Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 486 The 4 perversions in the ark space.

Chapter 486 The four perverts in the ark space.

"Damn it, there are still 24 hours before space can help us hide our tracks!" A man with a burning body was suspended three feet above the ground, and the asphalt road under his feet had been roasted.

There was a scorched corpse next to it, curled up. If it wasn't for the fact that the police badge hadn't been melted and shrunk into such a corpse, it wouldn't be recognized as a person at all...

The person next to him glanced at the grumpy Alan Ke, the guy who was on fire.

Lin Xu didn't say much, but quietly flicked the sword in his hand.

"Why don't you talk? You are the most reliable at critical times. If you hadn't said, don't go to a legion with other people, I think Thanos would have wiped out the regiment!" Allen was a little irritable at this time, this kind of decision In the situation of the coordinates, there is no way to escape. As for going to a big city to destroy and die faster, it is not just the superhumans chasing and killing them.

Those superheroes will not let them go, so it is better to stay in the wilderness. Although there are only 4 people left in Ark Space at this time, there is no doubt that the strength of the four of them is extraordinary. Even in this situation, Alan But Lin Xu and Lin Xu didn't intend to join those two people either.

Because... Those two guys are more terrifying than the superhero who chased and killed them!

A Dante inheritor who came out of hell, that's right, the guy with the right hand of the unicorn arm, um... yes, the guy on the cover, who operates almost like Boss Fang, with guns and swords!
There is also a super pervert who can fuse with the fake No. [-] machine when he is on the verge of death. If he does not have the strength to dismantle the Gundam with his bare hands, the superhumans in the ark space will generally not dare to gesture in front of him.

So even though the two of them left separately, the safety index might be higher than the two of them, because the strength of those two is very explosive...

Allen was the guy who was defeated in the Lord of the Rings Doomsday Volcano. The Ark Space didn't deprive him of his talent, but gave him a chance to completely become a transcendent, a proper incarnation. For the Flame King, as for Boss Fang's thought power 'King'... just talking about it is enough, everyone knows that this is bullshit.

"Speak up, my brother, a person who is usually so smart, if he doesn't speak today, do you think we are bound to die?" Allen couldn't help it, everyone is extraordinary, and the enemy's strength will certainly not be too strong. Weak, especially a guy from Marvel, could it be simple?

The key point of Ark Space is to remind that there is a deeply hidden transcendent in the Marvel world, who has obtained the space gem long ago, and his strength is unimaginable, so of course Allen is a little impatient.

"Ah, ah, ah, am I just thinking..." Lin Xu said with a wave of his hands.

"Then what good idea did you come up with?"


"FUCK, then why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"..." Lin Xu touched his neck, he was thinking: 'Is this my nonsense, not at all! '

So he suddenly tilted his head and gave Alan Ke a hard look. The flame king immediately changed from a boss to a younger brother. The flames on his body were all extinguished, and he fell to the ground resentfully, not daring to say a word to BB.

"Hey... It's not that I can't think of a plan, but it's very difficult... It's too difficult. Our task is to destroy human beings, and destroying the earth is of course the best.

But... Even the villains of Marvel rarely want to destroy the earth. Although there is an Ultron... but the time period is wrong, I am very entangled now. "Lin Xu wore a slim windbreaker. He and Allen are teammates. Of course...he is the team leader.

It is not necessarily true that his strength is not as strong as those two. After all, everyone has never compared him. Although he has a fast attack speed, his defense is low...

Of course, transforming into a Seraphim might be awesome, but the time is short. After 10 minutes, someone is still alive, and I can basically say goodbye to the world.

"So, let's take one step at a time. After all, I am only facing that kind of powerful existence, and I am a genius who can think with my head...

I really don't necessarily see the dozen or so extraordinary people in the Killing Space. As for the guy with the space gem, he may have already arrived, or he may be on his way to those two guys.

But whoever is strong and who is weak... I usually only speak with knives! Lin Xu pulled out a two-meter-long Taidao from his back, silently glanced at the horizon, and seemed to have sensed the approach of the enemy, and he was...the inheritor of Sasros in Final Fantasy.


Boss Fang, as a joker, now has the time gem, and feels that the other transcendents are scum, so he naturally chases after the two of them...the two!
"Haha, it's good enough for one person to single out two, it's just a bunch of scum." While flying, he used his thoughts to protect the cigarette wrapped around him, for fear that it would be blown out by the high-speed flying wind.

If an outsider sees him, they will be able to find that this person is completely covered by a layer of light blue smoke, um... With extraordinary visual effects, it is estimated that it will not be easy for people to do it.


"Hey... MT is so hard that most people don't understand why we can't fly!!!" Ares and Hanks are like two super sports cars driving at high speed, running wildly in the wild mountains with big swords and shields on their backs, while There are any obstacles such as trees in front of him, and they are basically broken.

In Hanks' words: "Let me turn the corner? Impossible."

"Don't BB, chase that guy quickly, didn't you realize that this guy is the fastest runner among all the people!" Ares smiled, as if he thought he had caught a guy.

But no one told them that the fastest runner was a super pervert who could transform into a Gundam. Why did he run?
Because you can only become a Gundam if you die once, who the hell wants to die if nothing happens, so can you run fast...

But after half an hour... the best runner finally stopped because he made a wrong decision.

The faster he ran, the weaker he was than the others. In the end, seven or eight extraordinary people chased him. Although they hadn't started to attack him, the main reason was... afraid that he would go first, and let others The fisherman reaps the benefits.

"Baga, a group of trash, so many people dare not go up, watch me kill him, hehe, who dares to grab the spoils, be careful if my knife is sharp enough!" A short ninja suddenly appeared from the jungle, Ares and others are also here, just want to wait for someone to do it in advance.

Unexpectedly, there is a little Japanese who can't help it. It's really a ninja!

As an extraordinary person, this person's strength also responds differently, one phantom at a time, very fast, almost reaching the top of that person's head like lightning.

The transcendent in the ark space was still confused at this moment, and he didn't seem to see his movements clearly. He was holding a laser gun in his hand, and he didn't know how to lift it up to shoot. It felt like he was waiting to die.

Many other transcendents who were watching thought it was just a fake...

But as a black line flashed by, the little man stopped and retracted the Taidao handsomely into its scabbard, only to see a head with confused eyes, slowly leave the body and roll to the ground, the body just fell down like that, And a lot of blood flowed out...

"What? Just died like that?" A group of people waited with big eyes and small eyes. They really didn't understand the situation, but when they saw him dead, they rushed out one after another, trying to snatch the killing key...

As a result, a group of people with sharp eyes found a strange situation: "This person is not dead... because there is no key!!!"

What was even more weird was that the head of the guy who had been dismembered on the ground moved, his mouth opened, and he spat out blood with difficulty, and the blood on the ground had already started to link the head and body together.

What is even more perverted is... a wicked smile suddenly appeared on the head on the ground, and the voice was horrifying: "Kill me, then I will eat you... together with your domain, let's devour it together!!!"

That voice was extremely ear-piercing, and a group of people stared wide-eyed to see his body constantly twisting and changing, and finally turned into a behemoth of seven or eight meters high... like a shrunken version of the first machine, with a slightly hunched back, and the corners of his mouth curled up. With a trace of blood.

But his eyes were red, and he seemed to have lost his mind...

 Tickets. 2000 monthly tickets are women's clothing, I lowered the difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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