Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 472 Live in Marvel......

Chapter 472 Live in Marvel......

Fang Yun stood on the deck of the aircraft carrier facing the wind, looked at the blue ocean in the distance, and then at the hole that had been smashed into a big hole. Don't be afraid that you will have problems.

Coulson ate a hamburger with great enthusiasm, and always followed him, verbally because he was afraid that he was not familiar with the terrain, but mainly because he was afraid that he would take things indiscriminately.

After all, the technological items here are very advanced, and Boss Fang does have irregular movements when he comes here. As long as he takes something by hand, it will disappear inexplicably. Although they are all small items, it’s okay to give them to him. But this kind of behavior makes Nick Fury very worried. It seems that this guy is not only stingy, but also has the habit of petty theft~
But he sent all the things into the storage space, and he still hasn't caught the handle. Nick Fury can't say anything about him, so he can only let Coulson follow him all the time. It's best to take him to see the sea, try not to go What a high-tech laboratory.

Because he always felt that if he was put in a laboratory, all the equipment in that laboratory would probably be dismantled and disappear the next day...

"Well, how can I say that I am also the No.1 member of the Avengers... don't you have any special treatment?" Boss Fang found out after agreeing that he was the first one, which also showed that there was no accident in the space gem. Even he's in an earlier timeline.

"Special treatment? What treatment do you want?"

"For example... Change someone to follow me, find a female agent who is familiar with the terrain?" Fang Yun raised his eyebrows at him.

Coulson squinted his eyes and shook his head. This guy is too handsome and charming. As soon as he entered the central command room, many female agents stared at him. If he really assigned a female agent... I have to go to the bed to monitor him, and this kind of situation is something that most male staff do not want to see!

Last night, some employees complained, saying that after the king of mind power came, his girlfriend would start to break up with him, saying that she didn't want to be a partner with him, and wanted to work as a logistics team for the Avengers team...

So isn't this funny? Coulson will never agree!
"Hey, it's so boring. As a superhero, you just let me be in a daze on the space carrier?" Boss Fang sat on the deck blankly, as if thinking that if he summoned the Black Dragon and collided with this big ship Now, who can scrap it...

After thinking about it for a few minutes, he couldn't figure out why, but he always felt that although his Black Dragon was small... its defense seemed to be stronger than this spaceship.

"Don't worry about this, the director will definitely not let you stay on the boat. After the certificate he made for you is over, you can pat your ass and go home!"


As soon as he finished saying this, Coulson received the message and patted Fang Yun on the shoulder: "Let's go, your documents are ready, and your salary card, um... don't use your mind to mess around with it." Things, if they are photographed, wages will be deducted!"

Boss Fang chatted with him innocently for a long time, and finally Coulson believed that he had taken something secretly. When he finally saw Hill, he leaned over with helpless eyes: "If you have the ability to speak with evidence, I'm right here, I won't run away, let Sister Hill come to search!"

When he spoke, he was almost close to Maria Hill's ear, but this behavior did not let her avoid it. Although the facial expression did not change, it was enough to show that Boss Fang's excessive actions towards women were generally not It will make them feel disgusted!

As for Hill, who could be searched, he glanced at Boss Fang, whose figure and appearance were almost perfect, his expression changed immediately, and he looked at Nick Fury behind him with a look of anticipation...

"NONONO, here is your new ID, bank card, wallet, and this month's salary, your real estate address, car keys, all in this small bag, you go quickly... The people of New York still need your help.

Hmm... You can fly, so I won't let the plane take you away. After all, the gas cost to send you once needs at least 10 US dollars, which is almost more expensive than your annual salary.

By the way, remember that your headset has satellite positioning and a call function, so don't throw it away, otherwise missiles will shoot you down when you fly around! "Nick Fury pushed him away as he spoke.

Because Boss Fang had already held Hill's little hand just now, and in the eyes of others, this was simply impossible!

It would be good if the cold Commander Hill didn't give him an over-the-shoulder throw, but he was still shy at this time. Nick Fury saw this situation, and he would definitely not let him continue to stay in his mother's house. On the ship, otherwise there would be an agent girl climbing into his bed on the third night.

And let him live here for half a year... For MLGB, the girls on the whole ship can probably let him sleep all over. If you think about it further, maybe these girls will eventually rebel, and Boss Fang will succeed in becoming the director. ...


Boss Fang flew away dejectedly. Suspended in the sky, he watched the space carrier leave with waves of waves, then turned around and burst into a burst of air, directly piercing through the clouds, and quickly flew to New York after reaching the stratosphere!

After all, his new home is in the city of superheroes and super criminals, which is New York.

As for the rest of the team, they were finally able to contact for a short time. Although the Avengers is the home of this plot world, poker directly came to X School, and joined the academy as a mutant, and became a professor at this time. running dog...

As for why he said lackeys, because he said that the professor could help him develop his abilities and make him a superhuman, so he had already knelt under the bald professor's wheelchair at this time.

And Pete is also quite awesome, he even joined the League of Assassins as a world-class top gunman, saying that he might awaken the ability of bullets to bend, so this guy is very busy, let alone foreign The stars are here, even if Thanos is here, he can't stop him from exploring this ability!
As for Ares and Hanks... The two of them were in a miserable state. When they came up, they were unfrozen, and all the armor on their bodies was revealed, and they didn't look like illusions at all.

As for why they were frozen, it was because of their background.

According to what Ares said, they are super ancient super soldiers... Well, their identity background is probably one of King Arthur's round table knights...

And SHIELD has already dug them out, and Hawkeye is in charge here at this time, um...they are frozen in Antarctica, as for why they are there, SHIELD has its own explanation, there is no need for the two of them to make up... …

As for where they are now, on an with Captain America, and then someone came to help them adapt to this era...

Boss Fang doesn't know how many extraordinary people or contractors have come to this world, but he just wants to ask: "MD, you really have a heart in space, it seems that you are going to stay in Marvel!"

(End of this chapter)

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