Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 464 Fly at supersonic speed with mind power!Cock burst!

Chapter 464 Fly at supersonic speed with mind power!Cock burst!
Whether the next world is Marvel or not, no one is sure, and Fang Yun no longer considers those issues.

At this time, it is the business to increase one's own attributes first.

"Fortunately, the ratio of increasing attributes to the Transcendent is 3 to 1, otherwise it is really a loss!" Hanks said.

Fang Yun also nodded. Fortunately, the space is not too perverted, otherwise it would be difficult to increase attributes, and he can only rely on divinity to increase attributes for himself.

With 18 free attribute points, he didn't hesitate to add 6 points to his strength!
At this time, his power finally reached 154 points including the bonus of equipment and divinity, but his divinity is still too little to be added too much!

My own divinity only has 26 points, if there are 100 points, it is called an explosion!
As for Hanks and Ares, their attributes are the most powerful. If they can fly, then they are definitely Superman!
Especially the two of them belong to MT, they are simply small Hulks, they can fight, they can fight, they have a lot of blood, and they can be resurrected with full blood if they can't die with one move. The presence.

At this moment, Boss Fang thought about the two of them and heaved a sigh of relief. At least he still has two awesome backings!

"Hey, it's not in vain to waste so many common coins, and finally raised these two eldest sons..." Fang Yun murmured aside.

But... how can the strength of a transcendent be underestimated, even if it was the sound of mosquitoes, the two of them could hear it, so they clenched their fists and were immediately beaten up...

Boss Fang, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, silently used a healing technique on himself. He always felt that his status as the team leader was a bit insecure, so he decided to upgrade his X-knowledge power skills!
Fang Yun has a total of 4 telekinetic skills!
Among them, the mind barrier, the hand of mind, and the shock wave of mind are all Lv4, and the guard of mind is Lv1.

Among them, if the first three items can all be upgraded to Lv7, Boss Fang will be able to obtain a new X-mind power. According to his idea, it is either a mind-power storm or a mind-power flight!

But to upgrade all three of these to Lv7, Fang Yun needs at least... well, the author has to do the math!
Summary: 54000 common coins and 27 merit points are required!
"MD, I can be promoted to colonel by meritorious service. Forget it. I'll work hard. If I don't get promoted, I have to make up for this skill. After all, the ability to fly is so rare!" Fang Yun also Do not hesitate.

Immediately facing the skills of telekinetic power is a bit of a pause, there is nothing wrong with it, it is rich!
The final result is as follows!

hand of mind
Level: Lv7 (Max: Lv9)

Skill Rarity: Legendary Elementary

Skill function: Consume MP to form invisible X-mind power to manipulate all objects, such as pulling, attacking, stroking, etc. The size of the hand of mind power is 80 times that of your palm.

When not attacking, pulling all objects will cause a certain amount of MP consumption according to the volume of the object.

Skill effect: When attacking, it will cause 480+ (360% X intelligence) attack power, and cause a knockback effect of 7-13 meters.

Skill duration: Determined according to the upper limit of MP.

Consumption: 50 MP per second.

Skill charge: 0 seconds.

Skill range: within 16 meters.

Skill Cooldown: 12 seconds


Psychic Shockwave

Level: Lv7 (Max: Lv9 level)
Skill Rarity: Legendary Intermediate

Skill function: Use your mind as the origin to form a diffuse shock wave, and cause high-intensity damage.

Skill effect: Psychic shock wave, will cause 700+ (390%X intelligence) attack, and 30% real damage, and trigger a knockback effect of 9-15 meters, with a 75% chance to cause dizziness for 5 seconds.

Skill consumption: 150MP
Skill charge: 0 seconds.

Skill range: within 17 meters from itself.

Skill cooldown: 1 hour.


Psychic Barrier
Level: Lv7 (Max: Lv9)

Skill Rarity: Legendary Elementary

Skill function: Consume MP to form a transparent barrier of X-power, which is 4x4 square meters. You can cast it in any direction to block the enemy's attack, and the barrier can move with your own movement.

Skill effect: X telekinetic power barrier, with 2100+ (330% X intelligence) points of health, 50 points of defense.

Skill consumption: 120MP
Skill charge: 0 seconds.

Skill distance: 5 meters

Skill cooldown: 1 hour.


And the new skills that finally awakened were as he expected!
It's really mind flying!

"I'm sub-Ao, the energy is out of control, have you seen it, I can fly!" It was an indescribable force, Fang Yun seemed to be so strangely floating as long as he fantasized about how he could fly, and even Can make various actions in mid-air!

Others don't know how to spend a lot of skill points in a short period of time... all the way to drive the power of X thought to Lv7, but seeing this scene at this time, I was really shocked!
"MD, that's amazing, hurry up and talk about the detailed ability of this telekinetic flight, let's have a look at the data!" Hanks said hastily!

Boss Fang glanced at him: "There's nothing wrong with it. Books with data streams, how can they work without data, and they must be used to make up for Calvin's time!"

Psychic flight
Level: Lv1 (MAX: Lv3)

Skill Rarity: Legendary Intermediate

Skill function: When your basic skills have reached Lv7, it means that you have mastered the power of X-knowledge at a high level, and you can know how to support your body with the least consumption.

Just thinking about it with your head can make the power of X-mind attach to the surface of your body, and you can easily float up and fly!
Low speed flight: 250 kilometers per hour
Consumption: 200MP/hour

High-speed flight: 500 kilometers per hour
Consumption: 400MP/hour

Supersonic flight: 1300 kilometers per hour
Consumption: 900MP/hour

(Explanation: If you want to experience supersonic flight, you'd better set yourself up with a mind guard first, otherwise I'm afraid you will die suddenly!)
"I'm crazy, there is still supersonic flight?" Seeing this data, Poker felt really awesome!

And Fang Yun has already felt this for a long time. When he was wandering around the alien planet wearing biological armor, he often flew at several times the speed of sound. To Lv1, Lv2, it is also very easy to explode the flying ability of multiple times of sound!

As for the Psychic Guardian appearing before the Psychic Flight, I have to say that there is nothing wrong with this skill tree. Otherwise, Boss Fang’s mortal body, even if the attribute is very good, when flying at supersonic speed, if he hits something, he might get a hole in his head. .

At that time, not to mention flying, it is possible to be thrown to death directly. Didn't you see a black man who lost control of the super power and was struck to death by lightning after mastering telekinesis?
Obviously the skill tree is a bit crooked!
"Then...who will lend me some money, I'll push the telekinetic guard to Lv3 first?" Boss Fang stretched out his hand silently, and he always felt that as long as he pushes the X-knowledge power to the limit, it seems that extraordinary things will happen Under the circumstances, maybe he will really be like the protagonist in the movie, using all kinds of telekinetic means casually!

 Who can count the words, but can speak so aboveboard, and can't complain!
  I think except for the author brother of the game classification, it should be gone!

(End of this chapter)

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