Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 457 Fire Element Dragon Crystal!

Chapter 457 Fire Element Dragon Crystal!

After bathing in dragon blood, if it is a plot character, there will be a big change in the situation!

But for Fang Yun, it's like being splashed with sulfuric acid, not to mention strengthening, it's pretty good not to die!

As for the purpose of slaying the dragon, for the original Fang Yun, he hoped to get a legendary key or something, then dismember it, take it back to eat meat, add some attributes to the crew, and by the way help the crew of the Black Pearl. change……

But the key... Boss Fang picked up a dark gold-level key again, and the legend is hopeless!
After all, he had too little blood to kill the fire dragon. If he really singled out the fire dragon, the legendary key should be in place!

"However, there is one more trophy key!" Fang Yun held the killing key in the shape of a fire dragon in his hand, and sighed slightly. So far, he has obtained one legendary key, which was released by Smaug!
It seems that if you want to get the legendary key, you still have to rely on luck!
"Priest, hurry up, Longhua is up to you!" Jack looked at the crew behind him with a bitter look on his face. At this time, there were only 130 people left, and the original 250... most of them died.

Boss Fang is also quite depressed. He brought 251 people, and now there are only 193 left. He doesn't know whether the choice of slaughtering the dragon is right, but it doesn't matter. When they return to Azeroth, let Xiao Hei contribute some blood , it is still possible to fill up the number of people.

"Dragon transformation, it's very simple, listen to my instructions, you all come to line up, climb up the fire dragon corpse, and then jump into the gap on the back, don't wait, come out after 3 seconds, otherwise the poison of dragon blood is too high , is not a dragon, but died!" Fang Yun briefly described...then he stopped talking...

"It''s that simple?" Sparrow's eyes widened, and he pointed at the corpse of the fire dragon.

"That's right, isn't it Dragon Transformation? What else do you want?"

"FUCK, it's so simple, why should I ask you, why should I promise you to give you some dragon meat!" Jack looked depressed, and almost fell on Boss Fang and beat him up.

"I have healing skills. My sacred healing skills can at least make most of your crew survive. Otherwise, you think that after soaking in dragon's blood, how many of your crew members can survive. Not bragging, half of them will survive." Not bad!" Fang Yun curled his lips in disdain.

As soon as Jack heard that the effect of the healing technique was so great, he didn't hesitate any longer, squinted his eyes, and was about to go up first, but Gibbs swallowed and pulled him back: "Head, or I'll go first , to help you experiment and experiment!"

"Go back to the sea, I already knew that you have evil intentions, you have wanted to be the captain for a long time, hmph, it's impossible!" Jack snorted, climbed up slowly, looked inside the dragon corpse full of flesh and blood, and took a deep breath. Tone, jump directly into it!
However, after 3 seconds!

Jack hasn't climbed up yet!
Fang Yun walked over and wanted to use the hand of thought power to pull him up, but in the end, he saw Jack in the blood, staring at his blood-red eyes, shaking his head at him in pain!
"It's better to stick to nature, but if the time is too long, the dragon will easily become too deformed. If the human blood in the body is eroded by the dragon's blood too much, you will not recover in the future!" Fang Yun looked at Jack so desperately, It's quite admirable, but I hurriedly said this situation.

The crew of the Black Dragon is not without this kind of experience. When the blood of the dragon exceeds 50% of the blood volume of the body, they will become that kind of inhuman dragon people, but they have all been killed!

I don't know if there is 1 minute, Jack Sparrow finally climbed up, the dragon blood all over his body corroded his skin continuously, and some fiery red scales slowly grew on his skin.

As for the appearance of growing scales, you don't need to experience it, you know it must be extremely painful, which is why Boss Fang has no love for this transformation ability!

Of course... not afraid of pain! Fang Yun's eyes.

Appearance is justice!

With good looks, strength and so on are all scumbags... Boss Fang touched his little face when he was fine, and sighed: MD, so handsome!
In his heart, he thought that the way of strengthening the dragon scales on his body was obviously done by perverts, okay?
Thinking of the sudden growth of so many things on my tender skin, goose bumps all over my body.

Fortunately, when he saw that Jack was going to fail, he stopped being obsessed with it, and he didn't forget to use the healing technique. The Lv10 healing technique has extraordinary effects, and all kinds of negative effects are directly cleared, which makes him recover a lot life value.

After a few minutes, Jack stood up again, completely different!
The aura is fierce... plus a little sloppy, in short, this kind of contrasting appearance makes Fang Yun very entangled. It seems that only Jack can have this effect.

"Huh..." Jack with difficulty retracted the dragon scales under the skin, except for a layer of blood on his body, but the recovery effect of the physical body was extremely fast, and the wound that pierced the skin was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How are you doing?"

"The strength is very strong, and there is still a burning pain in the abdomen, as if it can spew out flames!" As the protagonist, Jack, even if his strength suddenly increases, his personality will not change drastically.

After all, dragon blood is powerful, but for the legendary mid-level Jack, it is only a means to increase his strength, and it cannot change everything about him. After all, he is not a trick. After becoming a dragon, he completely becomes a very dark dragon man .

"You can spit out flames... You are amazing, well, hurry up, transform your other crew members into dragons, and then withdraw from Dragon Island as soon as possible, otherwise, this place is too unsafe!" Fang Yun looked up at the sky, some Strange birds are hovering in the sky, as if they know that the fire dragon is dead, and they are looking forward to having a feast below.

What's more, what Fang Yun is most afraid of is King Kong. If this place is Skull Island, there will definitely be King Kong, and King Kong, as a guardian, definitely doesn't want to see a fire dragon die suddenly. dead body...

But luck still strikes again!
I don't know if it's Jack's real luck, or my own real luck that's working!
During the dragon transformation of his crew, there were no accidents, and the probability of the success of the dragon transformation of this group of people was as high as 99%. Even without Fang Yun's healing skills, it was estimated to be as high as 80%.

"MD, this is my own son. It seems that after the dragon slaying, Jack's dragon transformation story has been controlled by space!" Fang Yun complained secretly.

Then I glanced at the Longhua crew members of the Black Pearl, all of them had a stable breath, and their tempers were not too irritable... But their strength has increased a lot. It can only be said that they are under Jack's command, and they are really covered by someone. …

"Quickly, quickly, take away the dragon head, dragon wings, internal organs and dragon whip... everything, and take away the dragon blood. I have a bucket here... dragon scales and so on. A few pieces, the keel... the longest spine." Fang Yun stood aside and directed everyone, there are more people to handle things.

Especially commanding this group of non-human beings who are physically strong and full of strength, the work is even easier, dismantling the corpse of the fire dragon to pieces, and taking away all the good things!

In the even allowed Jack to find a fire element dragon crystal!
In this situation, Fang Yun glanced at his dark golden key and felt a little bad, since there was a dragon crystal in the corpse.

Then he can still blow a fart, so he walked towards Jack decisively, intending to rely on his powerful crew make him submit obediently, it is best to give this dragon crystal to himself...

(End of this chapter)

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