Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 485 Time...

Chapter 485 Time...

Fang Yun is not asleep, it should be said that he has fallen into a strange state, feeling the super version of time divinity in his body!
Time Divinity (Time Realm)

Belonging: Melee

Grade: Extraordinary

Quantity: 66
Attributes: strength, stamina, agility +43%.

Attributes: Perception, Wisdom, Intellect +23%
Attribute: Charm +10%
(All the above attribute bonuses, only for naked attributes)
Passive ability: ……… (skip no change)
time field:

Extraordinary domain, the power of time, when you open the time domain.

With you as the center, within 1000 meters, all the time will be adjusted by you. You can make the time flow rate of all human beings, objects, animals, skills, bullets, etc. other than yourself be 10 times lower than the normal time. , or 10 times faster.

The time flow rate within 10 times will be determined by you, the less the time flow rate doubles, the longer the duration!

Duration: 30~100 seconds!
Skill cooldown: 12 hours
Consumption: none

Time Reversal: When receiving extremely fatal damage, the time will be automatically reversed, returning to the previous three seconds when no damage was received!

Skill cooldown: 1 hour.

Consumption: none

Time Jump: When someone attacks you, you can jump to another timeline to avoid this attack.

Jump to other timelines, it can last up to 10 seconds, and you will return to the original timeline!
Skill Cooldown: 30 minutes.

Consumption: none

Infinite Time: When this ability is turned on, you will attack it from multiple timelines (up to one hour from the original timeline). When the infinite time is over, the enemies in the original timeline will bear s damage.

Skill cooldown: 3 hour.

Consumption: none

other skills:? ? ?

(Explanation: With endless time energy, you... Play to your heart's content. It is your instinct to set the time. The reason why you have skill cooling... It's just because you don't have enough divinity, and your body is not enough to carry this power!)


Fang Yun didn't know how long it took, after getting used to it, he woke up. As for Gu Yi, he was always standing beside him.

"Wake up, are you feeling alright?"

"Hmm...unprecedentedly powerful!" Boss Fang nodded. At this time, he had a trace of confidence on his face, as if to say that even if all the contractors in the Ark space came, they would be scum. To open a time domain, 1000 Minei, they can be completely disabled.

Especially the extra time skills, they are simply bug-like attack skills, or escape skills!
What kind of time jump, infinite time, time reversal, is it really a blockbuster?
And depending on the situation, my divinity is too little to activate more time skills. If I have more divinity, it will be too strong.

"That's good... get out of here quickly, I feel that many people like you have suddenly descended on the earth, and a crisis seems to have appeared!" Gu Yi, as the supreme mage, belongs to the guardian of the earth. With his powerful strength, Naturally, those invading transcendents could be sensed.

The Ark Space allows extraordinary people to join the Chitauri star power in advance, and let them improve their status among the Chitauri star people, hoping that when they invade the earth, there will be a large-scale invasion!

But what are the Chitauriians?
The slave of Thanos, the existence controlled by him, the garbage that can be killed whenever he wants, the time gem suddenly disappeared, making Thanos who was thinking about how to enter the earth furious, he killed two legions of Chitauri in one move, and There happened to be seven or eight extraordinary people there.

In this situation, for the ark space, these precious transcendents died quite aggrieved!
As stowaways, the other surviving Transcendents are only two or three big cats and kittens. They are almost hopeless for the mission of exterminating the earth, but they cannot directly return to the ark space.

But it is too dangerous to continue to follow Thanos. He can only come to the earth directly through some props, in an attempt to put him to death and survive. Humanity.

So when the ancient one said this sentence, the space also came to the information.

"Reminder: The main mission has changed!"

"Find the coordinates of the transcendent in the ark space, go to kill it as soon as possible, don't let it hide, the main task is over after killing it!"

"Every time you kill an extraordinary person, you will get the killing key and 10 merit points!"

ark space
Number of people: 4 people left

Time remaining: 23 hours and 29 minutes.


"Cat and mouse?" A young man stood up slowly. He had just finished a video call with Nick Fury and asked him to pass on some information about new members of S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for why he has such powerful rights, it is naturally because...he is a member of the 'Global Security Council'.

If Boss Fang saw this scene, his jaw would drop in shock, and this person is exactly what he thought, the guy who joined Marvel during World War II.

At this time, he still became a member of the most powerful person in the entire world. As for his heart towards the Avengers or Hydra?

It doesn't count, he is just an extraordinary person who works hard to become stronger.

He glanced at the information about Fang Yun, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "This is my world...A transcendent person who can think? But that's it...

As for these two Transcendents who are MTs, they should be the two guys who appeared on the MT road last time, it's a bit interesting..."


At the same time, a middle-aged man with long beards appeared in the Hydra base. He shook his fist like steel. When he saw the mission, he couldn't help but smiled: "Suddenly there are only 4 wastes left in the Ark space." , It seems that someone has done a very powerful thing, this kind of chasing is the most interesting, presumably killing some of the same kind can also gain a lot of divinity."

There are more than a dozen Transcendents on the entire earth. Of course there are also Evolvers and Contractors, but they can be ignored. They are only responsible for discovering, not fighting, so the task given to them is to collect information, and they are not allowed to They engage in combat.

The sudden appearance of this situation made the superhumans in the killing space very excited, because killing the superhumans in the ark space would inevitably obtain divinity and killing keys, which would bring some very good results.

And killing the transcendent in the same space, although only gaining divinity, can also attract many people... At this time, I don't know how many people are playing for their own benefit.

As for Boss Fang, of course he didn’t have that many thoughts. He talked with Ares and Hanks on the team channel, asking the two of them to work together and try to kill a Transcendent. Pete and Poker should not participate in this kind of battle. , hide first.

On the other hand, he chose the nearest guy, started his mind-power flight, and rushed across the sky quickly. As for whether there are other extraordinary people on the earth who have any plans, or want to sneak attack him, Boss Fang doesn't care at all, because... Extraordinary also has to be divided into strong and weak.

The field is also divided into quality!
"As long as you are not gods... then please treat me as a god!"

"Because...the Time Domain cannot be profaned!"

(This book is coming to an end, and everyone should understand that I am so open-minded. Of course, if I don’t open up, I can still write a lot of words...but that’s boring. There is almost one volume after Marvel .

In the last volume, you will face a big boss, who can't be played without cheating, so cough cough cough you understand!

Alright, I hope everyone will get used to the next book, it should not be a cool novel, for the specific type, please refer to the title of 'The Immortal of the World'. )
(End of this chapter)

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