Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 480 Ancient 1!God-like existence!

Chapter 480 Ancient One!God-like existence!

Boss Fang disappeared without a trace, and he hid the headset in the storage space. Even Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. could not know his whereabouts.

At this time, the one-eyed dragon's face was dark... Well, his face was not pale at first, but a powerful thug he just accepted ran away like this, and left a sentence for Stark to learn magic, so he disappeared. He is a little depressed.

"But there are only a few places to learn magic, and there is a 50% chance that he should go to find Gu Yi." After Nick Fury frowned, he no longer cared about him, as long as he can appear at critical times Enough is enough, he's an Avenger after all, not an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I have to say that the old guy's guess is quite accurate, but Boss Fang doesn't care if Nick Fury knows where he has gone, there are many existences that S.H.I.E.L.D. Events, organizations, almost everything is known.

But the more you know, the more you are afraid, otherwise you will not want to organize any Avengers Alliance. S.H.I.E.L.D. wants the Avengers Alliance to be their shield and patron saint, but what defeats them is not the external enemy, but the internal one. Hydra.

As for the Hydra issue, Boss Fang is not interested in dealing with it, and it is enough to let things take their course, not to mention that it is better to go to poker in this situation.

This guy is mixing well with the X-Men now, and it is precisely because he works hard to exercise his kinetic energy that he is appreciated by the professor. I heard that he will soon become a member of the new X-Men.

At that time, if Professor X is allowed to work hard, maybe on a whim, the old bald head can help S.H.I.E.L.D. to find out all the spies of Hydra...

"Some things in the world are that simple... If S.H.I.E.L.D. really wants to thoroughly investigate the spies inside, and pay enough price, they will definitely be able to invite the professor to find out all Hydra.

It's a pity... Nick Fury thought too much, and in the end he could only make S.H.I.E.L.D. decline completely. "Fang Yun was wearing a slim windbreaker, step by step.

The howling cold wind blowing on his body did not make him feel any discomfort, but... if he came to Tibet wearing short sleeves and climbed the mountain aimlessly here, it would definitely make ordinary people feel sick, so Or do as the Romans do.

Fang Yun is not too unusual. When he goes to a banquet, he will wear a formal dress, never wearing casual clothes...and sneakers.

When he was picking up girls, he drove a sports car and never rode a bicycle. After letting the girl look down on him, he drove a sports car to slap his face, which made him feel meaningless... It was a waste of life, and even a waste of his second brother's hard work... …

In particular, he doesn't know how to wear fancy clothes, pretending to be forceful on purpose... In short, he will never do things that are too tasteless. After all... He likes to be clean and tidy, and he does things decisively. If he says to kill your whole family, he will kill you The whole family...

Especially when killing the enemy, it is better to shorten the time to 1 minute instead of delaying it for more than half a year.

"If you are alive, don't be so tired. If you can use your hands, try not to use your brain..." Boss Fang is such a person. Maybe he will think about some doubts and even problems, but when facing the enemy, he will always pre-emptively strike, and plan something , That's what the weak have to think about!

One fist can kill the enemy, why turn seventeen or eighteen turns, and then go to hit the past, this is not a waste of life, what is it...

So he said he was going to find Gu Yi, and he came to Tibet the next day. Although he was almost hit by a missile on the way over...but he missed it. What kind of spear agency came to arrest me? no~
Of course, Boss Fang didn't dare to fly anymore, he kept climbing up and down the snow-capped mountains, for fear of offending them, and as he had never read comics, he really didn't dare to fight the fellow villagers.

After all, he doesn't understand the personalities of those people. Although this is the movie world, as a superpower, the God of Spears should still exist, but it's hidden very deeply and won't appear easily.


"MD, watching the movie doesn't mean I will be able to find that ancient one's residence. The Himalayas are so big, and Nepal is not small. How do you ask me to find Karma Taj?" Fang Yun wanted to rely on the plot in the movie. , came to know the residence of Gu Yi, but it was as difficult as climbing to the sky, after all, the reality is different from the movie.

Gu Yi will definitely not live in a human town, but lives in seclusion somewhere in the Himalayas, and why did Doctor Strange find Gu Yi when he arrived in Nepal? Naturally, Gu Yi is waiting for him... Gu Yi's powerful strength, There is also the time stone, of course it has the ability to predict, it is very easy to know that he will come to apprentice.

As for myself... There is no future to predict at all, because the space has long been shielded, and Dr. X and the like can't explore the mind of the contractor, otherwise poker is still a fart.

The exhaled breath froze in an instant, and there was a snow mark on each foot. I have to say that Boss Fang had just climbed Mount Everest. It is true that he is afraid of the highest peak in the world. It is as simple as that. This height is really nothing to him. .

At this time, he was sitting on the snowy peak at the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, wondering if it was right for him to find Gu Yi, after all, if he participated in the plot of Doctor Fantastic, he would probably crash the game.

Because if I get the time gem, so that Doctor Strange has no stone to take, if the master of the dark space comes to the earth, it will be more terrifying than Thanos without the infinite gem.

"Hey, don't think about it, let's find a hotel to stay overnight..." Boss Fang breathed out on the top of the mountain, and then slowly flew back to the town.

As a result, at the moment when he was about to levitate, a figure suddenly walked behind him from out of thin air, and the moment he saw that person, Boss Fang immediately cheered up.

"Gu Yi?" Boss Fang swallowed. The bald woman in front of her, although flat-chested, has good looks... Cough cough, it's not time to pay attention to the problem at this time.

"El Yunze? In other words, hello, the Transcendent of the Slaughtering Space." Gu Yi's face was calm, and there was no strange look on his face.

But Boss Fang's face turned pale, and he was completely shocked, because this guy is more awesome than other high-level plot characters.

In the past, even an existence like Medivh knew that Fang Yun and the others were sent by some kind of god, but he didn't know that Fang Yun and others were the contractors of the Killing Space, and Gu Yi not only knew about the Killing Space, It seems that the strength rank of the contractor who knows the space better...

"Well...I'm here...I'm just here to visit the snow-capped mountains. It's okay, I'll go first." Boss Fang didn't know what to say to her, because this kind of guy seemed to have become a god, and it died in the movie , seems to be fake.

In particular, this guy's indistinct eyes really made him feel deeply uneasy. At this time, it's not something that can be done by using the water of life to brush his favorability.

"Oh? I thought you came to me for the time gem..." Gu Yi had a vague smile on his lips.

"No, no, I just came to see the snow...Look at the snow, haha..." Fang Yun grabbed a handful of snow on the ground, and smiled cramply, but when he saw Gu Yi's attention shifting, Fang Yun's feet suddenly twitched. Zhen, just heard the sound of 'bang', and flew away at a speed faster than the speed of sound in an instant, and I don't know if it caused an avalanche...

After 10 minutes of rapid flight, Boss Fang had already left Nepal and entered China, and he didn't find anything unusual, but just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he only heard a scream of 'ah', because he seemed to be He crashed into a mirror in the sky, and when he was flying at such a high speed, he hurriedly closed his eyes, for fear that he would damage his mind power guard and blind himself again...

In the end, when he came back to his senses, there was nothing unusual about his body, but he looked around, and his body returned to Mount Everest, and Gu Yi was still smiling at him vaguely...

(End of this chapter)

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