Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 484 Fusion... Time Gem

Chapter 484 Fusion... Time Gem

time gem
Rank: Artifact

Origin: Marvel Universe, Earth

Material:? ? ?
Equipment Effect: All attributes +10%
effect:? ? ?

"Hint: You have the time gem. As an artifact, it is 99.99% consistent with your time domain. Is it fused?"

"Reminder: The energy of the Time Gem is too great. Even if you are transformed into space data as an extraordinary person, there is a certain chance that you will fall into an infinite time loop!"

Holding the time gem, Fang Yun felt the incomparable power of time. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, so he stood there blankly. After a long time, he realized that except for Gu Yi, everyone else already left.

"Aren't you afraid to use it?" Gu Yi said slowly.

"I... I don't know, should I really use it?" Fang Yun was facing the biggest decision in his life. He couldn't imagine what he would do if he really merged the time gem and fell into a permanent infinite loop of time. .

Although it will be eternal life at that time, but this kind of eternal life, he would rather not...

"I'll give you one day, choose to have it or give it up!" Gu Yi was not afraid of him leaving, took a deep look at Fang Yun, pushed open the door and left.

Boss Fang, who was left alone, glanced at the surrounding area, sat down on the ground, took out a cigarette with trembling fingers and lit it.

It wasn't until he took a deep breath and slowly let out a circle around his eyes that his mood returned to calm.

"The time gem can make people turn back time, return to the past, and also travel to the future, and even change some things in different timelines with their own powerful strength!
And it can also control the time flow of a person or object, making it very slow, even static, or speeding up to a frightening state! "

At this time, Fang Yun needs to find out the difference between the time gem and the time field, and change the time flow rate, which is the same.

But he can't make time go backwards or even stand still, but it doesn't mean he can't do it in the future!

But if he can fuse the time gem, it will mean that he can possess this kind of strength in advance, even if he can't fully control it, but... he will also have the potential to become a god, and even the capital to compete with the gods.

"So, I'm going to fight, and I'll die... the whole show is over!" Boss Fang, who looked at death like home, held the time gem in his hand, and chose to merge!
The reason why he dares to do this is because he believes that space can save him, because he still has value, and he can obtain the time gem. If he successfully merges, then he must have a strong value for space.

As for the question of time... in the eyes of space, it exists like a real pediatrician. When going back in time, or going to the future, it can restart the Marvel universe. Do you think the time gem is still a wool in the eyes of space?
So at that moment... On the mountainside of Mount Everest, streams of time energy invisible to the naked eye leaked out. In a short period of time, some houses were quickly decomposed and disappeared, and even slowly returned to their original state, and even rebuilt. Become rooted in the ground called trees.

As for here, of course there is no one else!
Gu Yi left there with many apprentices, floating far above the sky, and the violent and irregular time energy made the group of people dumbfounded, and they couldn't even believe it.

Because the place where they lived slowly turned into dust and disappeared, leaving only a cloud floating there, but as the person's expression changed slightly, the houses were re-condensed.

This exaggerated scene shocked Baron Mordo, he didn't even know what the hell that guy was doing.

As for Dr. Strange wearing a fidgeting red cloak, looking at all this thoughtfully, he seems to have some feelings... If Baron Mordo knows this, he can only curse secretly: "MD, a genius is a genius, look! When someone else fuses the time gem, they can figure out something."


As for Fang Yun's situation at this time is very bad, he seems to be caught in the long river of time, there seems to be a layer of glass between him and the real world, but it can't be broken no matter what, the whole person is constantly traveling through time, all the time Seconds seemed to pass for thousands of years!
Everything in front of him was changing. At this moment, he came to the Jurassic period. He suddenly stood on top of an extremely tall tree and saw a Tyrannosaurus chasing a Stegosaurus crazily. Dinosaurs, those dinosaurs seemed to be able to see him, but no dinosaur dared to approach him...

Because some insects flew over and suddenly turned into ashes, that kind of weird energy made these guys with a high sense of danger not dare to act rashly, even if the 'food' in front of them was small...

But the trees under the feet of 'Food' are also growing rapidly and slowly withering. That kind of feeling really makes them a little bad.

Fang Yun is traveling through the long river of time, but some time energy leaked from the fusion of the two makes it easy for those houses to disappear for a while and appear for a while, and the other mages watching are extremely speechless.


" this the beginning of the earth?" The time Fang Yun experienced has been going backwards all the time. It seems that in his world, the time of the entire universe is going backwards, developing backwards continuously, starting from one second 1 thousand years, to 10 years in one second, millions of years, tens of millions of years!

Until... the big bang of the universe, so it was reduced to one point, and then went back and forth, and time began to slowly flow towards the future...

It stands to reason that such leakage of time energy will inevitably cause some resistance to the natural rules, and even backfire!

But at this moment, neither Gu Yi nor Baron Morton felt the slightest, because... There is a force that controls it within a certain range invisibly. As for that force, they have no way to feel it, no way to get rid of it Even scouting can't form illusions in the mind.

It seems that that kind of power is higher than this dimension, and it is impossible to think or even imagine.

Time... the most difficult thing to control in the entire multiverse, when there is a magical creation in the Marvel universe, that is, the time gem, and when it really merges into a human body... when it really disappears in the entire universe that moment.

I don't know how many powerful gods have sensed it, and they have a feeling of panic in their minds... The time gem is gone, not destroyed, but gone, similar to the feeling of being eaten.

Especially Thanos, he was totally confused...

Under his anger, with a wave of his hand, I don’t know how many slaves died. Among them, some of the space contractors of the Ark who were mixed with the Chitauri army were killed in seconds, and died together with the Chitauri star. people……

After a long time, Mount Everest was still peaceful, and nothing seemed to have changed, but the man suspended above the sky was as tall as a god, and the aura emanating from him made the mages dare not act rashly.

It wasn't until he tilted his head and fell to the ground...and fell asleep soundly, that the others were relieved.

"Time...what an uncontrollable thing, the time energy in gems can really be integrated into the human body, it's just... unbelievable!" Sparks flashed in Gu Yi's mind, she was very surprised by the rules of time Obviously there is a lot of cognition again.

Gu Yi lifted Fang Yun out of thin air and put him on a bed, as if he planned to see how he would change after he woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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