Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 455 Dragon Slaying

Chapter 455 Dragon Slaying (3)

The legendary seventh-level fire dragon burst out with all its power, shaking the mountains, not only the flames from its mouth, but also the magma from the ground!


"help me!!"

"My legs, my legs, I..." Cracks appeared in the entire mountain range, and many people fell down. Even Fang Yun, hundreds of meters away, had cracks in the ground. fell into the lava.

But the more serious ones are the three black wizards. The power erupted by the fire dragon directly caused them to backlash, and they all spit out a mouthful of blood. Each of them either collapsed on the ground or continued to cough up blood on their knees. I don't know if I'm going to die!

This was originally an active volcano, but it is about to erupt at this time. This kind of huge force can hardly be stopped by manpower!
Fang Yun's expression changed, and he said decisively: "Follow me, don't let anyone go, including that dragon!"

Jack and the others didn't hesitate, and immediately rushed up after him, and a series of magma cracks appeared, but as long as they were not too surprised, there was basically no possibility of slipping and falling!
However, the fire dragon was furious at this time, and flames were continuously sprayed out. It can be called a flamethrower. The magic giant net was burnt red, and even the enchanted steel would be melted. The surrounding British navy did not use it at all. Before Fang Yun and others made a move, almost all of them died!

But... it is also a desperate struggle!
The fire dragon has been corroded by the black magic mark for so long, and its strength has long since dropped. If it does not break away from this magic chain, it will definitely be trapped to death here!
And the distance of 200 meters is really nothing to Fang Yun and others!
So when the three black wizards struggled to stand up, the pirates rushed up in a panic, and Fang Yun took the lead. First, he glanced at the fire dragon whose hatred had reached more than 100 points, and then slashed at one of them with his sword. Dark wizard!

"Damn pirates, you are tired of living. You should even snatch the tribute we gave to the Dark Lord first. Damn it!" The leading black wizard held back the anger and injury in his heart, and cast a Cruciatus Curse at him .

I saw a green light tyrannying towards him.

Fang Yun frowned, and immediately used a thought power barrier, thinking to resist the blow, and then when he got close, the black wizard was finished, but he never expected that the damage of the Cruciatus Curse would explode instantly!
The green light pierced through the thought power barrier without any suspense, and hit Fang Yun's chest just right.

"Ahhh!!" An indescribable pain came from the depths of his heart, and Fang Yun, who was running, couldn't help but stop, half kneeling on the ground, only to see the veins on his face popping out, and his tongue A small piece was bitten off.

He'd never faced a decent wizard from Harry Potter!

I only know it from the side of the movie!

But the moment when you really fight against it!
Only then did I deeply understand that the magic attack of this group of guys with high attack and low defense... is really awesome!

A Cruciatus Curse crushed the thought power barrier of more than 1400 health points, and quickly and quickly drilled a hole in his chest, completely killing his more than 1800 health points.

If it hits another crispy skin, if there is no mind barrier and super high defense, it can be dropped in seconds!

But this is not the most important thing, the main thing is the pain, that kind of indescribable pain, which will last for 3 seconds before it ends!

"It's just pain, I can't bear it, I can't bear the pain of being weakened by more than 50%, and I've become a superhuman, go to hell!" Fang Yun fell to his knees When he was on the ground, seeing the contemptuous eyes of the black wizard, a surge of anger surged from the bottom of his heart, and at this very moment, he actually stood up again!
The blade-like breath rushed towards the black wizard, and he also saw that the sunset sword in Fang Yun's hand had already ignited a black flame. The almost suffocating murderous aura and tenacity almost made him unbelievable.

He has already resorted to a unique move, and he only wants to decide the winner in one battle.

But he never expected that someone could survive the pain of the Cruciatus Curse and stand up again, making it impossible for him to use the combo directly.

"Setsuna Black Flame Slash!!!" A hoarse roar came from Fang Yun's mouth!

Jack couldn't help being startled by the roar that seemed to come from hell!
"The Ring of Dark Demon, bloom for me." The leader of the dark wizard is naturally of extraordinary strength, and immediately released the strongest defensive moves. With the black light emitting from his magic wand, one by one like the incarnation of devils appeared around him.

But Fang Yun's eyes were burning with black flames, and the reflection in the flames was only the black wizard...

Phantoms appeared around him, all bursting out at exaggerated speeds, killing the black wizard in the blink of an eye!
1 seconds!
11 swords!
The long sword in his hand is the Legendary Sunset Sword!
And the Sunset Sword itself can burst out real damage equal to 50% of its attack power!
In addition to his state of becoming a half-transcendent!
15% more real damage!
A single swing of the sword is not counted as a critical strike, and it can cause a minimum of 700+ damage!
But with 11 swords, not only a critical strike!
There is also a 30% passive of the sunset sword, which makes the damage effect of this time X300%.

Therefore, Fang Yun showed at this moment, his strongest ultimate move, instant kill!

After 11 sword strikes, he caused more than 7000 points of damage. Even the leader of the legendary middle-level black wizard staggered back a few steps in the next second, his eyes were wide open, and blood was overflowing from the corner of his mouth. It was almost unbelievable that this person ... really killed him instantly!

Yes... Boss Fang killed him with one move!
In fact, the original strength of this product is really strong. In this small plot mode, the blood volume can reach 3 points, but a series of battles with the dragon, coupled with the backlash just now, how could it be possible to fall into such a situation? realm.

Even let him get rid of him with one move!
Fang Yun, who had used Instant Black Flame Slash, was already weak, and coupled with the pain from the Cruciatus Curse, he almost passed out. Fortunately, there was still a giant dragon that had not been dealt with. Fang Yun did not dare to rest, so he could only kneel on the On the ground, he used a healing technique for himself to recover, but the leader of the black wizard fell into a pool of blood unwillingly.

There is only one shining golden key left!
Seeing this scene... Fang Yun almost spat out another mouthful of blood: "A legendary mid-level character, you just gave me a golden key???"

But when he turned his head, Fang Yun was no longer depressed. After all, if it wasn't for the fire dragon that caused them to be severely injured, it would not be certain who would kill who...


2 minutes passed... Jack and the others had already resolved the battle at this time. After all, they were only facing low-level mages, and they were not as difficult to kill as Fang Yun. Staying, it is basically a dead end, and there is no chance to take out the flying broom!
But before Boss Fang stood up, with the roar of a giant dragon, the exaggerated sound waves spread, causing Fang Yun to spit out another mouthful of blood.

When he turned around, the fire dragon had already broken free from the chain, stretched its dragon wings over 30 meters, and scanned them with its cold golden pupils.

Especially when seeing Fang Yun... the chill is self-evident.

 ==.I'm so tired, I'm afraid of wearing women's clothing. .

(End of this chapter)

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