Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 473 Tony's new bodyguard!

Chapter 473 Tony's new bodyguard!
In fact, it can be seen through a series of arrangements in the space whether they live in the Marvel world permanently. Although the team members were dismantled, they were all placed in various forces, and it seemed like a protracted war!
The two MTs were also placed in S.H.I.E.L.D. If Fang Yun is willing, he will be able to meet them in a few days.

But there is no need for this now, because he found that his seaside villa is very awesome, it is actually next to Shidake’s villa, the distance between the two is no more than 2000 meters, and the distance between the two is only a street, and there are some Flowers and plants.

Although...his villa was assigned and he didn't have the permanent right to use the villa, but at least he and Iron Man are neighbors. The most important thing is that this villa is very powerful and full of sense of technology. There is a lot of difference at home, but it is enough to show that Marvel's black technology is really flying all over the sky!
"But there is a problem. Cyclops is not that kind. Let me live next to Iron Man's house. Maybe there is some conspiracy!" Sure enough, Boss Fang just opened the door.

The phone in the room rang, and Boss Fang, who vaguely felt that he was being monitored, said that he was not upset. After all, his whole body was being monitored by space. To sum up, just get used to it...

So he answered the phone naturally: "Hi!"

"I'm sorry to bother you when you go home. Please don't worry that I will press the surveillance video at your home. It's just your headset that transmits the location, so I'll give you a call!"

"Well, there are other things, such as the Iron Man who just landed next door to my house?" Boss Fang walked to the balcony at this time, watching the flames under Iron Man's feet, slowly falling into the skylight of the house...

Nick Fury took a deep breath, and said slowly: "The main thing is him. You must have heard the name of Iron Man, billionaire, playboy, super genius, but it is undeniable that he has made great achievements in the fight against criminals." It's very good, but sometimes it's too capricious, not as obedient as you..."

"Hey, what is this? Is this a compliment to him, or is it belittling me?"

"Hmm... I just want to express my feelings. He is also a candidate for the Avengers Alliance. I invited him a long time ago, but he has never accepted my proposal!"

"But what's the use of me being his neighbor, seducing him with my charm?" Fang Yun complained.

"Hey, this is not bad, your skin is so white, I don't think there is any problem in wearing a woman's clothing after makeup to seduce him!"

"FUCK, I quit!"

"Ahem, just kidding, your main purpose is to protect Tony Stark!"

"What? I'm going to protect him? He's wearing steel and flying all over the sky, and you let me spend my energy chasing him?" Boss Fang was a little speechless at this moment. As a king, why should he protect others, let alone such a protagonist? Use others to protect?

"Hey, you know, he is a genius, but he is an ordinary person after all, when he takes off his armor, any mutant can kill him, and he is really a guy who can cause trouble, in order to protect him, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. don’t know how many died!

So..." Nick Fury was a little embarrassed at this time, after all, his goal of recruiting this kind of superpower was to protect Stark, who made this kind of guy who relied on mutations to be basically poor, and this Although King Nianli's name sounds nice, he is not only poor, but also very obedient...

"So, my task is to protect him when he is at home, but I want to ask, when he flies away, I shouldn't worry about it... If I really chase him, I can't catch up..." At this moment, I thought Thinking about it, Boss Fang felt pain. Hey, even though he got close to the protagonist directly, it was very troublesome. After all, he is a guy who likes to enjoy himself very much!

"Well, depending on the situation, we will evacuate the protection personnel around Stark, but the surveillance personnel are still there. If there is any danger, we will tell you as soon as possible!"

"That's good... If you let me watch him all night, I will definitely resign!"

"..." Nick Fury took a deep breath, wondering if he should give this guy a little more salary, and then hung up the phone.


"Fuck, you dare to hang up on me without saying a word. You Marvel people are so unreasonable. I miss my DC world so much. The bat boss is really covering me!" Boss Fang glanced at Stark back to the living room to find a bottle of red wine, and drank it depressedly.

At this time, Boss Fang finally found the timeline, that is the second part of Iron Man, when Thor didn't even appear!
Logically speaking, the timeline should not be so long in advance, but when this kind of problem really occurs, it is also when the surface space cannot confirm that the ark space will come.

It is not necessarily sure how many of them there are, let alone whether there is only one way for them to destroy human beings, so the space will let them come in advance, and disperse all the contractors, trying to find a way to restrain them.

Or let them gather many superpowers and mutants, and when the Chitauris come, they will kill them all, and kill the superhumans in the ark space by the way.

"Hey, I don't think so much, I'd better get a good night's sleep... Anyway, there's more time." Fang Yun swallowed the rest of the red wine, lying on the big bed, and fell asleep in a daze.


"MD, I hate being treated like an antique!" Hanks babbled in a language he couldn't understand, but Ares could communicate with him normally, but there was no way, who let the space limit their The language function, the two of them Americans, can't even hear English at this moment.

When he just woke up, he was still yelling at the people from S.H.I.E.L.D., so scared that they almost robbed him!

As for the restrictions made by the space, it will take at least a month before they can master English proficiently. Marvel main universe and S.H.I.E.L.D. backlash!
As for Captain America next to him, he looked at the older antique with a speechless face, expressing that he was bored, and he really didn't want to stay with these two guys, because they always looked at him like a gorilla. He also feels good about himself!
And the US team wanted to say something: "You two don't know, don't you look more like wild purebred gorillas in armor?"

"Haha, looking at the appearance of the US team, you feel so stupid, but I didn't expect this guy to be a legendary low-level plot character, but when he wears clothes, he is really Luthor!"

"MD, these two idiots are looking at me again. Is it possible that antiques are so secondhand? I really want to curse!"

(End of this chapter)

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