Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 481 Boss Fang who will be reversed by Gu Yi...

Chapter 481 Boss Fang who is about to be reversed by Gu Yi...

"You want to leave in such a hurry?"

"No... I'm just going out for a drive." Boss Fang pretended to be silly and smiled.

But the next moment, his eyes widened: "No, don't, don't, ah, help!!!"

Gu Yi seemed to pat him lightly, causing his soul to go out of his body, and then Fang Yun felt the world spinning for a while, and when he came back to his senses, his soul was still out of his body.

And before he could fully wake up, he felt that the speed of his soul had already broken through the sky, almost turning the earth several times in just a short moment... In this 1 second, he did not know how many things he saw in his soul.

But Gu Shi ignored his yelling, and saw that his soul was about to return to his body, and flew out again, directly surpassing the speed of light, and even breaking through multiple cosmic planes, allowing him to see countless things, That kind of exaggerated and strange scene is no worse than the scene brought by Killing Floor.

Especially at the moment when the speed reached the limit, the soul seemed to be torn apart, and when the speed dropped, it merged into one again, but when the soul was torn apart, he seemed to have entered an endless abyss, and the incomparable emptiness made people feel despair.

It seems like a moment, but also like a lifetime.

Gu Yi supported his body, looked at his empty eyes, something flashed in his mind, but his firm face made Fang Yun's soul drift away for more than half an hour before returning completely.

"Ah... ho, ho, ho, I'm dead, MD, I'm going to die.

Gu Yi... You, even if you have a grudge against space, there is no need to play me like this.

I'm just an ordinary transcendent, there are plenty of contractors in Killing Space, what kind of evolutionary, there are too many transcendents, you don't need to kill me... I am harmless to you, I have never said anything to you Killing Heart, I can't beat you either.

There are still many people like me in this world, if you let me go, I'll catch a few for you, and then let you play with their souls..."

Speaking of this moment, Fang Yun couldn't help shivering. The feeling that his soul couldn't control it was really indescribable. At this moment, all he felt was fear, incomparable fear, or the more powerful a transcendent like him , the more you can feel this power.

This kind of fear spread in Fang Yun's mind, making him keep saying: "I just want to worship you as my teacher, and play with the time gem by the way. Since you can predict it, can't I give up, life I'll give you the water... I won't learn magic anymore, time gem, I won't think about it again in my life, I swear!"

The moment the soul returned to the body, Boss Fang really felt the strength of Gu Yi. He was panting with difficulty. If his body was not strong enough, a mortal would have died if he did not breathe for half an hour. He was lying on the snow like an ant...

How does it feel to face the ancient one?
It seems to be the feeling of a mortal facing the gods. His time domain cannot be opened, and no matter how fast he moves, he cannot avoid the slow palms of Gu Yi. It seems that his time has been slowed down, and his magic cannot be released, as if He was in the domain of Ancient One, and he couldn't mobilize a trace of magic power.

Fang Yun was completely played by him in the applause, which made him unable to resist at all.

Don't say that the protagonist has luck, in the face of such a powerful existence, dignity is used to step on it!
Only the strong have dignity!
Fang Yun has dignity when facing the weak!
In the face of Gu Yi who is countless times stronger than him, how can there be any dignity at all... If you want to speak harshly at this time, it is a picture that only appears in books.

" are the contractor of the Killing Dimension, and the Killing Dimension is divided into levels, which is a bit interesting. There are quite a few Transcendents like you with domains. I don't believe that...

After all, you are in the field of time... The field I am best at, how can there be so many such extraordinary people, it is obviously no one in a million! "Gu Yi's tone was full of exclamation, and what he said at this time seemed to have some understanding of the killing space!

"Reminder: You leaked a lot of space secrets. Since you don't have a common currency, and you are an apostle, the realm of the extraordinary, the rank of lieutenant colonel, and the killing space will not deduct your attribute points, but will also deduct 10 points of merit!"

"Reminder: If you disclose too many secrets in any space, you may be obliterated!"

"Nani?" Boss Fang was really hurt when he received this message, but seeing the thoughtful Gu Yi, he thought of another not-so-good idea.

But in the end Boss Fang swallowed, and asked sadly and carefully, " don't know everything, do you?"

"Know what? Killing Floor?"

"Hmm..." Fang Yun nodded honestly, not afraid that she would know if the leak had already been leaked.

"Yes... I don't know, I don't even understand the meaning of these words." Gu Yi shook his head.

"But you clearly said to me, 'Are you a transcendent in the Killing Dimension?', didn't you say that?"

"I said it, but I don't know the meaning of these words. I just saw you and formed some words in my mind.

It's similar to a prophecy, but this time the prophecy is very labor-intensive. If you didn't find some clues with the help of your time domain, you wouldn't even be able to predict anything.

Although only a few words were predicted...but fortunately, you have said everything I want to know. "Gu Yi said at this time, he couldn't help smiling when he saw Boss Fang with a purple face.

"Watfak, you're cheating!!!" Hearing this, Fang Yun was so angry that he wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood, and he still yelled in his heart when he cursed...

Seeing Boss Fang wanting to cry without tears, Gu Yi was a little embarrassed, but she had to observe Fang Yun carefully, that kind of eyes...that kind of eyes made Boss Fang feel weird, always felt that this old man Women have thoughts about themselves.

"Nanmo Amitabha, I don't have any thoughts about Gu Yi, please save my life, don't let me lose my virginity!!" Boss Fang lowered his head and closed his eyes, daring not to speak, he just begged the boss to treat him Be a fart.

He will never look for any hidden plots in the future, and will never participate in hidden missions... No space gems, time gems, he will not take them in front of him...

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you..." Seeing his face waiting to die, Gu Yi seemed to realize that he had gone too far, and he seemed to have been punished, so he didn't dare to speak now. So she said to Fang Yun with very soft eyes.

Fang Yun couldn't help but twitched his eyelids when he saw this 'discharging' look in his eyes, but finally nodded obediently.

"Why don't you talk anymore, it's okay, I won't ask you any more questions." Gu Yi always felt that he had hurt him, but it was obviously because he saw a companion in the time domain, and couldn't help but want to test it... Although she is so scumbag, she is the same kind of person after all, so she can't bear to hurt Boss Fang.

"Well, I know." Boss Fang took a cold breath, calmed himself down, and nodded calmly.

"It's good that you are fine, you want to learn magic, right, well, I can teach also want the space gem, this..."

"No, no, I don't want it, and I don't want to learn it either!" Boss Fang immediately refused nervously.

Gu Yi saw that he seemed to be stupefied by fright, sighed helplessly, took his arm directly, waved his hand, and returned to her secluded place...

Boss Fang saw that it was her bedroom... Tears were almost streaming down her face.

"MD, I knew it... I knew it. It's no good to have a high charisma value. Something will happen sooner or later... Huh." Boss Fang's heart was full of disappointing tears...

(End of this chapter)

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