Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 487 Unit No. [-], Spatial Ability!

Chapter 487 Unit No. [-], Spatial Ability!

"First, first machine?" Hanks dropped the cigar on his shoes when he saw this scene.

This kind of shocking change made everyone completely unexpected. They took out their weapons to protect themselves almost at the same time, and they almost directly opened the domain.

What's even more frightening is that, after becoming the first machine, this well-mannered young man directly opened the AT position...

Ares saw it in his eyes, and his expression changed slightly: "It's not good, if this AT position is considered a domain, then our domain... what is it?"


"..." If it was the comic version, you should be able to see a crow flying over Ares's head, dropping a splash of bird droppings by the way.


"What!" The dwarf ninja was the closest to the No. [-] machine. When the No. [-] machine transformed, he didn't hesitate. On the big first number fuselage.

In just a few seconds, no one knows how many knives were cut out, which really made some people gasp.

And what is gratifying is that when the first machine did not turn on the AT position, the defense was not too amazing, let him cut off slices... pieces of meat!
"Baga, does the first machine really have a human body?" He has already opened the domain at this time. As an assassin, his speed has been accelerated by a full 5 times. It is completely conceivable how fast he is!
In particular, there is still some black mist shrouded in the surroundings, and some phantoms appear from time to time, which is enough to give some extraordinary people a headache.

But this No. [-] machine didn't pay attention to these attacks at all, because... the fallen pieces of meat were still crawling along the ground to meet No. [-] machine's body, which really made people feel endless horror.

"Ants, have you chopped enough?" When the No. [-] machine spoke, everyone heard a rumbling sound, like thunder in the sky.

"If it's enough, then...die!"

The short ninja only saw a black shadow appearing on his head, and the water tank-sized palm suddenly slapped it down, and he sneered: "Such a slow attack is nothing more than that..."

And just when he was about to leave, everyone saw him bump into an invisible crystal wall with a bang, his forehead was bleeding, and he almost bounced back. If his body coordination was not strong enough, he might All fell down.

"Damn, this, what is this situation, how do I get out... save me out, no... save me, save me!" The dwarf ninja kept rushing around, but could only be blocked by it again and again.

And as the huge palm was slapped, everyone felt the ground tremble, and the smoke and dust dispersed. As for the ninja, it had long been turned into a puddle of flesh, without a whole body.

"The AT position... cuts off the space, similar to a space section, in general, it's like forming two different levels of space... No matter how strong his strength and speed are, he still can't break through the space barrier.

It's just that I didn't expect this thing to be able to trap people in addition to defense! After Hanks finished speaking, he swallowed his saliva and almost didn't dare to move, after all, this thing was too fierce.

Although he has the gravity field, even if he feels that he has full firepower, with 30 times the gravity added, he feels that he can't affect it...

Ares clenched his shield tightly, glanced at his partner beside him, and said that this battle was a bit difficult, and his domain was a complete defensive domain, so he didn't waste the MT's responsibilities.

Because his domain can be within a certain range, the defense power and life value of allies will be greatly increased in proportion.

As long as the field is opened during the team battle, everyone's strength will be improved by leaps and bounds.

But at this time, there is only one friendly army, Hanks. As for the other extraordinary people, they are all guys who need to be guarded against, and they belong to the kind of people who can't be trusted even after signing a contract.


Leaving aside the situation of the No. [-] machine, Fang Yun looked at the two young men at this time, and really didn't dare to be too careless.

There was blood on his forehead, which streaked across his eyes until it flowed into his mouth, but he didn't dare to move rashly... because Lin Xu in front of him was too fast, with that extraordinary reaction and moving speed comparable to the speed of sound, plus the instant void shift.

The three complement each other, and they are really the strongest opponents Fang Yun has ever seen.

Of course, Lin Xu also had some headaches after seeing Fang Yun. He never expected that the first extraordinary person who came to chase them down was actually a guy from the god-level domain.

After all, domains are divided into levels. Although everyone is a transcendent and no one becomes a god, but for the legendary space domain and time domain, they are all named god-level domains, although... Fang Yun has never used the domain , but various behaviors indicate that he... absolutely owns this field.

"Time, it must be the fucking time. If it wasn't like this, I wouldn't have such a weird feeling... Is this the real son of Killing Space?" Lin Xu vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. Traveling through space with the Void, chopped off his head in milliseconds.

According to his thoughts, even if he didn't die with this attack, he would still be seriously injured, but the enemy in front of him was dead just like that...and he was bleeding all over the place.

He touched the corpse, it was still warm, but in the next second... another Fang Yun jumped out from the spot, stabbed his body with a sword, and the corpse on the ground slowly disappeared.

The short confrontation between the two also separated instantly, and the skill of dodging just now made him keep thinking about what kind of ability it was. Although it was the least likely to be a time skill, this weird feeling made him think, This is definitely a skill of the time system!
Lin Xu's abdomen was still bleeding at this time, and the super sharpness of the Sunset Sword made it impossible for the legendary leather armor on his body to stop him, so he didn't dare to do it lightly at this time, he could open the domain after transforming, but this First, it completely means that everyone wants to die.

But without the greatest confidence, no one dares to open the field easily. .

Of course, Fang Yun didn't dare to be so direct about desperate.

He squinted his eyes at this moment, thinking something was wrong in his heart, because facing this kind of guy who can teleport, if he didn't use the time domain, his speed couldn't catch up with him at all, but he vaguely felt that someone was watching the battle behind him, that kind of faint Nothing feels bad.

He doesn't like to give his back to a guy who hides in the dark.

But I have to say that Boss Fang and Lin Xu both sensed the other person, and that's why they didn't fight!

As for the flame king next to him, although he is very hostile to Fang Yun and intends to take revenge, he can only fight... soy sauce, although his strength is not bad.

But the speed was slower after all, his attacks often only hit Fang Yun's shadow, and he couldn't participate in the battle between the two without using the domain, so he stood aside and waited for the opportunity, trying to directly open the domain to destroy Fang Yun.

The three of them stood in a stalemate here, motionless, but at the next moment without a sound, a figure suddenly tore through the space and suddenly appeared behind Ailunke. At the same time, a pitch-black short sword appeared, and it passed by almost instantly. The neck of the Flame King.

A thick blood splashed out, and the damage of 2000+ appeared.

Allen endured the pain, and immediately opened the flame field, but... as the man slapped him heavily, before he could turn around, his body shattered like a spider's web... There were broken corpses all over the ground.

"Space's still so easy to use. Although the cooling time is longer, it can kill superhumans in seconds after all, isn't it?"

Youyou's voice came, Fang Yun and the furious Lin Xu looked there

A blond-haired European and American young man with a smile on his mouth, two slender fingers clamped a killing key, stepped out of nothing, and space cracks appeared under his feet...

(End of this chapter)

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