Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 477 New Elements!Unlock new moves!

Chapter 477 New Elements!Unlock new moves!
When these energy steel pipes are completely connected, this big thing should also have a name, that is, a particle accelerator!

Things that the real world also has, but bigger, more awesome, and the energy generated is stronger!

For example, the construction value of the Large Hadron Collider in Europe exceeds 60 billion US dollars!
When Fang Yun saw this simple and expensive thing, he couldn't help sighing. The brains of geniuses are different. Although the thing built in Europe is much bigger than this, it still needs more than 200 physicists...

But the Marvel world only needs one Tony Stark, and it took only 3 days, and then it was extremely lucky to create a new element, which will make the real world guys envious. After all, so far, the reality The world didn't create a single new element that could be used...

"Speaking of this simple version, how much does it cost?" Fang Yun asked curiously.

"1.3 million US dollars, but some materials are more expensive. If you really want to build a large one, you must not be so casual, um...but this guy should be enough!" Tony said casually.

"It's more than 8 million yuan... It's almost catching up to one-third of my real world worth!" Boss Fang was a little depressed, secretly thinking that he was no longer a local tyrant, because he saw someone richer than himself, but Well, if you have the ability to come to Azeroth, I will smash you to death with tons of gold coins...

And Tony was so excited at this time that he didn't have time to talk to him at all, and directly adjusted the beam with a wrench, when the exaggerated energy rays burst out.

Fang Yun couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He had to say that this highly concentrated laser was simply too powerful. The threat was deadly enough. Except for the invincible skill of King Kong, he probably couldn't resist it for a second with all the means. But if you want to use this attack method, you must generate enough energy.

They bought so many steel pipes in order to output electricity, and Stark also deliberately communicated with the power supply company, otherwise half the city would not have enough electricity...

When the light beam collided with it, a third halo was formed. When the energy was about to reach the limit, Stark turned off the switch, um... done, everything in the Marvel world is so simple, new elements Appeared.

"Jarvis, check it out for me." Tony put it in the container, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, his expression a little excited: "Yunze, thank you for reminding me of the idea of ​​creating new elements, otherwise I might not look at my The video Dad gave me!"

"It's nothing, I'm just giving you a helping hand. Of course, if you want to give me something...that's fine too. For example, how about Mark 6?" Fang Yun heard that his favorability rose to 90 points, and he wanted something cheekily , but when he turned his head, he found that this guy was already lying on the sofa and fell asleep.

Boss Fang scratched his head, feeling that he didn't have more than 100 favorability points, so let's not mention the armor, and then went back to his seaside villa for a good night's sleep.


"Is it dark?" Fang Yun sighed and sat up slowly, the moment the quilt slipped off, revealing his strong and streamlined muscles. Originally, Boss Fang could remove all scars through healing...

But in order to make myself look more domineering, there are 4 long scars on the chest, and there is a trace of being scratched by a giant bear on the back, which looks extremely bluffing!
But Boss Fang didn't want to scare those contractors. After all, they all beat polar bears with one hand. He just wanted to hook up with girls...

At this moment, he raised his head and looked out the window. The sea was completely dark, and there was hardly any movement. The sound of some waves entered his ears, which made him feel a little better.

And the stars in the sky are very beautiful, it is very suitable for a candlelight dinner, and a good exchange of life with the girl...

"Hey... everything is ready, I only owe Mengmei!" Boss Fang sighed again.

"Then let's go to Stark, this guy should be fighting Ivan Vanke soon!" Fang Yun put on his clothes, and drove the sports car to Tony's villa, but before he arrived, Tony was wearing a steel armor Flying high into the sky with flames, and a voice came instantly.

"Don't go to my house, come with me, Ivan Vanke is going to carry out a terrorist attack, the scene should be at the release site of the Hanmer Steel Group, and Little Pepper is there, please help me protect her."

"Oh...he hasn't died yet, but I didn't expect that you thought of Little Pepper the first time?"

"Because... I love her!" Tony, who was like a resurrection, knew that human life is too small, and it is entirely possible to die due to various accidents, so he spoke the truth at this time.

But Boss Fang couldn't help shivering, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, I'm going!"

After all, suddenly a ton of dog food was sprinkled on him, which made him very upset. He parked the Pagani on the side of the road, and also rose up from the ground, with a wave of air behind him, and quickly headed for the center of New York.

With the appearance of the second thunder explosion, two supersonic flying objects flew past one after the other, and the loud noise produced really made the residents of New York feel a little uncomfortable again, and this is why some ordinary humans would hate Super hero……

Because heroes like Iron Man really interfere with their lives, as for whether they care about whether superheroes protect their lives, civilians will only think that this is what they should!

Superheroes should protect them, and be responsible for them wholeheartedly, solving all troubles for them, but not disturbing their lives, otherwise they will be complained and reported.

Even make all kinds of acts of venting resentment!
"This is human nature..." Why did Fang Yun think of this? Naturally, while he had caused some influence just now, some people were yelling at them and even throwing things into the sky.

And anyone who has watched the movie knows that it is these protected civilians who abruptly tore the Avengers apart.

And when he followed closely behind and came to the release site, he saw dozens of mechas firing at full power, launching a violent steel attack on Iron Man, the most violent of which was the one under control War Machine, in short, the plot is the same as usual, and there is no change.

And Fang Yun was not interested in participating in the steel war, because he didn't receive the mission information from the space, so it must be no good to blow up a few mechas.

The more important point is that even if he can fight well, he can't catch up. It is estimated that by the time he arrives at the battlefield, the cucumber dishes will be cold...

After all, he has already agreed to Stark's request, so it is enough to take care of Pepper.

Well, Fang Yun won’t say, he mainly wants to hook up with the black widow next to Little Pepper... As for the age issue...whatever it is, a figure is enough, okay? After all, the black widow with such a flexible body seems to be able to unlock a lot of moves ...

 By the way, what is the poisonous point of my book, you can write it in the storytelling area...Of course, I will not change it, but it should not appear in the next book, um...It's almost the end...Everyone has What pocket money, please give a reward...

(End of this chapter)

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