Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 456 Dragon Slaying

Chapter 456 Dragon Slaying (4)

"Be careful of the dragon's breath, hide!" Fang Yun saw the fire dragon spraying flames at him, and immediately dodged away, feeling a wave of heat brushing his ass away. Fortunately, although the fire dragon's attack was strong, it was not fast. Too fast.

Otherwise, with the attack speed of the Cruciatus Curse, the dragon slaying will also become history!
But just because he can hide, doesn't mean the people behind him can also hide!

After all, this is a legendary adult dragon of the seventh rank. Its attributes are much higher than that of Xiao Hei, who does not transform. If it is sprayed out once, I don't know how many people will be buried in the sea of ​​flames!
"Tulong, it's really hard to fight without an MT at this time!" Fang Yun saw that this guy was chasing after him, so he understood that he just exploded the fire dragon chrysanthemum, and let it know...

"But what I have in my hand is an artifact for slaying dragons!" Knowing that there are tigers on the mountain, he goes to the mountain of tigers, and he faces the fire dragon against the difficulties!

When the fire dragon saw this hateful human being, he dared to rush towards him, intending to wipe him out in one fell swoop, but after spraying for so long, he failed to reach him.

And that magic iron chain is very weakening. Although it has been out of this state, it can't fly now. Even if it can spread the dragon wings, it can't swing them!

So I can only think of a land animal, rampaging towards the humans, crushing how many crew members were crushed in an instant.

But in the face of this situation, the Longhua crew members were well prepared. Relying on their own powerful strength, they picked up the broken iron chains and wrapped them around the dragon's limbs one after another. It caused a lot of trouble!

After all, the Longhua crew members are not afraid of this kind of dragon power, they are flexible and changeable, even if they are suddenly attacked by a giant dragon, they will not die instantly. The tyrannical dragon scales stick to their skin, which adds a lot of defense to them.

Although Jack's men were useless, he held a scimitar and walked nimbly to avoid the fire dragon's attack. It was like tapping a dragon while attacking a dragon. However, the attacks he caused were extremely limited, even in this world. The protagonist, when facing such a behemoth, even a single attack cannot cause more than a thousand points of damage.

But Boss Fang is different!

When he came to the fire dragon, the hand of Nianli grasped a thorn scale on the dragon's back out of thin air, jumped up, narrowly dodged the dragon's claws sent over, and stabbed it with a sword that pierced the space!

When the sunset sword faced the fire dragon, it shone with a different brilliance, especially when facing its scales, the blade showed unusual sharpness!
A sword slashed across, like cutting tofu, it penetrated deeply from the dragon's back!

"Roar!!!" The severe pain caused the dragon to growl continuously and twist its body crazily, but Boss Fang's left hand held a piece of dragon scale fiercely, even though its scale was too hot, it already burned his palm A piece of banana paste, and did not let go.

It's just a sharp thrust of the sword!

The sunset sword, more than one meter long, went deep into it every time, bringing out streaks of hot dragon blood, which splashed on the surface of Fang Yun's skin, and even began to corrode his body. There was hardly a piece of good flesh on his body!
But if they hurt each other, they also score points. The attack effect produced by the sunset sword is very unusual!

The effect of Smaug's reverse scale, the damage he caused is simply unimaginable!
The damage of more than 1300+ appeared one by one, causing the fire dragon to lose more than [-] points of life in a short period of time.

The earth was trembling, and magma burst out one after another!

Fire Dragon couldn't get rid of the guy on his back, so he stood up with his legs high, and then lay heavily on the ground.

Being crushed by a guy weighing dozens of tons, let alone Boss Fang is a half-transcendent, even a transcendent may be crushed to death. Even if he cannot die, his whole body will be crushed. It is bound to make it easy to harvest people's heads.

"King Kong is not bad!" As his eyes went dark, Fang Yun clenched the scales with one hand, and as he roared, his whole body was filled with golden light, even if his back hit the ground directly, he was still intact. This invincible skill , even if you throw him into the center of the atomic bomb explosion, it will not cause any damage to him. Of course, after 5 seconds, it will not be much better...

But now is the time to take advantage!

Just listen to a loud bang.

Everyone swallowed, for fear that Captain Fang would be crushed to pieces.

But the Fire Dragon, who was rubbing on the ground, seemed to find that there was nothing behind him, and he didn't dare to let others set fire on his stomach, so he quickly got up, but within a few seconds, the severe pain reappeared!

In particular, the scales on its back had been completely cut to pieces by Fang Yun. A gap the size of a skull appeared right in front of him, and the flesh and blood inside was sticky. You can imagine how painful the fire dragon is, and he is still on it. Poke and poke!

There is also a group of half-dragon, half-human guys below, holding chains and constantly wrapping their limbs, so that they cannot exert their powerful strength, otherwise they would have left here long ago!

"Your time to die has come!" Fang Yun took a deep breath, gripped the hilt of the sword tightly with one hand, and swung it away from top to bottom!

Everyone only saw the sword body of the Sunset Sword emitting red light, and then a burst of sword energy exploded in the wound. The original magnificent sword energy, but everyone could not see it at all. They only found a blood rain suddenly on the back of the fire dragon On the ground, exaggerated blood filled the sky... Boss Fang has turned into a blood man.

And this kind of oversized trick, the lethality erupted in the body is different from the past, it is completely a grenade exploding outdoors, and the damage caused by the grenade exploding indoors is also completely different!
So the fire dragon, which was severely injured by the black wizard, weakened the magic chain a lot, and just fell under Fang Yun's sunset sword...

At the moment when its huge mountain of corpses hit the ground heavily, the underground volcano was much quieter and no longer spouting magma. Seeing this scene, Fang Yun was still relieved. His last sunset trial belongs to the group. Attack big move.

But when it erupted in the fire dragon, the continuous sword energy was like a meat grinder!

It kept wreaking havoc on its flesh and blood, causing more than 3 points of damage before it was completely killed.

As for Fang Yun's simple victory, the black wizard was more helpful. This legendary seventh-level fire dragon has at least 10,000+ health points. If these guys hadn't consumed enough, they wouldn't be talking about slaying dragons... ...I guess it's all going to be a dragon shit.

After all, if you think about how exaggerated combat power Xiao Hei has, you can understand how terrifying this fire dragon is. Although there is only one step difference, one of them is a semi-adult and the other is an adult fire dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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