Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 475 Boss Fang's monthly salary has risen...

Chapter 475 Boss Fang's monthly salary has risen...

Ivan Vanke rushed over with anger, and swung two energy whips, bursting out with unparalleled lethality...

But everyone saw that Fang Yun punched through the energy whip with a punch like lightning, and hit him hard on the forehead, causing him to fly back more than ten meters away with blood spurting from his mouth, and then punched a big hole in the wall... …and then there is no more!
This seemingly BOSS-like character actually passed out directly!

That kind of ingenious display made him, the golden plot character, unable to resist at all. Even though he was wearing a fairly good set of high-tech individual auxiliary armor, his own strength was really scumbag.

Although this guy seems to have huge muscles, compared with Boss Fang, who is about to become a god, does he have to draw out the Sunset Sword to slash at him?

At this time, Boss Fang is completely capable of fighting against Stark wearing a battle armor, let alone him?

The reason why Iron Man had a hard time fighting him here was mainly because after wearing the battle armor, he actually played melee combat. If he directly used a few small missiles, he would have been wiped out a long time ago. What's more, he was wearing Mark5 at that time. No., which is a small portable armor, has a very low defense level and weak offensive ability.

And it's all for the plot of the movie, everyone knows...


The increase in divinity made Fang Yun's specialization in melee combat reach Lv10, directly reaching the full level, and his strength was even more than 170 points. This punch produced extremely explosive strength, which did not knock his head Even if it blows up, it's not bad.

And as Ivan Vanke groaned in pain and wanted to get up, the special police officers also arrived one after another and completely controlled him. Boss Fang couldn't kill him in a crowded situation, so he looked at the man who had just put on the equipment. Stark rose from the ground, and suddenly there was a sound explosion, and he flew into the sky with a stream of air.

"Jia Siwei, who is he?" Naturally, a local tyrant like Stark would not care about superhumans. Even if he has an extraordinary memory, he may have read news about the King of Nianli, but it will be automatically filtered in his memory palace. After all, apart from technology and beauties, all he cares about is money...

"The superhero in New York, nicknamed the King of Mind, has the ability to fly..."

"Well, I can see the flying thing. I want to know why he came here. I feel that his motives are questionable. He seems to be protecting me!" Stark appeased Pepper, and also flew high into the sky, accompanied by everyone Shouting loudly, he also chased after Boss Fang who he regarded as "slow"...

"Sorry, I was trying to search the database and found that SHIELD has his information and is cracking it..."

"MD, I just said that I can't even run when I meet him!" Fang Yun, who used his strength, could only fly at a speed just above the speed of sound, while Stark's Mark 5, even if it was a portable armor, could A flight is also twice the speed of sound, let him play a bird.

At this time, Boss Fang is flying hard... Iron Man is parallel to him, he is still lying in the air, his armor is flying automatically, and he tilts his head to look at him, which makes Boss Fang want to beat someone, because he looks at himself His eyes seem to have the feeling of looking at a turtle!
"MD, you seem endless. The poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology. Although there is nothing wrong with this sentence, if you look at me with such discriminatory eyes again, you will just wait for the judge's subpoena!" Boss Fang He stopped directly in mid-air, as if he couldn't bear the look in his eyes, and flew up.

Stark also stopped there, opened his helmet and looked at him carefully: "Oh, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to discriminate against you, I was just curious, why did you protect me?"

Regarding this kind of problem, Fang Yun has nothing to hide. After all, Tony will also join the Avengers in the future, but he should not be too casual with this kind of extremely proud guy. Out of this suit of armor, there is also the Ark reactor, which is a national treasure.

So... When Nick Fury gave me a series of tasks, I chose to protect you in secret. "

Although the actual situation is a bit different from what Boss Fang said, even though he was forced... But now it's okay for him to lie for the sake of Tony's favorability, since Nick Fury will help him out anyway.

If you can really maximize your friendship with this guy, then it is not impossible to get a set of armor. After all, the ability of the steel armor will not increase him too much, and the space limit should not be too exaggerated.

"Nick Fury?" Stark raised his eyebrows. At this time, he is not too disgusted with S.H.I.E.L.D. , presumably the price is also very high.

"Are you an Avenger, or an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Coincidentally, I am the No.1 Avenger." Fang Yun shrugged.

"Didn't Nick Fury say he wanted to invite me?" At this time, there is no evidence that SHIELD used space gems to make weapons before the Avengers, so Tony still has a good impression of SHIELD, after all, he is also revenge The initiator of the Alliance of Investigators... It's just that they didn't invite him, which made his self-esteem very unwilling.

"Hmm... I heard from him that you have a disobedient personality, you tend to get angry, you are arrogant, super narcissistic, and have suicidal tendencies... so you are not qualified for the time being?" I was speechless.

But he also had this kind of psychological conflict because of palladium poisoning. After all, people are going to die, so what's the use of maintaining this kind of heroism? What is the most painful thing in life?
People die, money is not spent...

And a super rich man like him is worth more than tens of billions of dollars, and the Stark Group is a large group with more than one trillion dollars. No matter how much he wastes, he can't spend it!

Going out without money... Buying a hot dog and exchanging it for a million-dollar watch is enough to show that his mentality is about to explode!

So Boss Fang also took the opportunity to act. He took advantage of Stark's silence and said directly: "You know... I can have telekinetic power, but I can also use magic. Now your face seems to be poisoned?"

"Really, I also feel uncomfortable. It seems that you can save me?" Tony laughed at himself. He had researched various antidotes for the hopelessness of life, but he had never been able to get rid of the toxin.

"'s not difficult to save you, I can even eliminate some of your toxins, and never erupt, but then I have to stay by your side all the time!"

"What do you mean?" Stark didn't understand.

Fang Yun directly gave him a healing technique, and the scattered white light directly entered his body through the battle armor, making him who was a little nervous, instantly feel an extremely comfortable energy entering his body, and those toxins were instantly absorbed. Suppress it.

His steel armor was able to test for toxins, and the palladium element in his blood had reached 23%, but it was directly weakened to 1%.

"Watefalk, what is this thing? A few more shots. I was so excited just now, I can't do it. It's only 1% away from removing all the toxins!" Stark was a little excited, and immediately held Fang Yun's arm. He stopped and muttered, after all, he didn't want to die.

Seeing Fang Yun's helpless expression, Tony's expression dimmed. After all, his head was spinning super fast: "That's it... As long as the Ark reactor in my chest is not taken down, it can only eliminate certain toxins, but cannot completely eliminate it." Eliminate all toxins, so as long as the Ark's reaction rate is still there, the palladium element will be slowly produced..."

"Well, that's the reason... But maybe you will find a new type of element to save yourself, well, I'll leave first, my house is in the villa next door to yours.

If the toxin rises and you feel uncomfortable, you can send me a message. After all, you should have known the signal from my headset through Jarvis! Fang Yun turned around and was about to leave, but Tony quickly grabbed him and said with a smile on his face, "Wait a minute... how much does S.H.I.E.L.D. pay you for a month?" "

"10 dollars a month, a villa, a sports car!"

"50 dollars a month, 2 villas, 3 sports cars, come with me!"

"MD, you won, I'm going to resign now!" As soon as Boss Fang said this, a triumphant smile flashed across Tony's face. He had found most of his information through Jarvis just now.

And this guy is desperate for money, but he has a good character and is very kind. He just got it from someone other than S.H.I.E.L.D. At this time, as long as he pays a lot of money, he can get this personal expert who can heal with ease.

"..." Nick Fury, who also heard the conversation in the dark, spewed out the coffee again, as if he felt that this product was a bit tricky, and he always felt that the king of thought power had set him up...

(End of this chapter)

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