injured and their consumption is similar. As soon as the sound is heard, it will attack in an all-round way.

And Jack and I took care of two legendary mages, Taylor, you try to hold one, and the rest of the British navy will be killed by the crew of the Black Pearl. As for the fire dragon, Patton! "

"Head, I'm here, do you want to kill it or eat it?" Barton couldn't help licking his lips when he spoke.

When Fang Yun saw the unlucky Button, he wanted to kick him, and snorted coldly: "You take the crew to transform and hold it, try not to let him escape the magic net. know how to eat all day long, and I will get you a dragon whip to eat later, and it will eat you to death! "

"Ah? Dragon Whip? I eat it by myself, don't be too happy!" Barton immediately became happy again!
"Yeah, the 1-meter-long dragon whip, you can eat it in 5 minutes, and then you can't find a woman for the next three days, and you can't hide under the covers and solve it with your hands!"

"..." Barton's face darkened, and his interest became clear in an instant.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense to me, and prepare carefully for me!" Fang Yun lay behind the stone, holding the sand eagle, and he will make a move depending on when the fire dragon becomes weak and weak!
In the end... I don't know if this kind of magic is too bad, or if the fire dragon is too good. In less than 10 minutes, the fire dragon looked a little dying, roaring half-deadly, with green smoke coming out of its nostrils, and it couldn't even breathe flames. Out!

But no one saw this fire dragon. Although it looked miserable, when it was struggling just now, it seemed to know how to get out of this place!
The steel chains on its back seem to have the pressure of a mountain, and there are a series of crisp and numb currents passing through it, making it useless, but it vaguely knows that it has damaged several places, and it is just pretending to be killed. Control, let the three black wizards retract their strength, and it will have a certain chance of escaping!

500 years!
A pig can become sperm!
Not to mention a dragon!
But this situation, Boss Fang really didn't think about it. After all, the dragons in the world of Harry Potter have always been so miserable, always being caught and slaughtered. Who would have thought that this fire dragon could be so smart!
But Boss Fang, who originally planned to shoot, didn't!
Because it suddenly occurred to him that he was still wearing the glove of the Flame Hand!
Then why not throw a flaming gun that is sure to hit the throw, and choose the target... a fire dragon!
As for why, of course I remembered that the shot I threw at the fire man back then made his strength suddenly increase, so the flame dragon must not be afraid of flame attacks. I might give it some big boosts for this shot of mine. Let it be happy and cheerful, and add a little more difficulty to the three dark wizards!

And throwing the flaming gun will not expose himself... After all, this flaming gun full of causality has already been thrown out the moment he locks on a creature, and there is no ballistic at all!

So at the next moment, Fang Yun showed his small head behind the stone, locked on it, and clenched his loose right hand suddenly, and suddenly a two-meter-long flame gun appeared, which was held in his hand extremely solidly, burning hot The flames almost made the air stagnate.

As for the fire dragon who was pretending to be dead, he just felt his chrysanthemum tighten, and just wanted to turn around and growl, warning some idiot not to mess around: "I can't guard against chrysanthemum..."

But in the next moment, it felt a burning pain appearing under its buttocks, but it didn't wait for the fire dragon to roar.

There was a loud bang, a huge fireball bloomed under the fire dragon's tail, and that flame smelled like shit... I don't know how many British navies were killed in seconds...

Seeing this scene, the three black wizards immediately took a breath, the magic in their hands almost broke, and they cursed in their hearts: "QNMLGB, the fire dragon on Dragon Island is awesome!

The buttocks can breathe fire, but fortunately they hid at the side, otherwise they would die in peace! "

But... the Fire Dragon, who was enraged again, was really upset, very upset. Along with the roar that pierced through the world, it, a legendary seventh-order creature, burst out with incomparable power!
 There is another chapter, I just got home, and the update is late. .There are already 300 monthly tickets, one-tenth of which has been achieved, it seems that you are looking forward to my wearing women's clothing. .

(End of this chapter)

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