Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 471 Joining the Women's Federation

Chapter 471 Joining the Women's Federation
"Very good, don't you want to talk?" Coulson gave the agent next to him a look, and the agent in black on his left nodded and took out a syringe.

Boss Fang's eyes were very sharp, and when he looked over, he found a row of densely packed small characters saying, "Take it with caution, experimental medicine, don't use too much, that's right, this thing is Veritaserum!"
"MD, the movie is not credible. You promised to be honest and not tortured, but you gave me an injection!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Boss Fang said calmly, "Can't I know you, or what do you rely on?" How dare you bring me into the interrogation room when I was unconscious?"

Fang Yun, who easily broke free from the magnetic handcuffs, slowly stood up and looked at Coulson without fear!
At this moment, Coulson finally slowly raised his hands, signaling him to calm down: "Don't be impulsive, I don't have the intention to catch you, but you appeared from a white light in the sky and smashed a big hole on the space carrier , I think you need to compensate for this, right?"

"What?" Fang Yun didn't know the situation, and the team channel couldn't be opened at this time, so he was a little confused.

Coulson looked at Fang Yun's expression again and felt that he was not lying, so he said to him: "You fell out of the white light in the sky and smashed a big hole on the deck of the mothership...scared us Thinking it was a missile attack, only to find you in the pit, unscathed and unconscious.

Well, after looking at your appearance, I discovered a problem, you should be the King of Mind Power in the dark, right? "

"Huh?" Boss Fang's eyes widened again, indicating that I don't know anything, this is the identity given by space, and the power of thought is right, but the king is a little flattering him, it's better to say that he is the master of time, how nice it is what……

When Coulson saw his expression, he felt weird, and inexplicably had some good feelings for him, well, he didn't know why, anyway, looking at his face, he felt that he was a good person...

"Don't refute, S.H.I.E.L.D. has your information. When you saved people, you exposed your face, so don't quibble, but can I ask, how did you fall from the sky? That way Has the white light attacked you?" The members of S.H.I.E.L.D., who are curious about all mysteries, are naturally the same.

Although he was not allowed to leave the interrogation room, he ordered two cups of coffee and told the other two agents to leave.

As for the glass opposite the interrogation room, someone must be watching, and this person is naturally the big boss of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury. The only eye that was exposed showed a strong possessive desire when looking at Fang Yun. ...

Well, this possessive desire is to let him join the Avengers. After all, they have invited this king of mind power many times. Unfortunately, this person can fly and run too fast, so it is difficult to catch up. On the aircraft carrier, I don't know how long it will take to find him.

The reason for this background is naturally because of Fang Yun's 10 points of popularity, when he spread his beliefs, he unknowingly gained 2 points in the world of Azeroth, which was really unexpected to Boss Fang.

Everyone knows that the fame of a contractor represents his identity and background when he enters the new plot world.

But when the contractor reaches 10 points of fame, a qualitative change has already taken place. Space will conceive a perfect resume and even complex social relationships before he enters each new world, allowing him to calmly integrate into this world. world.

That's why there was that scene just now!
After Fang Yun asked about space just now, he also received this news, and secretly thought that the popularity of the space is awesome!
And after a long time, he held his coffee and didn't drink it, and he didn't know what he thought of, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and pretended to reply to Coulson: "Since you all know my identity, then I won't hide it anymore, that's right, I am the legendary, handsome, suave...King of Nianli!"

"..." Nick Fury was drinking tea behind the glass and almost spit it out.

"..." Coulson took a painful breath, and held back his silence. It seems that he needs to add one to his resume. He is not only stingy, but also narcissistic, but... this guy is really handsome.

"It's just that you want to ask me what that white light is, I can only say that I don't know, I only know that I was going to fly home, but it turned out to be inexplicably bright.

Then... You came here after you woke up. As for your claim for compensation for destroying the deck of the aircraft carrier... Please find a lawyer, I have the right to remain silent! "

I don’t know what the space thinks, but the background identity given to him is still poor. There is a kind of behavior called extreme stinginess. When you see something good, it’s like taking it away. Fortunately, he only takes ill-gotten gains and never breaks the law. .

This is also the reason why Nick Fury likes him. After all, he likes money... Then it’s easy to handle. I’m not short of money. It is more powerful than the black technology of any country.

"Um, it doesn't matter about the deck, you don't have to worry about this!"

"It's okay, I'll go first, I feel like I'm in good spirits, I can fly away!" Boss Fang said, and seeing that he didn't stop him, he opened the door.

As a result, the black one-eyed dragon Nick Fury was oncoming!

"10 dollars a month, I invite you to join the Avengers, and I will give you a seaside villa, plus a limited edition Lamborghini!" Nick Fury cut to the chase decisively.

And Fang Yun was also very shocked: "I am worth billions in the real world, you just give me such a small salary, you treat me as a beggar, and you can reward any anchor with [-] US dollars, okay! "

But Nick Fury didn't know that his shock was because he disliked the lack of money, and thought that the salary would get him done, and then he continued: "With your strength, it is enough to become a member of the Avengers. After all, we chose high expectation.

But you are doing well in all aspects. Although you are a bit stingy and love to take advantage of small things, such as robbing some underworld money from time to time, you are not too much, and you are very kind. Of course... your strength is beyond doubt! "

"So, are you going to choose to be part of the Avengers?"

It's all said and done, even the space reminder came out, how could Boss Fang not choose to join, after all, he was lucky, relying on his face and reputation, it was so smooth sailing, other extraordinary people may not be sure It takes a lot of effort.

The moment he accepted the task, the plot information finally appeared.

"Time: 2015, 11 am"

"Plot: Marvel Cinematic Universe."

"Location: Over the Pacific Ocean, Space Carrier"

"Difficulty: Unknown"

"Pain Weakness: 50%"

"Additional enhancement of personal ability: 0.00%"

"Current scene exploration: 0.3%"

"Marvel world relevance: 50%" (10 points of fame)"

Main task: Eliminate the Ark Contractors united with the Chitauri Stars, and protect the earth from being destroyed by alien forces!

As soon as Boss Fang saw the main mission, he felt pain: "If you play too much, this is the plot of Women's Federation 1. If this plot crashes, it will be over. If there are any missing key steps, nothing will work. !"

"However... this is also a good opportunity. It seems that the space gem has not been lost yet, right?" At this time, Boss Fang couldn't help wiping his saliva. Nick Fury saw it in his eyes, and he really looked disgusted. Seeing Qian like this People who drive are still rare, how can they be superheroes!
If Boss Fang knew what he was thinking, he would definitely reply: "Go to your motherfucker and find your little spider, a monthly salary of [-] US dollars can coax him into a mentally handicapped boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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