Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 459 Beauty is justice!

Chapter 459 Beauty is justice!
It's really like Boss Fang said, Jack consumes the dragon crystal for a really long time!

For a full day and night, he didn't sleep a wink. As soon as the healing technique cools down, he hastened to use it. As for the dragon whip soup to nourish the brain, he doesn't know how to drink it!
Instead, let it be fed to Sparrow to see if it can produce any strange effects...

Hmm... The last reaction was so obvious that Jack almost opened his eyes.

In the end, Boss Fang found Gibbs silently, took a dragon whip more than 1 meter long and cut off the sword, put away a large piece, and put it in the storage space. When he returned to Sunset City, he decided to find the group of noble ladies Come on, guys, to an increasingly protracted super melee!

Boss Fang will not admit defeat in this kind of life-and-death battle!

So he needs to hang up!


On the second day, the Black Pearl had been completely restored, and the biggest change was that the dragon's head was used as the bow, and the dragon's wings became sails!
As for the dragon scales, they were not consumed, but were stored by them. In the future, a heart shield will be built for each crew member as a super defense method. There are also four or five buckets of dragon blood, which will also be sealed up. Strengthen more crew members.

When Jack opened his eyes, he was very sad, almost bursting into tears. That feeling of being super suffocated was the reason why he was finally able to wake up, otherwise he would have to wait for two days.

But his trouser pockets had been wet countless times, and he was still standing upright. Fortunately, the only audience who saw him was Boss Fang.

Jack, whose face was darkened, scolded him a few times, hurriedly left and changed a pair of underwear, and caught a big fish without anyone noticing... Then he ran to the toilet that smelled of sea fish and stayed there for half an hour before he could catch a fish. Face came out with a relaxed face. As for the toothless sea fish that was suffocated to the point of rolling its eyes, no one must have paid attention to it...

At this time, Fang Yun and a group of crew members were warmly welcoming him.

When Jack saw Boss Fang's sinister little face, he couldn't help but want to scold his mother, but he did save him countless times!

In the end, I could only swallow my saliva, looked at Fang Yun, and said 'thank you'

At that moment, Captain Fang finally received the message.

"Reminder: Jack Sparrow's affection for you has exceeded 100 points, and it will become a 'brother' relationship."

"Jack, your strength has increased a lot!" Fang Yun gave him a very meaningful look.

"Well... But, thank you very much. At that time, I was afraid that you would snatch my dragon crystal. Now I really don't know what to say..." Jack sighed, if he didn't want to defeat the Dark Lord, he would Not so desperately.

"It's okay, we brothers, we should!" Fang Yun would never say that I just want to steal your dragon crystal, but at this time he needs to seduce him, pretend that he is generous enough, and then let him take the initiative to be grateful, so that he There is a chance to deceive it to Azeroth.

Space In this situation, it is difficult to prevent the plot from happening, after all, Fang Yun's kindness to Jack is too great!
So the captain of the Black Pearl finally said a word!

"Thanks for saving my life... If you hadn't saved me so many times, I would have died a long time ago, and even turned into a monster without sanity. Tell me, if you need my help, or if you need anything, tell me, I will definitely finish it!" Captain Jack thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind, and said in a tone of absolute certainty.

"Reminder: You have triggered the task of recovering Jack Sparrow as a slave!"

"Hint: You have used countless healing techniques on Jack Sparrow, saved him countless times, and made him feel extremely guilty. Make up your mind to fulfill any of your wishes!

This kind of situation is rare, Jack's thinking is very chaotic, please cherish this situation, but please know that if you accept his slaves, the favorability will be reduced to the limit! "

"It seems that I guessed it right!" Boss Fang used healing techniques to save a dying pirate at the Lucky Tavern, and that guy became his servant, but he died...

Now that I have saved Jack so many times, if there is no accident, this situation will naturally occur, but I am not a fool, and I will have loyalty if I let him be my servant. How can such a crazy guy be willing to be himself? As for his servant, he will betray him sooner or later...

So let him go to Azeroth and increase his power in Sunset City is the best way!
So he organized the language: "Jack... there is a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not!"

"Say it!" Jack thought that the most tragic situation was about to happen, and his face became a little bitter.

"Actually... I am a king!"

"..." Jack Sparrow seemed to have heard the big joke, and he held back his smile and looked at Boss Fang: "I believe it!"

"MD, I'll show you the title!" The moment Boss Fang took out the title of King of Sunset City, Jack's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

And Fang Yun didn't let him down: "I want you to go to my king and become a member of the navy after I get rid of the Dark Lord... Well, you know, my navy has two legions, one of which is the captain, I like you very much!"

"Legion? How many people?" Jack's eyes really shined at this moment. He didn't expect that there would be such benefits, and he could be the commander of the legion?
"3000 people, 15 warships!"

"Okay, I'm going!"

"Okay, let's set sail, let's kill the Dark Lord celebrating his birthday!" Fang Yun smiled and asked the sailors to hurry up.

But the bottom of his heart couldn't help sinking. The reason why he keeps increasing the strength of Sunset City is mainly because Azeroth's movement is too great.

The entire continent is full of wars, and many contractors enter it, feeling that the history of Azeroth is no longer normal, so he needs to prepare early...

And he always felt that since divinity is made up of faith, then...why not go back to Sunset City and let others believe in him?
Wouldn't the speed of divine gathering be able to increase rapidly?

What's more, in some of the movies and comics he watched, belief is extremely important. As long as there are enough people who believe in themselves and have a divine self, there will be great possibilities for becoming a god!
Similar to the situation of the gods of Olympus, whether it is the main god Zeus, the god of war, or other gods, they are all competing for faith. The god of war keeps launching wars, and the god of death keeps threatening human beings. This is all for faith!

Then why don't I build a temple in Sunset City, so that the people under the territory can believe in me?

Although the residents of Azeroth all believe in the Holy Light... Boss Fang, who has a charm of 100+, is very confident!

After all, as he said: "Appearance is justice!"

"With good looks, becoming a god is not a dream!"

 ==.Women's clothing~ You have a chance to see it!The 500 monthly pass is now available, and this is only the third day!Come on, I will find a girl to help me with makeup, the cute little skirt is not a problem, black silk.

  Of course I will grow a beard a month in advance, even a hairy beard...

(End of this chapter)

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