Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 474 Ivan Vanke.

Chapter 474 Ivan Vanke.

Not to mention the war of eyes of the three antiques, Pete strangely joined the plot of the League of Assassins, the ability of bullets to bend is not easy to practice, after all, this ability also belongs to the ability of time!

Commonly known as bullet time, if you really want to obtain this ability, it will definitely cost a lot for ordinary contractors, but Pete also has Smaug's eyes, uses the dragon's vision, and has its own time slowing ability, so he should Can learn this ability in advance.

It's just that although his strength is good, he is still a novice after all when practicing his abilities, so those people even arranged him and the leading actor of the League of Assassins together.

As for what to do next, he must know!

"Bang bang" punched twice in a row. Poker, with a bruised nose and swollen face, was knocked down again, and the stick in his hand was also blown away. At this time, he was lying on the ground wanting to cry without tears. I don't know how Professor X came up with it!

"Poker, as the successor of the king of cards, your melee strength is really like a weak chicken. It's a waste of your talent. If you don't work hard, how can you improve your strength? Stand up for me!" Wolverine clapped his hands, his voice was cold shouted, at this moment he is the top sparring partner arranged by Professor X for poker!

And Wolverine, who didn't use the Vajra claws, was still extremely ferocious, specializing in Lv10 fighting skills, especially in close combat, he had an extraordinary sensitivity!

The life of playing poker in just one day cannot take care of itself...

"Rest for 1 minute, just 1 minute, I don't have your recovery ability!" Poker waved his hand, but Wolverine snorted coldly: "Your enemy will not give you a rest time. Although Gambit doesn't have your poker skills, but Melee strength is a hundred times stronger than yours!"

So Wolverine rushed up again and beat him up...

Pete and Poker are training hard and sadly, Ares and Hanks are staring at Captain America in a small room... There is an atmosphere of disagreement.

But this situation made Hawkeye a little helpless. At this time, they were still on the icebreaker returning from Antarctica, and there were at least three days before anyone could pick them up.

Just ask these three antiques to be as honest as possible, and then wait for the two super antiques to be taught, and then persuade the little antique, Captain America, to get them into S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for Boss Fang, he has already taken a plane to Monaco, the second smallest country in the world!

This is a super small town near the sea, but it is also a tourist attraction. The sunny days are almost every day. According to Boss Fang's personality, at this time, he should be wearing beach shorts, big slippers, and go shirtless to chat with girls in bikinis. Talk about life!
But now, as Tony's special bodyguard, he naturally can't sway around, especially when the intelligence officer of S.H.I.E.L.D. told him that Tony Stark is going to Monaco to drive a Formula 1 car. If something happens, he needs his mind protection.

When it comes to racing cars, Boss Fang can naturally think of Ivan Vanke, a super genius who is also dismissed. Although he is a little bit worse than Tony, he is also a very good talent!
"However, I don't have the ability to recruit villains. It's better to kill this kind of guy as soon as possible!" Boss Fang, as one of the more famous superheroes in the United States, naturally has his own costume, and that costume is his own equipment. of!
The whole is black, with a sunset sword slanted behind it, a hood on its head, and a pistol on its waist!

And he recently checked the news about King Nianli.

Which is shown on Google Encyclopedia!
The king of mind power, gender (suspected): male
Source of ability: Suspected mutant, but more likely to be a superpower!
Combat style: close combat, with super strong close combat and defensive capabilities, when using mind power, it is mostly used as an auxiliary function or flying. When fighting crime, it often beats the enemy to death and never shows mercy.

Equipment: The one-handed sword that is often used has extraordinary effects. It is said that it can cut all defensive equipment!
The modified desert eagle can shoot energy light bullets and has super explosive power!
Rumor: King Nianli can also use some magic, but he rarely uses it. It is said that he dislikes trouble...


"I don't like problem!" The reason why Boss Fang doesn't like to use magic is indeed because he hates trouble. After all, every time he uses magic, he often needs to change equipment, staff, and magic books. With this time, It's better to cut a wave with the enemy.

At this time, he was wearing a casual suit, came to the racing venue, found an empty seat, and slowly waited for Ivan Vanke's arrival!
"Wow, Iron Man, Iron Man is racing!"

"Oh my god, the billionaire actually drives a racing car. It's so fucking exciting. Has he made a will?"

"MD, it's not for you to have a will!"

"..." Boss Fang felt a little sick when he saw the crowd of crazy audience, and started to eat potato chips out of boredom.

A few minutes later, a girl with big waves approached her, as if she wanted to have an extraordinary behavior with him, but at this critical mission moment, Fang Yun still refused righteously.

Because he saw the extremely burly Ivan Vanke, wearing orange overalls and blond hair, walking into the racing field. The equipment on his body was already shining brightly, directly burning out the camouflage clothes, causing bursts of exclamations !

"El Yunze, there is a situation at the racing track, hurry up and help, and don't let Stark have an accident!!!" The voice from the earphone made Boss Fang, who wanted to check the situation again, have to leave!

Boss Fang didn't care about the leaks, not to mention that everyone was staring at the racing field in dumbfounded, and no one was paying attention to him. Like killing a god, causing bursts of screams!

Seeing that Stark's blue racing car was about to rush in front of him!

Everyone's eyes widened, and some women couldn't even bear to look over.

But at that moment!
That black figure descended out of thin air, and at the same time, a hand of thought power appeared, even grabbed the speeding racing car in his hand, and threw it behind... Narrowly dodged an energy whip!
"Hey, baby, your opponent is me!" Fang Yun pulled out the sunset sword on his back, landed on the ground from the air, and glanced at Ivan Vanke lightly.

"Where do you come from?" Ivan Vanke didn't understand the situation. This guy's outfit is obviously the King of Psychic Power, but he is a superhero in New York. What the hell is it to come to Monaco to help Iron Man? He finally got the information, seized the opportunity, and ended up ruining it, how could he be willing?
Hearing the cheers of the crowd, Fang Yun actually called his name, stretched out his hands to signal that he heard it, turned his head and tilted his head to look at Ivan Vanke: "Wow, I don't even know, you came from Did it come from Mars?"

"Are you from Mars?"

"Are you from Mars??"

There were bursts of cheers. After all, King Psychic's combat style is super handsome. That kind of invisible Psychic power is the favorite of many young men and women, so his appearance at this time is no worse than Iron Man wearing a battle armor!

"Damn you!!!" Ivan Vanke felt more and more resentment when he heard the piercing voice, and immediately rushed over with a whip...

(End of this chapter)

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