Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 463 Marvel?

Chapter 463 Marvel?

Fang Yun doesn't need to care about Jack Sparrow's situation. The Black Pearl, the Black Dragon, and Xiao Hei will return to the world of Azeroth. As for the position issue, Taylor is naturally in charge.

When he returns this time, the replay of the scenes becomes much longer. From his first entry into Pirates of the Caribbean until now, all kinds of wonderful duel scenes will appear one by one. Of course, the most exciting scene is still with the little French princess. Made all kinds of actions that are not suitable for children. (10 words omitted here)

Boss Fang wished he had to come back, and then went to France to find the little princess for a show!
It's a pity that there is not enough time, it is really too late...

Killing Floor Combat Summary:

"Time: Late seventeenth century, 5 p.m."

"Location: Pacific Ocean"

"Difficulty: Unknown"

"Pain reduction: 50%"

"Additional enhancement of personal ability: 0.00%"

"Current scene exploration: 43%"

"Caribbean world connection: 99%"

Mission Completion: 89%
Mission Discovery: 45%
Overall Mission Rating: A-

Team experience: +50 points.

In the next second, Fang Yun completely disappeared in this world, and counting the task rewards and scene rewards, this world can be called the largest plot world that Boss Fang received.

at this time……

Divinity: 30+6 points.

Merit value: 175+33 points

Free attribute points: 18 points

Common currency: 13500+50000 points.

Not counting these rewards, there is also the complete evolution of the Black Dragon, the legendary title of the Pirate King, and the semi-extraordinary title. to so many things.

He always felt... there was a conspiracy in space!

"Could it be possible to really let myself go to the battlefield of extraordinary people?"

"No, probably not!"

"But my own strength is really embarrassing. It's easy to abuse the weak, but I can't beat the strong.

Without the talent of time and zero, there is only one burst of instant and black flame cut. If you count the summoning of Xiao Hei, you have the ability to live and die with the extraordinary, but that is not a long-lasting thing.

Then the problem arises in the case of half-baked transcendents! "Fang Yun glanced at the ignored ability silently, feeling really upset in his heart!

The sound of "Dididi" suddenly appeared.

Boss Fang raised his eyebrows, knowing that it was the voice of the team channel, and when he opened it, he saw Hanks, a bastard, cursing him, and as a team member, there was a golden title of Transcendent next to his name!
And as the team leader, I naturally have a rank display... That rank is 'half-handed superhuman', and the whole title is also shining with golden light, but... isn't this cheating?
It's perfectly conceivable how others laughed at him.

"My Cao, what the hell is a half-baked Transcendent? Are you still alive, Commander?"

"MMP, of course I'm not dead, so why aren't you two dead?" Boss Fang replied unhappily. How much divinity has been mixed up.

"Actually, we are not curious about whether you are dead or not, Mr. Captain. I am just curious about how you, a semi-transcendent, got your level of strength..." After Ares finished speaking, he did not forget to show a curious expression on his face. expression.

But Pete and Poker are still evolutionaries, and the two of them did not have any accidents. They are curiously waiting for Boss Fang's reply.

"Come, come, don't talk nonsense on the team channel, come to my house and have something to talk about!" Fang Yun didn't want to mention this, so he asked them all to come over.

"I can't go. Although we are still in the space, we still belong to different planes!" Hanks sent a tall emoji wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar, showing that he couldn't make it through.

"What? Pretending to be your sister, we are a group, even if you become superhumans, you shouldn't be so perverted, right?" Fang Yun was speechless. Could it be that superhumans are really not at the same level of space as them?
"Haha, just kidding, we can go there only by spending some common currency. In this case, I will tell you when I come." Ares sent them over one after another after talking with him.


As the Satanic team gathered again, the three Boss Fang looked at the two MTs in surprise, and could vaguely feel the strength, but the space had restricted that aura, making them indistinguishable from the top evolutionists.

"Tell me how did you get the divinity?" Fang Yun talked quickly and asked this question, but he just realized that Pete and Poker are still evolutionaries. If he leaked information like this, there should be big problems.

But when he looked over, he realized that the two of them looked like I understood, and they had known it for a long time. It seemed that the world they lived in last time was different.

"MD, don't mention it, we were thrown into a strange space.

There were 100 MTs there. After we entered that world, we found that each of them had a divinity in their bodies... so you know, we can only kill each other.

And this space is still shrinking, so that all MTs have to face each other. If it weren't for the two of us, we would have died a long time ago.

It's also fortunate to have the two of us together... In the end, each of us got 50 divinity pieces, and became a transcendent properly, and even became that kind of strong transcendent in one fell swoop! Hanks looked excited at this moment, like opening a chatterbox, and BB couldn't stop talking.

When Fang Yun heard that each of them got 50 divinity coins, he was stunned for a moment: "My Cao, 50 two killed everyone else?"

"It's natural. They all act alone. Even if there are a very small number of people who cooperate with each other, they are afraid of sudden betrayal... But we don't need to worry about this at all. It's just two people playing solo queue and eating chicken easily. ..." Ares smiled, raised his eyebrows at Boss Fang, and seemed to ask how your half-transcendent got it.

"This... a half-godly superhuman... it's just that the divinity is not enough, so I can't fully integrate the domain and advance to a superhuman, so you two give me some divinity or something, and I can almost easily advance!" Boss Fang said at this time Rubbing your hands, both of them are local tyrants, with so much divinity, it's better to give them some.

"I can't give it... If you want to get divinity, you have to get rare props, or you have to play with faith, otherwise you can only get it by killing the possessor of divinity. If you want it, come on... fuck me hard, as a superman Or me, I don’t have any resistance!" Hanks stretched his limbs, lying on the sofa at a slant, with a look of you coming to fuck me.

Seeing his mean face, Fang Yun really wanted to beat him up, but after thinking about it at this moment, he couldn't beat him at all... only had a bitter face.

"Hey, don't be depressed, we haven't had a chance to gain divinity yet, but what I want to ask is, what about the next world? Will space separate us?" Poker looked curious, and the strength gap between the teams was a bit Great, won't the next world be together?

"I don't know... But I heard that Ark Space is going to make a small move, and it seems that Marvel is going to have a big situation!"

"Marvel...?" Fang Yun lit a cigarette and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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