Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 462 Returns.

Chapter 462 Return.

The Black Dragon has the ability to fly, but in this way, it will not be able to exert the strongest combat power of this battleship!
Although the dragon head can spray flames to attack, the cooldown time is too long after all, and it takes a lot of effort to fire the cannon down. After all, cannons are used to hit parallel ships.

So it's better to go to the sea and fight them, let them see the power of the magic cannon!
"Gunners are ready, we are starting to land." Fang Yun held the reins tightly, and scanned the flagship in the distance. It was no smaller than the Black Dragon, and there were a bunch of flag handlers on it, and that was the target of the Black Dragon!

"Boom" the hull hit the sea heavily.

At the same time, cannonballs came from all directions. At that moment, Fang Yun could only feel the sound of roaring cannon fire all around, the hull of the ship was shaking, and the surroundings were full of flames. The black smoke almost covered everyone's sight. .

His head was dizzy from the shock. One could imagine how attractive the Black Dragon was. With this battleship as the vanguard, the artillery fire encountered by other pirate ships would be greatly reduced.

The Dark Lord was also looking at the Black Dragon at this time. Just now, hundreds of shells were shot past. At this moment, in his heart, even if the Black Dragon can fly, even if it is a legendary battleship, it must die. No burial place.

But before the smoke dissipated, the shiny black battleship covered with dragon scales suddenly accelerated, passed through the black smoke, and white waves were set off on both sides. With the roar of a giant dragon, it faced straight The Dark Lord's flagship rushes over!
But the flagship of the Dark Lord is still far away from him, and there are many warships in between, but just look at the flames spouted from the dragon head of the bow, which instantly ignited those battleships, leaving a wailing sound, and then the Black Dragon appeared. Out of that unparalleled defense.

Because it hit the bow of that three-masted warship without hesitation!
At the moment when the bows of the two warships collided, the dragon head of the Black Dragon showed a crushing battle situation!

When everyone looked over, they found that the bow of the Black Dragon was solid and undamaged, while the bow of the other battleship was directly smashed, and the waterline of the entire hull dropped directly, and the destruction of the bow was not the key!

With the smashing of the bow, the bow, the hull, and even the stern were all crushed by the Black Dragon bit by bit, which really made people gasp.

That's a three-masted battleship, even a legendary battleship can't play like this!
But the exaggerated defensive power of the Black Dragon, at this moment, really let other pirates and navy see it!
"Follow the Black Dragon's footsteps and kill there!!" Jack roared loudly!

"Come on, let these idiots see the power of the legendary battleship!"

At the moment when the Black Dragon leads other legendary warships to charge, when Xiao Hei sprays the breath of the dragon and uses his huge body like a bulldozer to dismantle other warships, the Dark Lord's fleet will also end his destruction!

I have to mention here that Xiao Hei is no worse than the demolition team...from a high altitude, he suddenly smashed heavily on a battleship, regardless of whether the battleship under him is a legend... smash it steadily Into two halves, the power that burst out at that moment can kill many people.

I don't even know how many sailors will be overturned into the sea.

The Dark Lord wants to escape!
But there is nowhere to go!
At this time, Xiao Hei didn't bother with other warships anymore, but just watched the Dark Lord's flagship steadily. If he wanted to change shape, he had to see if the space was willing to do so!

This product is a BUG in this world!

The task Fang Yun received was to clear this bug, so how could the space increase the difficulty of the task at this time and let him run away!


This sea battle, from early morning to sunset sunset sea level is over!
There is almost no intact warship in the entire sea area!

Of course... the Black Dragon is not counted, it is still so indestructible, it charges at the forefront every time, crushing battleships without any damage.

It has withstood hundreds of artillery pieces, but it is so courageous, rushing to the flagship of the Dark Lord step by step, sinking it completely, and sinking into the deep sea together with the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord is very strong, logically at least the legendary high-level strength!

But in the face of many legendary warships, even if his black magic is flying all over the sky and all kinds of tricks are exhausted, there is nothing he can do in the face of such a general situation!
"What is this? The Dark Lord sank into the sea with the battleship. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead, leaving a suspense?" Fang Yun was covered in blood, looking at the sea full of flames. There are more than 100 ships left...

But they really made history. With the power of pirates, they defeated the British fleet led by the Dark Lord!

Although the British Navy is very strong, and the East India Company still has many warships, they still lost too much here!

It is conceivable that they will not be able to deal with the pirates in the Caribbean as easily as before. After all, these guys have to face the navies of other countries, and they will not be able to spare a large number of warships to face the pirates.

There are batch after batch of pirates. After retirement, the navies and sailors of many countries can only join the pirates because they have no other life skills, so the pirates cannot be defeated!

As long as the pirates are given some time at this time to recuperate, the entire world of Pirates of the Caribbean will return to peace.

As for the wizards or dark wizards prevalent in inland Europe, they will not easily invade this sea area. After all, such a powerful Dark Lord has been killed by pirates. As long as they have a little IQ, they will understand that the sea does not belong to them!

So at this moment, the main task is also completely completed!
"It's really depressing. Space restricts the Dark Lord's ability to escape, but he doesn't allow me to kill him to get the key. This is a fool!" Boss Fang was a little depressed at this time. He had worked so hard in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean for so long. With the Dark Lord as the BOSS, isn't it to kill him and reveal some good things?

The result is not even a wool!
But with the rest of the pirates, they looked at him with attention!

"Hint: You led the other pirate kings to defeat the Dark Lord and regained the living space of the pirates. They will welcome you as the real pirate king!"

"Hint: This title is a legendary special quality, to replace your White Wizard Captain title, it can be used in any world!"

"Hint: You have completed the hidden mission to help Jack and other crew members transform into dragons!"

Mission Reward: Follow the Black Pearl and Jack!
"Hint: You have completed the main mission and buried the Dark Lord!"

Task reward: 1 divinity, 5 points of merit, 10000 points of common currency.

"Reminder: The world of this plot has been completely opened up. Your strength and influence have reached the limit of this world. You will no longer receive invitations from this world!"

Story world clearance rewards: 1 point of fame, 5 divinity, 10 points of merit, 30000 points of common currency.

"What? Is there any talk about customs clearance? I heard that there will be a sixth part in the Caribbean Sea. You can't play like this in space, can you?" Fang Yun couldn't help asking when he saw the information.

"Reminder: Your overall strength has exceeded the upper limit of this world, and if you want to take Jack Sparrow away, the space will restart this world or give up this world completely, so you still have 3 hours to stay in this world, please cherish it Stay in this world for the last time."

Fang Yun suddenly realized at this time that his summoning ability is too strong, even though his own strength is average, but Xiao Hei's strength is still too bad, so he exceeded the upper limit.

At this time, he took a deep look at other people, not wanting to tell them that the world will restart, but he seemed to be talking to himself: "Come back, such a simple task, you send me like this as a space With so much divinity, the next world must be in a bad situation, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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