Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 470 The lucky value said: I will not take this blame!

Chapter 470 The lucky value said: I will not take this blame!
Strength, agility, stamina, and naked clothing attributes increased by 33%, which was simply terrifying. At this time, Fang Yun's strength was 170 points, agility was 149 points, and stamina was 143 points.

These three have broken through the 130-point transcendent barrier, and even went one step further!
Boss Fang, holding the Sunset Sword, always felt that if he slashed down with the sword, it seemed that he could be chopped down by Superman. , Boss Fang can live with him.

And the gap between the extraordinary and the evolution has been completely widened, which is why the space does not allow the evolution and the evolution to live together in the same world.

It is completely different from gods and mortals. The attributes of some novice evolutionists are only 50 points, and the top ones can reach more than 100 attributes. But for extraordinary people, if you open the domain...for top evolutionists , or slaughter.

That's why Boss Fang had the title of a semi-transcendent at the beginning...Because he was really no match for him back then.

Time passed slowly, and Poker and others returned to the space one after another. Fang Yun had fully adapted to the sudden strength in the gym.

And as he expected, with the advantage of the rank of lieutenant colonel, he learned the information of the next world in advance!
"Reminder: The next world of Satan's team will enter the movie version of the Marvel main universe as a whole team!"

"Reminder: The Ark space intends to destroy the human race on Earth, all contractors, please be careful with all tasks!"

Hanks was holding half a cigar at this time, took a deep breath and then extinguished it, thoughtfully said: "The movie version of the Marvel Universe, so in general, it is the Marvel plot characters that appear in the movie, Only people who appear in this world, and the characters in the comics, but the guy who has never made a movie, shouldn't exist yet?"

"Yes, we are still at home, and fortunately, Women's Federation 3 hasn't been released yet... That means Thanos can't appear yet!" Pete added on a crucial point.

The others also nodded. They don't have the confidence to face Thanos. It would be terrible if the superhumans in the ark space joined forces with him!

"Actually, I thought about it just now. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Fantastic, etc. In short, there are many more, but there are many in these organizations. A superhero can blow up a lot of superheroes, and as a stowaway, it is impossible to send a large number of troops in Arkspace, and my hometown has been given away by the T virus..." Boss Fang stopped at this point, and the others were also stunned up.

"Could it be the T virus?"

"If MD can't steal the world, will he destroy it? The ark space is great!"

"But the T-virus came out of our Killing Space. Doesn't the Space have a way to deal with it?" Ares was a little puzzled.

Poker immediately shook his head: "It is enough for the Ark space to release the virus, and with the energy of the space, it should be easy to change the nature of the virus... So the two spaces are a bit of a bastard now, are they releasing viruses to each other?"

"That's fun!" Boss Fang leaned on the sofa with a melancholy expression on his face. The harm of the T virus is really not that big to them. After watching Resident Evil 6, he said that even those guys who turned into flying monsters , not too much.

But this virus has caused too much damage to the earth and human beings, and it can also cause environmental pollution and desertification!

And if Ark Space is improving it and turning it into a new type of virus, which is more contagious and destructive, and makes those zombies more awesome, it would be a bit interesting, even if there are more heroes in the Marvel world, It also takes a lot of effort to deal with this situation, at least not in a short time!
Of course, the most important factor is to see how fast the virus is contagious. If it is too slow, it will not cause any harm to the Marvel world. After all, this is the main universe of Marvel movies, and there are many people cheating on it...

"Forget it, everyone, don't worry, this is not the way to destroy human beings. Nuclear bombs, aliens, whatever..." Poker didn't want to bother with this, but he still talked about aliens.

The corner of Fang Yun's mouth twitched: "Don't mention the alien, it's not as good as the T-virus. If it's an alien, we won't be able to survive in the sea, land and air, but it's all turned into this stuff!"


The five of them discussed a lot, but they didn't come up with a good idea. They only hoped that the enemy's contractor could follow the plot, and don't come up with a wild and unconstrained method.

A few days later, the Satan team came near the light gate again. With a dazzling light blooming, all the contractors near the light gate disappeared.

"Begin to enter the world of drama..."

"Start matching data..."

"Start to assimilate the characters with the world"

"Beginning Into The World"

The moment he opened his eyes, a burst of white light shone over, and Fang Yun couldn't help but want to raise his hand to block his eyes.

It turned out that his arms were handcuffed to the chair, and the handcuffs were very interesting. They belonged to the high-tech magnetic handcuffs, and he couldn't break them even with half of his strength.

But if you increase your strength, you can get out of trouble, but the creaking sound just now has already attracted the attention of the interrogator on the other side.

Fang Yun squinted his eyes, the flashlight was taken away, and a rather familiar face appeared in front of him!

That's S.H.I.E.L.D. Level 8 Agent, Phil Coulson.

"you know me?"

"Yes, it's interesting that you can recognize me. Although I'm curious about where your superpowers come from, I'm even more curious. How do you look at me like someone you know?" Cole Sen turned off the flashlight, and behind him were two agents in black with guns, in case the prisoner suddenly broke free from the handcuffs.

As for why Phil Coulson used this kind of affirmative tone, I have to read more "The Training of an Agent" and psychology.

And Fang Yun can’t blame him for making such a mistake. Who would have thought that as soon as he arrived at Marvel, he would be caught in the interrogation room, and then face the key figures of the Women’s Federation, his eyes would be illuminated by a white light, and he would be even more dazed. There is nothing he can do if he makes a mistake. .

At this time, although Boss Fang was depressed about why he was so unlucky when he came, he had to be thankful that many contractors came to the Marvel world and assimilated into ordinary people. To get in touch with this group of plot characters, they had to reveal some abilities, and I still have to think hard.

If it weren't for his popularity and true luck, he would definitely not have this treatment!
"Tell me, how did you recognize me? What organization are you from? Hydra, Magneto Brotherhood? Or some new type of organization? After all, I haven't found your criminal information, which means you haven't committed a crime yet. , so, it is best to tell your purpose!" Coulson is very confident in his means...

But Fang Yun ignored his words because he had received the information!
"Hint: Use your rhetoric to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and try to become a member of the Avengers, at least become a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent!"

This task is obvious. Fang Yun will stand in the camp of these plot characters, and even if the task is not mentioned, he will do it. He needs to take advantage of the situation to find the contractor of the ark space, so the charm value exceeds 100 Boss Fang has started to play his role!

(End of this chapter)

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