Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 469 Time Domain

Chapter 469 Time Domain
Collecting beliefs is not enough to build a few temples.

Instead, it needs enough foundation, manpower, and material resources to help him publicize everything about him!
Boss Fang bribed countless troubadours a long time ago, let them travel around, and told them that he was strong, kind, just, and that he was an extremely just king!

For more than ten years, Sunset City is still doing this, and when there are some things that have been said a lot, even if they are not true, they have become true.

Almost everyone in Azeroth has heard the legend of Boss Fang. As for Gul'dan, who he used as a stepping stone, he died long ago in order to become a god. At this time, even his grave was dug up...

So when all the officials, legionnaires, and even some nobles in Sunset City preached their belief in various fields, His Majesty the King would gain life and obtain the legendary elixir of life!

In particular, if you believe in King El Yunze, you will not become a zombie when you come to Sunset City. What's more, Boss Fang finally appeared in Sunset City.

This kind of rumor caused the entire Sunset Kingdom to boil almost in one day!
Three days later!

With the powerful energy of Sunset City, almost the whole of Azeroth knew about it!
After all, Fang Yun talked too much, dared to say that he would not become a zombie if he came to Sunset City, but this also made many people oppose him, saying that he was talking nonsense as a king!
But in the domain of the World Tree, it is full of life, and it is true that Nima will not become a zombie. When Fang Yun presents enough evidence, after feeding some people who have become zombies with the water of life, they will become humans again , again having a significant impact.

Especially in Lordaeron, some human beings who were frightened found their backbone, and faced the increasingly brutal Prince Arthas, they ran across the mountains to Sunset City.

And this situation has also had a huge impact among various races, because suddenly a king wants to rob believers from them!

Especially human beings. After all, human beings have always believed in the Holy Light. If Sunset City dared to declare such a thing at this time, it would naturally be regarded as heresy by some extreme paladins.

However, the paladins could only issue declarations of opposition in other places, telling King Elyunze to pay attention to his words and deeds, and not to pass on some bad thoughts.

But they dare not say such words in the territory of the Sunset Kingdom. After all, although there are many paladins, they are not as many as the Sunset Army!

It is not easy to say that it is not easy to spread faith in Azeroth!
Especially for fighters, as long as they get the warrior inheritance of Azeroth, they will believe in Odin (Odin of Azeroth)

But Boss Fang is awesome, he has been cheating all the way since he entered Azeroth.

Summon all kinds of gods, all the fighters in Sunset City were trained by the three hundred warriors of Sparta, or else they were trained by elf fighters. None of them have accepted the orthodox inheritance of Azeroth fighters.

So their beliefs are kings!

The slogan of all legions is the glory of the king!

And it is precisely because of this that the first batch of faith that Fang Yun gained was the 12 soldiers. That kind of pure faith is much stronger than any of the people!
Because all warriors are well aware of the power of the king, the king is a god of war who takes the lead!

He led the legions to victory again and again, every time the king fought bloody battles, in Twilight Town, in Sunset City, in Middle-earth, every time it was like this, every time it was the king who made the first move...

It is for this reason that he is deeply loved by the soldiers, which makes his king's position as stable as a mountain!
Seven days later, Fang Yun left, and he did not accept the task of staying, because he wanted to go to the Marvel World to hang out in the next world!
But his legend has spread, and it has been echoed among the many contractors in Azeroth. A group of people are talking about it, and they always feel that King El Yunze is going to do something big.

However, even though he is gone, the energy of Sunset City is still running non-stop, creating momentum for it. According to the general situation, even if there is a war with the orcs, the influence of Boss Fang will not be too great, but turning into a zombie is something that no one is willing to do. !
However, the timeline of the invasion of natural disasters really gave Fang Yun a big opportunity to collect many beliefs!

Because on the day before he left, he took out more than 30 pieces of divinity from the World Tree!
30 divinities, what do they represent?Representing the pure faith of 30 people, although there are enough 20 divinities that were condensed a long time ago.

But Fang Yun has found a long-term path to collect beliefs. Compared with other people who can only gain divinity by killing people, his path is the most normal!
At this time, he had a total of 66 divinity, more than 50 divinity, and turned into a real superhuman in one fell swoop, and the half-baked superhuman title was useless, it just disappeared!
And this will also mean that he is stepping into the realm of the extraordinary and truly obtaining the legendary time domain!

"This... this is the time domain, so strong..." Fang Yun sat on the bed blankly at this time, looking at the divine message, expressing some disbelief.

Time Divinity (Extraordinary Domain)

Belonging: Melee

Grade: Extraordinary

Quantity: 66
Attributes: strength, stamina, agility +33%.

Attributes: Perception, Wisdom, Intellect +13%
Attribute: Charisma +5
(All the above attribute bonuses, only for naked attributes)
Passive Ability: The Realm of Minutes: The mind is extremely clear, the thinking is as fast as lightning, all melee skills + Lv6 (including melee specialization).

Passive Ability: God of War Physique: Health +3000, Defense +30 points.

Passive Ability: Extraordinary Power: Each time the melee damage is dealt, an additional (generated attack power X30%) real damage will be added.

Active ability:

time field:

Extraordinary domain, the power of time, when you open the time domain.

With you as the center, within 66 meters, all the time will be adjusted by you. You can make the time flow rate of all human beings, objects, animals, skills, bullets, etc. other than yourself be 6 times lower than the normal time. , or 6 times faster.

The time flow rate within 6 times will be determined by you, the less the time flow rate doubles, the longer the duration!

Duration: 6~36 seconds!
Skill cooldown: 24 hours
(Explanation: Use the are a god!)

What is a field, this is called a field!

The original Time Zero has completely transformed into a large-scale unique move. It can almost be said that when he opened the field, he and other people are almost not in the same dimension. He can use his fingers to move the bullets fired at him. The skills sent over can also be easily dodged.

In his eyes, the others are just a group of babies learning to walk, walking around, beating up as much as they want, but Fang Yun doesn't know now, what effect will it cause if the two domains are released at the same time?
 Congratulations to those who are wandering on the edge, it took 5 months to successfully build a thousand-story building! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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