Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 482 Double Kill!

Chapter 482 Double Kill!

Boss Fang opened his cute big eyes at this time, pretending to be cute and innocent. When Gu saw it in his eyes, he was really helpless. After the two looked at each other for a long time, the bald old nun said slowly with a serious face: "You know Why did I bring you here?"

"I don't understand." Seeing that Gu Yi was serious, Fang Yun didn't dare to put on an air, so he could only honestly shake his head.

"Because of your time domain."

"That's it?" Captain Fang scratched his head, a little confused. Although he knew that Gu Yi had the time gem, could it be that he wanted to give it to himself because he owned the time domain?
"Yeah... Otherwise, why do you think I brought you here? Before you, I just accepted a very good apprentice.

According to my thinking, this time gem should be handed over to him when I leave, but your appearance seems to make me hesitate..." Gu Yi frowned at this time, the owner of the time domain The latter is the most suitable for inheriting the time gem, but he can't figure out Fang Yun's mind.

Although he is powerful and can even easily control a person's soul, Fang Yun's soul is protected by the Killing Space, making it impossible for him to invade.

He can only kill with strength, but he can't read the memory, so he can't know whether Boss Fang is a kind person with good character and morality.

But when I saw this person for the first time, although this guy was very afraid of death, I have to say that he has no shortcomings... It's just that he likes to think wildly.

Thinking of this, Gu Yi waved his hand: "You have a thorough understanding of spirit and reality, about magic... Judging by your appearance, I guess you don't like learning too much, but since you are here, you can't leave casually. disciples of the

When talking about this, Gu Yi frowned: "Come with me..."

Between the words, a door of space appeared in front of Gu Yi out of thin air, and she walked in immediately. Although Boss Fang knew that there was a chance to escape, he glanced at the door of time and walked in decisively. Because if you follow her, you might be able to get the time gem!
As a result, as soon as he entered it, Boss Fang's eyes widened: "My Cao, mirror space??"

He was standing on top of a twisting building at this time, Gu Yi had long since disappeared, and in his eyes, Doctor Strange and Baron Mordo in a red cloak were running between the building at a 90-degree angle in a strange posture superior.

Followed by Casillas, he is the little villain in Doctor Strange, and of course there are a few little minions. As for the big villain, it is Dormammu, the master of the dark space.

Seeing a strange guy with a long sword on the top of the building, that is, Boss Fang who entered the mirror space for no reason, Doctor Strange and Baron Mordo froze for a while... Then there was a scream, because the whole building His body turned into a wave shape.

Like a sea wave blown up by a storm, it swayed exaggeratedly, and the two of them were thrown away... Boss Fang was agile enough, and this situation would not let him be bounced directly, but Casillas, the black The under-eyed villain was instantly unhappy.

Holding a sword of nothingness, he pointed at Fang Yun coldly: "Kill him, a mortal dares to participate in the battle between mages!"

The two young men behind him sneered, and rushed away instantly with big strides!

When Fang Yun heard this, his face turned dark. Gu Yi said to him, he must be cowardly, but a little villain of Nima dared to regard himself as a god, isn't it a bit too much?
"Mortal? Let's see who among us is a mortal!" Fang Yun saw two little mages running wildly, and fired twice with a 'bang bang'.

Shining silver bullets shot over like lightning, and a virtual shield appeared out of thin air in the hands of the two mages. Although it could barely block it, there were cracks!

"It's not good, this person is not an ordinary person, he...he is the king of mind power!" One of the female mages saw Fang Yun flying up out of thin air, rushing towards the two of them, and immediately remembered something, and immediately shouted.

"I know who I am, but it's too late!" Fang Yun's agility reached 149 points, and both flying speed and running speed have a certain bonus. Almost in the blink of an eye, he came to the two of them, and as he drew The moment when the Sunset Sword was released, it began to flash purple light.

"Dark shield!" The two also roared in unison, and almost instantly, a huge shield formed in front of them, with dark red lightning flashing on the surface, it looked very solid, and it was comparable to a car the size of.

But then the two of them heard a sentence: "You two scumbags, did someone tell you that I specialize in mastering mages!"

Boss Fang yelled, charged up his sword and slashed it down. There was a sound of "stab, thorn, thorn", and it was cut into two.

The shattering of the shield shocked the two of them. The defensive ability of this move could completely withstand the explosion of an oil truck. At this time, it was easily broken. How can we not make them anxious.

After looking at each other, they yelled fiercely in their hearts: "You can't imagine the ability of a mage. If you don't retreat, you will die without a whole body!"

"Come on, I want to see who is a mortal?" Boss Fang didn't care about this or that, he chased the two and chopped them down. Although the two mages were able to avoid some tricks with some abilities, they were still seriously injured. After all, his speed is too fast.

He is not a guy of the same level at all, and he has no room to play against him at this time. He has a whole body of magic tricks, but he can't beat his opponent.

So at this time, they can only force out the dark energy in their bodies, let their strength increase sharply, and pray that they will be killed with one blow, otherwise they may lose their sanity.

Fang Yun didn't know about these weird things, in fact, even if he knew, he didn't care, because Boss Fang didn't use any tricks at all at this time.

After all... Although the two dark-gold-level plot characters have some strange abilities, it's just a matter of a few swords... If it doesn't work, then cut a few swords.

And when Captain Fang found that the black energy was surging from the two of them, and they suddenly turned into legendary junior figures, and threw magic at him, he barely avoided a few tricks, and sneered: "I want to play with you!" If you are still not happy with the game, then... just die!"

"Bloom in an instant!" A puff of black smoke suddenly burst out from the slender sword body, turning the entire Sunset Sword into black, and the sword body was burning with black flames. Just looking at it, one feels as if one's soul has been stung .

And this kind of ability can increase Fang Yun's attack power by 100%, attack speed by 100%, and movement speed by 50% in ten seconds. Although this kind of boost ability is short, the effect is super powerful!

The battle here suddenly became more intense, and Dr. Strange and others also watched it, and the next scene was that Fang Yun turned into a black light and walked between the two like lightning, and magic burst out of thin air. Ripples appeared, but no one could be hit at all.

And every time Fang Yun uses the speed that can be called the limit, dodges one skill after another dangerously, and when he comes to a person, a glaring blood will be splashed... After ten seconds, Fang Yun Cut out dozens of swords at least.

The exaggerated real injuries and critical strikes caused these two people to fall to the ground. They could be said to be completely dead, and this is the difference between extraordinary people... and people without domains. In a word, if you want to kill you... just kill you.

Casillas swallowed, he didn't expect a thing that came out of nowhere to be so fierce, at this moment, he didn't know whether he should continue to chase and kill the two Doctor Strange...

Especially Fang Yun flew over slowly, looking at him with a gloomy face: "Ordinary people will worry about life, but I... don't!"

 I went to work today, and I came back late... I am writing while eating now, and the next chapter will probably be before ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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