Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 479 Crazy brush favorability!

Chapter 479 Crazy brush favorability!
Of course, even if he wanted to find Gu Yi, he couldn't just think about it. He was still Stark's bodyguard at this time. After all, he had received money from him. Even if the two of them reached 85 points of favorability, they couldn't just leave. , At least one more problem has to be solved.

And the trouble is...

"Lie down, you lie down, two big men, why are you blushing?"

Seeing that Stark hesitated, Fang Yun said impatiently, "Tony...can you lie down quickly and take off your clothes, otherwise how will I"

He smiled maliciously while talking, especially he couldn't help rubbing his palms. This kind of behavior really made Tony Stark hesitate, whether he should trust him and perform surgery on himself, although the guy didn't say I want to use general anesthesia for myself, but in case he wants to rape himself...

How can I resist his powerful hands?
"I'm warning you... you'd better come up with something, I'm taking out the Ark reactor now, you better hurry up!" Tony didn't know why he believed Boss Fang's words, and he didn't want to do the surgery, really Let him do it, Fang Yun will not tell him that it is a question of charm and talent...

At this time, King Fang is no longer the coercive force he was in the past. He was unable to take out the bomb in his neck when he was motivated at the beginning of the biochemical crisis.

But now, if he really wants to use his mind power, he can be accurate to 0.1 mm!

A magnetic magnet was placed on Tony's chest. Fang Yun shrunk it to the smallest size with the help of his mind. If it can be compared, it is almost a small palm with the tip of a toothpick, but under a microscope, it has a shape. , exactly the same as a human hand, even the handprints are the same, just a little smaller...

Boss Fang couldn't break through the expansion limit of the hand of mind power, but it's no problem to make it smaller, but it needs a strong mental power to control it.

As for Boss Fang, he doesn't need anything except the magnetic iron magnet for surgery. The iron pieces hidden in the meat depend entirely on his own perception.

After all, he has reached a perception of 111 points, which is his greatest grasp, and it is more accurate than any scientific instrument.

As he scratched and scratched Tony's chest with his small mind power hand, small pieces of iron were easily taken out. This incredible situation really shocked Tony, and the final expression was joy. , the joy of being born again.

This kind of delicate work is not easy. The iron pieces in his body are too small, some are not even as big as a grain of rice, but this thing is the most difficult thing to deal with. If it really touches the heart, it is enough to kill Tony.

Fortunately, Boss Fang has reached the realm of a superhuman, with a large increase in all attributes, and his exaggerated mental strength is enough to support him to complete the persistent surgery.


Time passed little by little.

For three full hours, he hung hundreds of small iron pieces on the magnets.

When the last piece of iron was taken out, a drop of water of life fell into Stark's mouth. Before he could recover, he felt an inexplicable breath of life erupting from his body.

And when he stood up and looked down, he found that the injury on his chest was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. After 30 seconds, the bowl-shaped dent completely disappeared. Restored!

There wasn't even a single scar left.

"Miracle, miracle, oh, my god!" Tony couldn't calm down at this time, grabbed Fang Yun's shoulders, and kept asking: "How did you do it, what did you feed me? That power, Seems to make me years younger..."

"It's true, it's true... I'm younger, and the wrinkles on my face are much less, I can still remember these details!!" Stark looked in the mirror, unable to calm down at this time, not only fatal The recovery from the injury is even more because of that drop of water of life...

"Take the bait!" Fang Yun has the water of life, but he can't give it away for free, so the increase in favorability is not enough, he must let Tony try it, let Stark feel the benefits of this thing, and then let him... Please If you give him some by yourself, the favorability will be completely overwhelmed, and you might be able to give yourself a set of battle armor.

"Okay, okay, don't shake me, what you are talking about is this... the treasure of the Creator in the legend, something that can increase life span, and it is... the miraculous water of life!" Fang Yun took it mysteriously. He took out a very crystal clear crystal bottle, which contained 30 drops of eau-de-vie, one of which was just used up.

And he opened it very temptingly, let Stark smell it, the breath of life made his eyes stare instantly: "Yunze, El Yunze, how much, you... sell it to me !"

When Stark said this at this time, he felt that he was a bit shameless. In order to save himself and heal his wound, he fed himself a drop with a bitter face. Boss Fang's face and expression just now were extremely realistic. It totally convinced Tony.

Talking about money... Boss Fang is of course unwilling. He complained and said, "One drop of the water of life can add 1 years to your lifespan... just now I gave you one drop for nothing."

"Yes, but there are still some in it...or can sell me some." After saying this, Tony felt uncomfortable when he saw Fang Yun's contemptuous eyes.

He scratched his head and said hesitantly: "I know, I know that things that can increase life span are simply priceless treasures, let's just talk about money...

Then I will give you a set of Mark 6, and you will sell me 20 drops, no, no, 10 drops will be enough to increase my lifespan by 30 years. ! "

Thinking of this, Stark became a little crazy, and he didn't let go of Boss Fang's hand at all... He looked like I won't let you go if you don't sell it to me.

At this time, Fang Yun was still hesitant, and this situation really made it impossible for Stark to make a bid.

But just when he was in a hurry.

Fang Yun handed the crystal bottle to him directly, shook his head and was about to leave: "Tony, maybe...the water of life can create more value for you, after are a genius, because you have shown enough The talent, the high technology researched in the future should be able to help all human beings.

So what if I give it all to you, drink it, I'm leaving... I haven't finished my magic yet, I want to go to a teacher to continue my practice, maybe I can't be your bodyguard anymore..."

That's right! ! !

Boss Fang played the emotional card again, giving Tony Stark a 100-year lifespan without taking any money, but he was obviously doing it for a greater value, and in the end he almost made Tony cry...

Stark knows that he is a playboy, the so-called genius is also forced out, he likes life, because he still wants to waste time... But Fang Yun's words at this time put a heavy burden on him, making him feel I really wasted my life too much.

Before Stark could persuade him to stay, Fang Yun had already used his mental power to fly high into the sky.

And when Tony came back to his senses, he hurriedly shouted: "Remember to come back after learning magic, I owe you a favor, I owe you a favor... I will give you whatever armor you want at that time!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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