Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 468 The Road to Godhood!

Chapter 468 The Road to Godhood!

"Let's go here for the meeting first. Sunset City will continue to develop according to the plan. I'll go to the teacher to ask a question first!" Fang Yun glanced at the crowd, and the others had nothing to say, so they dispersed one by one.

Leaving the towering snow-white meeting hall, Fang Yun raised his head and glanced at the magic tower on the top of the mountain. At this time, the magic tower had already been built, and more than 40 legendary mages lived in it. Of course, Gandalf, the legendary wizard, was the strongest. Super Mage!
Especially when he is in the magic tower, the strength he displays can completely surpass the legendary top rank!

As if sensing his arrival, Gandalf in a white robe has come to the platform on the top of the tower. There are two griffin lairs here, ready for the mages to leave.

Fang Yun didn't walk to the top of the mountain, but directly used his mind to fly, broke through the sky, and came to the top of the magic tower.

"Teacher, long time no see."

"It's been more than ten years since we parted, but judging by your strength at this time, you are much stronger than before!" Gandalf stood there leaning on his staff, like a gray-haired grandfather, without a trace of strong aura, But Fang Yun always felt that breaking through to the top level of legend should not be far away!

"Well, I got divinity by accident, I think..."

"You want to ask me how to obtain other divinities?" Gandalf looked at him and smiled thoughtfully.

"Yes... I don't know what the teacher thinks about the power of faith, can I gain divinity?" Fang Yun asked with doubts. He knew that Gandalf wanted to take the route of becoming a god by faith, but with the world Tree, let him have no chance...

Dressed in a white robe, he walked forward slowly, looking down at the Sunset City under the tower. As the guardian of the Sunset Kingdom at this time, he was extremely powerful. Naturally, there were many people who believed in him because of his strength. .

But that kind of belief he can't collect at all...

What's more, after coming to Azeroth, when he felt the magic rules, he understood that he didn't need to believe in becoming a god, as long as he worked hard enough to sense the rules of this world, he could also condense the godhead.

So Gandalf slowly gathers his staff over his head and sweeps into the distance. Wherever the staff passes, scenes appear. Those scenes are all the people in the territory of the Kingdom of the Setting Sun. With enough food, everyone does not need to be afraid of the enemy's intrusion.

Especially... Fang Yun's portrait hangs in everyone's home.

When Boss Fang saw this scene, he was stunned immediately: "What's going on with this portrait?"

"It's not easy to believe in the gods. It needs to be developed step by step, and you need enough people as the foundation. And you have a territory and enough people. It is naturally the most convenient to collect beliefs through this step, so I've done it for you a long time ago!" Gandalf's gaze was as deep as the sea, and he could resist the temptation to become a god, no wonder he became the number one protagonist in Lord of the Rings.

Seeing Fang Yun's embarrassing eyes, Gandalf was also a little helpless, and obviously knew that he was wrong, so he said directly: "Do you know the difference between collecting the divinity of faith and the divinity obtained by killing others? "

"Uh... I don't know, what's the difference?" Boss Fang looked confused.

"The divinity of collecting beliefs is full of ideas and thoughts, prayers and negative effects. Do you think you have that kind of extraordinary heart and spiritual power? Do you know what will happen if you directly collect beliefs?"

"Will my head be exploded by those prayers?" Fang Yun still remembers it vividly at this moment. The Seagod's divinity at the time actually killed his eternal lifespan... How terrifying do you think?
"Yes, in fact, the most important thing is the World Tree. The World Tree is yours. When you are not in Sunset City, the World Tree is your representative.

Whenever an army goes out, they will pray to you, asking for the glory of the king to be with you!

Whenever a farmer goes to farm, they will pray to you for a continued harvest this year!
Whenever someone gives birth to a child, they will also pray to you, praying that their child will grow up healthy and healthy!

Although you haven't received these messages, it's because the huge soul of World Tree has collected them for you.

You need to know that if you don’t have a strong soul and an extraordinary mind, you can’t collect beliefs directly, so you need a medium, such as a special prop, to help you clean up those messy thoughts and prayers, and you have a different The extraordinary medium, or the strongest medium, is the World Tree..."

Speaking of this, Gandalf couldn't help but glanced at Fang Yun, wondering if this guy was lucky. A small move at the beginning actually created his current path to becoming a god.

Fang Yun expressed a look of confusion, and Gandalf could only continue to say: "World Tree likes collecting beliefs very much, because he has a huge soul. If that kind of soul really shows up, I will look very small in front of it. Therefore, as soon as those messy information entered the soul of World Tree, they disappeared in smoke.

And after those thoughts are crushed, it can still strengthen his soul, which is why it is so active!
So the World Tree has silently collected a lot of divinity for you, you can go to the World Tree now, take out the divinity, and then thoroughly inform your people, tell them that you want to become a god, After becoming a god, and even you on the road to becoming a god, you will give back some benefits to them!
You can also tell them that some people with the purest faith will have eternal life! "

Gandalf took out the elixir at this time, Fang Yun's eyes widened, and he understood that Gandalf wanted to use this thing as a temptation, for example, let some believers drink the elixir every year to increase enough life spans, and that would be harmful to others. It is a great temptation.

In the end, Boss Fang could only silently give a thumbs up: "Teacher, you have been my teacher all your life, and you have paved the way for me to become a god...I really have nothing to say!"

"The World Tree was planted by you. The water of life is the seed that you did not enjoy yourself but watered to the World Tree. The welfare of these people was determined by you. The strength of Sunset City changed before we came. Become a side of Azeroth.

what did I do?It is nothing more than to guide you on the right path, and let you avoid some detours, so hurry up and become stronger.

The situation in Azeroth is not very good. I have a hunch that something big will happen in the future. If you can become a god, you will become the pillar of Sunset City. Maybe you can survive all of us in future disasters Bar! "Gandalf's eyes were full of sadness, but he still used magic to inform all the characters above the legend.

Let them know that our majesty the king is about to collect beliefs and start his path to becoming a god. Everyone must use all methods to inform the people in the territory that we must use all methods to pave the way for our king!
(End of this chapter)

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