Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 478 Make Gu 1 feel so happy?

Chapter 478 Make Gu Yi happy?
Fang Yun, who suddenly landed from the sky, was dressed in handsome black clothes, with a slender black long sword on his back waist, and a strangely shaped desert eagle on his left waist.

The Black Widow, who was a little nervous at first, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"King Nianli, are you here to protect us?" Pepper is not stupid. When he saw him protecting Tony, he felt that there was something wrong with him. At this time, he didn't participate in that battle, but came to them in front of them. Naturally, that's what he meant .

"Well, Tony asked me to protect you...Of course, I won't restrict your freedom, I just follow you!" Boss Fang didn't want to interfere with the development of the plot, and if he changed the plot, it would be quite detrimental to himself.

And he also wanted to see if any contractors from the Ark space had arrived. If they were not fools, they would naturally understand that this was the best chance to hurt Pepper and anger Stark!

As for Natasha... This super agent of the dark gold level naturally does not need his help. Fang Yun glanced at her vaguely and found that her physical fitness is indeed very good, but logically she should not have the strength of the dark gold level .

But under the clothes... Well, that layer of underwear seems to be able to increase the combat power a lot, and it also has bulletproof function!

As for why Boss Fang discovered this problem without attracting attention...that is of course a secret, and it cannot be said.

"Since you are here, protect her. Now Ivan Vanke must release Ivan Vanke's control over these steel machines, so I will leave first!" Natasha glanced at Fang Yun, who hadn't shown up, and turned her head decisively leave.

Fang Yun glanced at the back of the black widow, those legs...that buttocks... really made him slap his lips. As for the broken glass that fell from the top of his head, when it fell on his head immediately, let him wave it Turned into powder, but his eyes still watched him leave: "This figure is worth paying for my appearance!!"

"..." Pepper, the melon-eating crowd, couldn't help but give him a blank look, and hurried away.


Boss Fang, who was hiding in the dark, mixed into the crowd, and took back all the weapons to the storage space. He hoped to lure out the contractors of the Ark space who did not know where to appear through the little pepper.

As for the sound of explosions outside the arena and the sound of intense firefights, he couldn't attract his attention. He came to Marvel Space with a mission. Although the main goal was to defeat the Chitauri, who knows if Ark Space has a backup? For example, when aliens invade, a lot of villains are attracted to make trouble for them.

"However, the villain is not evil. The IQ of the villain is also very high, okay? Their goal is also to rule the earth. When the aliens come, although they will not sacrifice their lives to protect the earth, they will not be foolish. Are the aliens fighting the Avengers?" Muttering to himself, Boss Fang got a bottle of champagne out of nowhere, and drank a few sips, without the slightest awareness of being a bodyguard.

But that's because Fang Yun is confident that he can stop all attacks within 66 meters and save Xiaojiali!
When he finds a threat, he can directly open the time domain, no matter how fast the attack speed of other people is, it is impossible to kill Pepper from him, not to mention that she is Stark's girlfriend, a supporting role with a lucky value .

As a result, Boss Fang, who was looking forward to the stars and the moon, hid for half an hour until Stark smashed Ivan Vanke into pieces, but he didn't wait for any enemies, and he didn't even feel any danger.

"This kind of opportunity didn't attract the contractors in the Ark space, so there are only three situations?" Fang Yun saw Stark's return, greeted him, and then rose from the ground and flew to his home. He is still thoughtful.

"One, the contractors of the Ark space have not yet come to the Marvel world, and this is also an opportunity for us to kill the space, let us win over enough heroes, and win in one fell swoop when the aliens invade!"

"Second, they found me and didn't dare to do anything, but the possibility of this is very small... After all, everyone is a transcendent, and no one can determine who is weaker before fighting!"

"Third, their plans are even bigger, or they really plan to invade with some kind of virus... Then Stark has to pay more attention to the situation in the world. Well, it's best to even say something to S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Boss Fang is very charismatic, which is beyond the normal range. Of course, this elf blood has a lot to do with it. He called Nick Fury directly and told him that he had received some uncertain news. Someone might use a large-scale The virus attack, let him pay more attention.

According to this kind of inaccurate intelligence information, and there is no evidence, the general plot characters will not pay attention to it, but under the pressure of Boss Fang's talent, charm, and popularity, even the director of SHIELD has to be cautious treat!
Even if it's just a misunderstanding in the end, it's not a big deal, after all, Boss Fang just talks casually...

Of course, this kind of trustworthy verbal information can only be used a few times. If it is used too much, it will definitely not make people value themselves!

"But... since these guys dare not show up, then I can do something!" Fang Yun's mouth curled up slightly. There are many good things in the Marvel world, but whether you can get them depends on your character and luck. !
Especially the space gem, and the time gem... This kind of artifact-level thing has always been what he wants to get!

And his favorite time gem is also the most likely to get it!

As for the Space Gem and the Soul Gem, it takes a chance, and the most important prerequisite is to get S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hey, but I don't know if other extraordinary people will be here, let alone how many years those extraordinary people have been operating in this world. If someone really came to the Marvel world since World War II, it would be terrible!" Boss Fang couldn't help muttering to himself.

When he was in the world of Lord of the Rings, he didn't know how many people he cheated in this way.

If someone really grows into a superman after entering Captain America, and comes to this world again, then his power is extremely huge, even if he also belongs to the killing space, but facing the temptation brought by the space gem, maybe Will fight too.

"The Space Gem is researched in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Mind Gem is in the hands of Loki or Thanos, the Soul Gem...maybe in the hands of the Goddess of Death, the Reality Gem is on Earth, but unfortunately I don't know where it is...The Power Gem is not in the Milky Way , no longer consider it... And my biggest challenge is of course to get me the time gem!"

As for why Fang Yun is confident in obtaining the time gem, it is naturally that he intends to find Gu Yi in advance before Doctor Strange becomes a teacher, and then ask him to accept his knee...

In the end, with his own series of legendary magic equipment, he learned his magic, making him think that he is a legendary genius. Of course, learning magic is not the purpose, but the time gem is the key.

As for Gu Yi, who is immortal, his lifespan is about to run out. At this time, giving her 30 drops of water of life will increase her lifespan by 100 years. Will it make her happy? Thinking of this, Boss Fang couldn't help but smile...

(End of this chapter)

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