Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 458 Swallowing Dragon Crystal Raw

Chapter 458 Swallowing Dragon Crystal Raw
Seeing the imposing Boss Fang and the not-so-weak Taylor walking towards him, the corner of Jack's mouth twitched, but he vaguely knew that he seemed to have found something good. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be a legend. Dragonglass.

"So, you want to take this legendary thing away from me? It's impossible!" Jack thought to himself.

So he didn't wait for Fang Yun to come over and say anything, and his whole body turned into dragon scales, his physique became big, Fang Yun jumped up in fright, thinking that this guy was going to fight now, but... the fiery red dragon crystal made Jack I ate it in one bite! ! !
"My Cao, this is Dragon Crystal, have you eaten it?" Fang Yun hurried to Jack and shook him.

"Hmm... Occasionally, what's wrong with you?" Jack Sparrow, who seemed to be choking, spent a long time trying to swallow it in one gulp.

And this situation was not only seen by Fang Yun and Taylor, but the others also became dumbfounded. The dragon crystal with the size of a fist made him swallow it in one gulp. I don't know if he is crazy!
"It's fucking crazy, you can't bear the energy in the dragon crystal!" Fang Yun couldn't help cursing, even if he didn't want to give it to him, there's no need to be so perverted, everyone can discuss it carefully!

"Hey, the top-quality materials for making legendary staffs are gone. If you sell those fire mages, you might be able to sell many common coins..."

Boss Fang had a gloomy expression on his face, and he didn't look at him. Who would have thought that Jack's face turned red at this time, and the dragon scales all over his body became hot, and green smoke was coming out of his body, as if his body was on fire!
"Help...Help!!!" Captain Jack, who had only a small problem at first, felt as if his body was on fire. At this moment, he finally couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed Boss Fang, screaming with steam from his nostrils... …

Boss Fang, who felt the heat on his face, hurriedly stepped aside, because this guy can really spit out fire...

"MD, hurry up, go back to the boat and give him a good treatment environment. The climate here at the volcano is too hot, he will die!" Fang Yun took a deep breath, shouted and directed everyone to leave here, and at the same time did not forget to use it for Jack. A healing technique eased his current situation.

A group of Dragon Transformation crew hurriedly left here, dragging all the materials left by the fire dragon. The smell from the fire dragon's corpse was undeniable, enough to drive away all kinds of magical animals without making them work too hard.

A full half an hour!
Jack had scorched four simple wooden stretchers. Boss Fang had used countless healing techniques. Looking at Jack at this time, the dragon scales on his body were constantly decomposing, falling off one piece after another, and his eyes were completely dizzy. Turning into golden pupils, that power is no worse than that of a fire dragon.

Gibbs rubbed his hands aside, looked at Jack, then at Fang Yun and said, "Captain he okay?"

Hearing this sentence, Boss Fang became annoyed, rolled his eyes and replied: "Now that I'm not dead, it proves that my healing technique is still useful, but he thought he was a dragon, so he dared to eat the legendary seventh-level fire dragon Jing, even if he can survive, he might end up turning into an inhuman dragon..."

"Ah? So serious!" Gibbs was taken aback...

"That's right, if he dies, will you hang out with me in the future?" Fang Yun didn't care whether the lying Jack would die, and dug a corner without any scruples at this time.

When Gibbs heard this, he glanced sideways at Jack who was lying on the stretcher, and smiled: "Furthermore, besides, isn't the captain still dead now..."

The two were talking unscrupulously here, and they didn't know how Jack, who could hear the voice, was feeling at this moment, but he didn't have time to pay attention to what they said now.

At this moment, he felt that his body had become a double sky of ice and fire, and the energy emitted by the dragon crystal almost completely turned him into a dragon man.

Fortunately, there was a burst of cool energy, which was stopped in time, but the fire energy bursting out of the dragon crystal was almost enduring, and was still invading his body bit by bit.

Fortunately, that energy can restore his eroded body, making his body tougher and full of strength, making it less prone to be eroded by fire energy.

And at this moment, he finally knew that this was the effect of the healing technique!

So the goodwill in my heart soared, I just hope this guy doesn't stop healing, otherwise he will be over.


What is the time?
All Jack knows is that this thing never stops!

Jack, who was in a semi-comatose state, couldn't feel the passage of time!
But he deeply remembered the interval and frequency of each use of the healing technique, and there was no healing technique that was slower than one second!

He didn't even know how to thank 'Captain Priest' when he woke up, because this was really a life-saving grace!

After a total of 356 healing spells, Boss Fang was almost exhausted. He was lazily lying on the bed, taking a breath from time to time, looking at Jack lying in the iron pot..., and then sending out a healing spell.

Well, it's not that I want to stew Jack, the main reason is that this product is too hot, and it is easy to burn the floor of my captain's cabin.

As for MP consumption, it wasn't too big. When he was holding Medivh's magic book, his recovery speed could keep up!
But now it has been 8 hours, and he has sailed to the Black Pearl, and asked the crew to help him repair the battleship, but the guy hasn't woken up yet, if it goes on like this, for three days and three nights, he will not I'm exhausted.

"MD, bring me a bowl of dragon whip soup to nourish my brain..." Fang Yun smoked a cigar, and suddenly turned his head and yelled outside.

Gibbs hurriedly replied: "Got it, got it, I'm going to stew it for you now!"

As Jack's most loyal crew member, he naturally didn't want to see Jack die, so he immediately walked towards the kitchen with a dragon whip that was about one meter long, but on the way, he suddenly froze.

Because this guy seems to have thought of something, but the unsightly scene made him shake his head quickly in fright. After he calmed down, he turned his head and grabbed a tall Black Dragon crew member. Seeing that it was still Barton, he immediately asked: " Does Captain Priest want to drink dragon whip soup to nourish his brain?"

"I don't know if the dragon whip soup can nourish the brain or not, but it must nourish the kidneys!" Barton chuckled and raised his eyebrows at Gibbs: "When the time comes, bring me a bowl of the soup!"

"Do you have a woman?"

"No, there's none on the whole ship, so I'll ask if you can give me soup!"

"No, get out!" Gibbs snorted coldly, turned his head and left!

"...MMP" Unlucky Patton was stunned for a long time before replying.

Then he pouted and left with a displeased face, and continued to help the Black Pearl repair the hull. After all, they were very good at using dragon corpses to transform the hull!
As for the Black Pearl, will it be comparable to the Black Dragon in the end... Even Barton is very confident!

That's completely impossible, a small fire dragon more than ten meters long, and Smaug's tail is longer than it, not to mention that they can feel that the dragon-like crew on the Black Pearl is better than the dragon. They are at least one rank lower.

As for why Boss Fang took such pains to take care of Jack...Naturally, he also has a big plan. This plane of Pirates of the Caribbean has almost been played to pieces...Even if the wizards are driven out of the sea, the whole world will inevitably change. Well, then it's better to trick Jack and let him go to Azeroth with him. Anyway, this guy's strength is mediocre, and his survival until now is almost entirely dependent on waves.

As for whether Jack's departure will cause the plot to collapse, it depends on the space. The big deal is to restart the timeline. Anyway, this is not the main universe. If it is really the main universe, then the plot will have greater depth to dig, such as What Merlin inheritance, King Arthur inheritance, all kinds of magical things should also appear.

So he decided so happily, maxing out Jack Sparrow's favorability!
(End of this chapter)

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