Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 467 Faith!

Chapter 467 Faith!

At this moment, the invasion of the undead Scourge has caused great harm to the local residents of Azeroth.

However, Sunset City, as a new powerful kingdom, also has many powerful legends, which makes others dare not act rashly.

Especially the breath of life emitted by the incomparably tall world tree is undoubtedly the greatest harm to these guys who have come back from the dead.

The undead or other dark creatures who had come near Sunset City felt that their bodies were burning, and the severe pain made them unable to bear such torture at all!
So these guys withdrew from the territory of Sunset City one after another. Although there are still many undead in the two fast territories of West Wilderness and Stranglethorn Vale, it is inevitable, but compared to other places, there are still too few, and the sunset The Legion is also cleaning up this group of guys in an all-round way.

Because Sunset City doesn't need much effort to face these guys!
After all, Lordaeron is the main target of the invasion of the Scourge, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron, as the most powerful human country in the Eastern Continent, especially the 'Alsace' whose name is whispered by 'the whole universe', is the main target. The existence that Ner'zhul most wanted to corrupt!

Plague is spreading throughout the territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. As for Alsace, the protagonist of the Undead Scourge, His Royal Highness has already started looking for the source of the plague!

"Very good, is this the information you have collected?" Fang Yun didn't delay, and directly summoned some of Sunset City's subordinates to come to the meeting. At this time, there were more than 20 legendary figures in the conference hall.

Of course, similar to Gandalf, and all the elf kings, all of them are like the overlords. As long as the Scourge or tribes don't hit the door, they basically don't care about these things, so they didn't come.

Gandalf indulged in the magic tower all day long, researching various local magic, praying for further progress!
The same is true of the elf kings every day, fascinated by the breath of the world tree, and feel the rules of the world on the world tree all day long.

"Yes, I heard some rumors that Alsace has become very bloody recently, and he is less and less like a paladin, but there are still many people (contractors) around him, who seem to want to please him, or prevent him from doing something. !” Legolas said while holding the letter in his hand.

Then he said: "Your Majesty, you'd better show up in the city. After all, you haven't shown up for many years... Although Gandalf often uses his projection ability to cast spells, it's not a long-term thing. After all, the common people haven't seen it for a long time. King of the world!!"

"Well, I will show up, the main reason is that I didn't expect time to pass so fast, but fortunately without me, Sunset City has also developed very rapidly, thanks to you all.

By the way, I heard that you have a son who is 8 years old this year? "Fang Yun went to the Pirates of the Caribbean once... It's been more than ten years here, it's really a scam, there is nothing, or he built this Sunset City by himself.

The people are very appreciative of him as a king, and they may even have someone overthrow the regime!

Fortunately, Gandalf is his teacher, and he doesn't have so many views on power. The elf kings are also related to him, and these super bosses are in Sunset City, so those nobles dare not have any dissent. After all, people with ideas , in the past ten years, the grave grass has changed so many times, and it is they who have made Fang Yun's throne safe and secure!

Over the past ten years, Sunset City has become more and more prosperous. Among them, the port in the west of the Sunset Mountain Range has almost become the largest trading port in the Eastern Kingdom. After all, the equipment made by the dwarves is too good, and there are a group of elves who help with enchanting, regardless of quality or quality. , and even the output is not comparable to other countries!
Especially in the domain of the World Tree, there are some fields where the food, fruits, and vegetables grown here contain a lot of vitality, and if taken for a long time, it can increase the lifespan!

These things have completely become the best-selling things in Azeroth. No one wants to live for a few more years. If you don’t have enough money to live in Sunset City, then it’s okay to buy food under the World Tree domain. Don’t worry that the food will not be sold. , even the most common wheat can be sold at a high price of one gold coin per catty!

Of course... civilians should not imagine how much they can eat. Basically, the nobles of various countries and even Kalimdor are consuming these high-end items.

Therefore, the trading volume of the entire port exceeds 10,000+ gold coins every day, and even in some special seasons, the trading volume of over one million gold coins has been seen!
After more than ten years of development, there are 140 million civilians in the territory of Sunset City. Among them, there are nearly 40 people in the east and west of Sunset City. If the number is not restricted, there will definitely be more!
It is not an exaggeration to say that the houses in Sunset City are worth a penny. A lot of mages from Dalaran have settled in one after another. Many of them have officially joined the Kingdom of Sunset and become permanent residents of the Kingdom. Otherwise, they will never be close to the world in this life. Trees...and they are also Boss Fang's subjects.

As for the number of legions in Sunset City?
There are 40 super legions with a total of 12 soldiers and horses!
Among them, the most powerful legion belongs to the Quel'Dorei Heavy Cavalry Legion. Whether it is a man or a war horse, they are all covered in dark gold suits. Executioner!"

But they said gold coins... and executioners, which is enough to prove how terrifying the Quel'Dorei Heavy Cavalry Legion is. These 3000 people are completely bulldozers on the battlefield, and they will win wherever they go!
Of course, what is even more powerful is that the Royal Griffon Legion in Sunset City has the same equipment, but they rarely go to the battlefield, and their reputation is not obvious!
In addition to the two dark gold ace legions, there is also a mixed legion called the Sunset Legion. The first team led by the boss at the time, 1000 shields, 1000 cavalry, and 1000 shooters, they are also aces, due to the large number of legions Transformed, they have been fighting outside all year round. Although they are well equipped, their kill rate and death rate remain high.

But because the name of this legion is called the Sunset Legion!

The legions that the king once led personally often have more people when they sign up for enlistment.

In addition to the three dark gold aces, Sunset City also had three golden cavalry regiments, three golden shield warrior regiments, and three golden archer regiments.

As for the other legions, of course they still wear silver suits, a total of 40 legions, even if Sunset City has strong funds, they have to change their equipment slowly. If all the legions are to be so powerful, it will take at least decades, or even 100 legions. year! !
But according to this kind of military strength, it can be said that Sunset City uses a huge and powerful military force to guard an extremely rare territory... It is because of this situation that the residents in the territory are very safe, and the happiness index is higher than that of Azeroth. Si belongs to the highest!

It is also because of this that every resident's satisfaction with the king has almost reached its peak!
With a perfect legal system, everyone is equal when nobles break the law!

Even if a natural disaster invaded, it did not cause much harm to the territory of Sunset City.

So, under various circumstances, if Boss Fang really wants to become a god with faith, it's not impossible, but a very strong possibility!

After all, Fang Yun is the king of Sunset City. Although he is not here, the commoners don’t know it. They only know that His Majesty the King has worked so hard to build Sunset City, making it prosperous and powerful day by day, and Let them more and more happy!

When one day, their king stood up and wanted these people to believe in him, would these common people agree?

Then, there will be no doubt about agreeing or disagreeing!

(End of this chapter)

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