Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 476 Goofing around. .

Chapter 476 Goofing around. .

"Cough... don't talk about resignation. After all, you are just a member of the Avengers, not an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the $[-] I pay you every month is just because I don't want you to be resigned because of money. Trouble, do something bad!" The next day, Nick Fury came to Boss Fang's house in person and said while drinking coffee.

"Oh, that's it, then my mission? Don't you need so much?" Fang Yun asked back, why didn't he know the true definition of an Avenger, which is to fight criminals and Hydra, and Nick Fury let himself be The bodyguard, of course, bullied himself for not knowing, and now he hugged his thigh.

How dare Cyclops continue to use this method to squeeze his time.

"Well, let me think about it carefully. You can stay with Stark first. Anyway, he will also pay you. The Avengers plan has not yet officially started, so there are no tasks right now. Just protect him. After all, I have no I thought that the rumor that you know magic turned out to be true!" Nick Fury looked at Fang Yun with a melancholy expression on his face, and this guy didn't know where he bought a balance.

The left variable put a Lamborghini model, which was given by S.H.I.E.L.D.
On the right are Ferrari, Lamborghini, Pagani, and the three new cars Tony bought for him. They are expensive and valid for life. The most important thing is that the one on the right is heavier...

All these behaviors are saying: "You pay so little, you want me to do so much work?"

"I will give you three words."


"After drinking the coffee, pour it yourself...I'll go and give Stark a healing spell first." Fang Yun suddenly heard a cry from his earphones, said something to Nick Fury, opened the window and flew away.

Silently drinking the rest of the coffee, Nick Fury patted his big bald head: "One guy is so difficult to deal with, so if this group of guys get together, why not turn S.H.I.E.L.D. into a vegetable market!"

"Hey... Eagle Boy, how is Steve feeling now after waking up from Antarctica? The Avengers team has to rely on him to take charge of the overall situation, otherwise it will be too troublesome!"

At this time, Hawkeye's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He was holding a mobile phone in his left hand and wiping his nose with a tissue in his right hand. He had just pulled away Captain America and the other two old antiques, because these three guys had been eyeing each other all day, and they were finally impatient. ...

Naturally, they had to fight when they were impatient. After a hand-to-hand fight, all three were injured in the end. Although the fighting power of the American team is not high, but the endurance is relatively strong, and the two of Ares did not dare to kill each other. Husband played for 6 hours without any rest, and his physical strength was abnormal.

Although Hawkeye's fighting ability is not bad, it is not as good as the three of them, and the one fighting was the worst. .

He whispered to the phone: "I think the US team still has those two super antiques, and they still need to train for a while. As for Steve's mood... Well, it's very good, very wonderful, and the fighting power is very strong." After finishing speaking, he He touched his nose unaccustomed to it, the bleeding from his nose just now was caused by his blow...

Nick Fury hung up the phone with a puzzled look on his face. Some couldn't understand, but the situation was predictable. When Steve met Ares and Hanks, two sluts, he would definitely be taken away...

As for the fights between men, as long as they don't use harsh tactics, they will often become friends. After all, the US team has always been kind. At this time, think about these two antiques, which have been frozen for centuries. Friends are beautiful. Much more pitiful than him.


"Oh... hard... Huh, I'm so excited!!!" Tony's relaxed expression, coupled with various groans, almost made Boss Fang mistakenly think that his sexual orientation was not normal, and that he was being used by others. Didn't you have such an exaggerated expression and voice during the healing technique?
Seeing Fang Yun's small eyes, Stark smiled awkwardly: "I know you have the power of mind, and you have great power, just to help me. Yesterday you said to create a new element, which really made me come up with an idea, so witness It's time for a miracle!"

"OK, OK, don't be so excited!" Fang Yun shrugged and said he didn't care.

Seeing that he was so bored, Tony snapped his fingers: "Jarvis... come to Music!"

When the DJ starts playing and the passionate music reverberates throughout the room, Boss Fang will follow Tony and start tearing down the house with a face full of pain... That's right, every time Stark pops up with new ideas, he will be very concerned about his old home. Give it a complete makeover.

It is normal to smash walls, penetrate ceilings, and smash all priceless works of art.

However, I have to say that although Tony is extremely proud, Fang Yun has to admire him when he sees that he can skillfully install and disassemble various electronic products, even some high-tech items that he can't understand. Genius!
Even if he was threatened with death, he has been looking for a way. He has tried every combination of every element, but he has never found a chance. If Fang Yun hadn't used the healing technique suddenly, Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D. There are some antidote to delay the virus.

But this is not the root cause. The most important thing is that he develops new elements to replace the things on his chest. After the virus is removed, the shrapnel that is about to approach the heart can be cleared after surgery, so that his situation can be completely stable and worry-free.

Otherwise, if he is poisoned or something, Boss Fang will just give him 10 drops of eau-de-vie, and he will be sure that everything will be fixed!
It takes a lot of work to create a new element, at least a few days, because the production of this element requires a super high output energy, so it is necessary to create a strong enough energy channel, and then burst out super strong laser energy in a short period of time!
During this period... Tony Stark didn't even sleep, all supported by stimulants...

"I think it's better for you to sleep. Although my healing technique can help you relieve the abnormal state, your physique is not strong enough to support you without sleep for a long time. It is very likely..."

"Shock to death? Nonono, if I sleep, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up, I have to make it well, well, help me lift this pipe, it's too heavy... Wow!" Stark looked Boss Fang gently lifted a metal pipe weighing more than 1000 kilograms with one hand, and silently gave a thumbs up.

"As powerful as when I wore the armor..."

"Haha, I can be so powerful anytime!"


"When doing something curious about minors!"

"Wow!!" Tony raised his eyebrows: "Except for your mind power, other abilities are exercised, why don't you teach me?"

"Let's talk about it after you make the elements!" Fang Yun wants to build a good relationship with him, and it's best to mix a steel suit. At this time, he must praise him well, even if he can't teach Tony anything, but dozens of drops of life The water is still fine.

After all, for Stark, nothing can compare to a super high lifespan, because he is a genius who relies on his brain to dawdle, as long as he has time, he has enough awesome technology, and this thing is Boss Fang The best trump card for gaining favorability!
(End of this chapter)

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