Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 466 The sky is invading?

Chapter 466 The sky is invading?

No one saw that there was a figure that exploded with supersonic flying ability and shot straight above the sea of ​​clouds!
When he came above the clouds in the morning, an indescribable beauty really appeared in front of his eyes. The morning light shone on the thousands of clouds, and the refracted light seemed to be like a thin layer of golden sand, shining not far away. glow.

In the higher sky, there are light-colored cloud lines across the sky, which looks very dreamy.

Fang Yun was suspended in the sky, like sitting on cotton candy, enjoying a scene that countless people would never see in their lifetime!
And this is the benefit of having the ability to fly, flying freely in the sky like a bird, freely and unrestrained!
"Hahahahaha, go to the North Pole to see the snow!!!" Fang Yun roared cheerfully at an altitude of a thousand meters, his body suddenly turned to the north, and there was a loud 'bang', the clouds around him exploded, and the sonic boom suddenly When he came out, he flew towards the north like a rolling thunder, with a white line.

"See how high you can fly!" Fang Yunfei didn't know how long he was flying, but seeing that he was about to enter Russia, he still decisively raised his flying altitude, and flew straight towards the atmosphere where there were no clouds!

Although he doesn't have the equipment to test the altitude, he has the space, and with his status as an apostle, he can ask some simple questions without paying the general currency!
But what Boss Fang didn't know was... the satellites of some countries had already seen him!

At this time, the leaders of those countries looked at him seriously. With only their own bodies, they could burst out at supersonic speeds, and they flew higher and higher without slowing down at all. It simply did not conform to the common sense of flying!

Especially the high-ranking officials in Russia are a little puzzled at this time, why this guy has to fly so high when he just came to Russia, what action should he take?
But at this moment, I can only look at him. After all, according to the news from Huaxia's spies, it seems that this person belongs to an agent of space. That's what he did.

So Mr. President, the old Maozi, said that don't act rashly. Although the speed of a fighter jet can explode several times the speed of sound, it is definitely not as flexible as this person. Don't make rash moves until the critical moment.

Then everyone saw him...flying high into the sky.

1 meters!

2 meters!


10 meters!

That altitude has completely exceeded the limit that the radar can detect. If their satellite hadn't participated in the high-tech aliens, they would have lost Boss Fang a long time ago!
But that's shocking enough!

The air at [-] meters is so thin that you can't breathe, and I don't know how this person can hold on, and if his speed is faster, it will be even more worrying. Fortunately, his speed has always been maintained at super The situation of the speed of sound... No matter how fast it is, it is not too fast. This kind of situation makes many people breathe a sigh of relief and don't care about him anymore.

Because they found out that it took him several hours, just to go to the North Pole to see... Polar bears and touch snowflakes... This situation makes them spend so many resources observing him, it's really maddening!
If Boss Fang knew about this, he would definitely scold them: "MMP, I won't recite this blame. I just try my flying ability and take a look at the snow that I haven't seen for a long time. As for staring at me like this?"


After some experiments, Boss Fang was sitting on the snow mountain wearing thin clothes, and the icy cold wind howled.

But it doesn't bring him a little discomfort, after all, his physical fitness is already immune to this cold weather.

And not far from him is a clumsy polar bear, struggling to find food on the melting ice... It seems that the greenhouse climate makes their survival more difficult.

"Hey, I have to continue to upgrade the flight of mind power. If there is no faster flying speed, I will not be able to catch up with those guys whose flying speed is so fast!" After some experiments, the final conclusion is to continue to upgrade!
But common currency is not a problem, other guys still have it, and when he needs resources, they will naturally give him.

After all, this ability is very strong, and it is worth paying some common currency for the partners!

Time flies and it's boring!
Boss Fang stayed in the North Pole for three full days, without eating or drinking, just sitting on the snow-capped mountain and looking around, looking very lonely and confused, which made some people who observed him look confused, but finally he flew back home, and back to space!
"Didn't these idiots return to space? The real world is so boring!" Fang Yun said helplessly, but he still has other places to go, and that is Azeroth!

Regarding the issue of obtaining divinity, Boss Fang really has no good solution. If you want to talk about slaughtering gods... the gods in Marvel are not very easy to kill!

If you want to kill Thor...

Not to mention whether he can beat him, even if he can beat him, Thor's father, Odin, will definitely try his best to kill himself. Asgard is also the army of the Kingdom of God, and it is estimated that he will attack in full force...

So who else has the existence of divinity?
Thanos is almost done, maybe there is still a godhead!

As for Professor X in the X-Men, this guy has almost unlimited spiritual power. Boss Fang wouldn't believe that he didn't have a trace of divinity!
Loki must also have divinity, but it takes a little effort to kill him, after all, he is a guy with a villain aura...

Mephisto, the lord of hell, this guy must also have a divine existence!

In short, there are still many people who can possess divinity, but Boss Fang can kill people... there are hardly a few. Those who have the opportunity to kill, but dare not, really make him very depressed. The final situation seems to be to kill other people who have The divine transcendent is his way out.

So before that, why not go to Azeroth to collect some beliefs and see if you can get some divinity!
After all, if his divinity really reaches 50 pieces and successfully activates the time domain, then his strength will be greatly improved!
"So, the space will send me to Azeroth, Sunset City!" As soon as Fang Yun's voice fell, he turned into a white light and disappeared into the space.

When he came to the top of the World Tree, one message after another was sent to his mind!
"Hint: The plot has changed before you arrived. Losa was rescued by the elf prince Legolas with an arrow. Although he was seriously injured, he has now recovered successfully.

But at this moment, the Scourge, the vanguard of the Burning Legion, has reached the critical moment of invading Azeroth! "

"Reminder: As the king of Sunset City, your arrival this time is just at the key point of the plot mission. You can choose whether to participate in the plot. As you agree, this mission will replace the next plot world!"

Boss Fang was a little confused by the sudden situation, but he didn't click to accept or reject. He wanted to see the situation in Sunset City first.

And the moment he walked down the World Tree, he really felt the tense atmosphere that the war was about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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