Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 488 Beowulf, Inheritor of Nero!

Chapter 488 Beowulf, Inheritor of Nero!
This blond young man is called Constance, and he is in Marvel's position... He is a member of the Global Security Council, that is, the guy who has a video with Nick Fury, and belongs to his immediate boss.

During World War II, that is, Captain America's first film, it was his novice plot!

Although Captain America is difficult as a novice world.

But the novice plot benefits are very good, all attributes are increased by 50%, if you don't choose the path of death, you are basically safe and worry-free.

And Constance himself is not bad, and his strategy is not weak. Naturally, he is unwilling to enter the killing space and tends to be ordinary. He has some plans. !
Although the plot is a novice, if you want to use his strength to get the artifact, the chance is no less than 1%.

But Constance did get it just before the plane crashed in the Antarctic.

But in this way, the main plot of the Marvel world will not be able to continue, and he belongs to the top talent in the space.

Although Killing Floor took away the space gem, but gave him a space talent and apostle status, and promised him that he would enter the Marvel world in the future, and there will be many benefits.


This is also the reason why Constance is so confident. Although he hasn't gotten the time gem yet, he has a strong space talent from the novice world. invincible.

Even if there is no space gem...With his own space domain, he will not be afraid of any transcendent.

Especially after the end of the Avengers story, the Space Stone... will return to his hands.

Constance thinks he is the guy with the aura of the protagonist (the guy who is addicted to Chinese online novels), at least since he entered the space, he has been invincible and has never been defeated, but when he killed the Flame King, the face The gazes of Fang Yun and Lin Xu didn't dare to move...

Because it feels really bad to feel your life being threatened all the time.

Fang Yun stared closely at this guy who just arrived. The power of space is so powerful that it has the ability to kill himself in seconds. With a magic shield...

In the end, feeling uncomfortable, he took out Medivh's magic book and cast more than a dozen buff spells on himself. Various buff spells were stacked one after another, and his body began to glisten, so he breathed a sigh of relief... …

But the other two who saw this scene were really speechless. This guy can do everything, he can read power, magic, and time ability, especially his melee strength is not weak, and the legendary long sword in his hand has a very ordinary ability. Armor-piercing effect, sharpness is quite powerful.

This is simply a cheat!The two were a little upset.

But the two of them are not thinking too much. One is the inheritor of Sephiroth, who has some simple space abilities, and his agility is outrageous. He is faster than an assassin, and his moves are fast and powerful. Transforming into a seraphim... that kind of transformation ability that almost becomes a god, isn't that considered cheating?
And Constance, needless to say!

When the three cheats meet, it is natural to see whose cheat is better.

So... the three of them came to a stalemate, because they knew that whoever opened the domain first, as long as the others escaped, would die, but they didn't want to leave...

Because a walking superhuman like this doesn't have three or five pieces of legendary equipment on him, and he doesn't dare to say hello to others when he goes out.

If one person, or two people can be exploded, it will be a fortune overnight, and the road to becoming a god and marrying a goddess has arrived.

Although the main goal is to kill the transcendent in the ark space, even if the mission is lost, who hasn't ordered... the space will not kill their self-confidence.


The three guys who considered themselves the protagonists went farther and farther on the road to death.

But there was a full-scale war in one place, and some passing killing space transcendents ran away without looking back... Because these two guys are so inhuman, they almost demolished a small town.

"Hahahaha, I really thought you were Dante, a weak and outrageous piece of trash!" Beowulf, wearing an armor full of history, burst into laughter at this moment, striding towards him, stepping on every time The ground and all around trembled heavily, and a pair of iron fists hammered past one after another.

No matter how strong this white-haired young man was, he was repelled step by step, and the blood in the air was soaring. If this punch wasn't powerful enough, his body would have been hammered to pieces.

The two turned over in a small city in Mexico, and Beowulf smashed it to pieces with this pair of iron fists.

Because every time he punches, he is as powerful as a dragon, and the exaggerated strength just hits the building, it will cause cracks in it, and even blow it to pieces.

"Fuck Dante, I'm obviously Nero's successor, why are you so arrogant, you've never seen the power of a demon, it's really pissed me off!!" the white-haired youth He stopped suddenly and shouted.

And he... naturally opened the demon realm, within a radius of [-] meters it seemed to enter the dark side of the world, everything was rotten, and flames were burning in the sky.

As for his body, it was also extremely red, as if a red light bulb had been pressed in his body, and his aura became full of evil and cruel feelings. When his right hand completely glowed and mutated,
Beowulf also sneered: "Come to the realm of the earth! If you want a decisive battle, then die."

He doesn't care about the so-called hell... As long as there is a ground in this world, then he is a god!

When the two collided again, bursts of air waves scattered.

Rampage hand-to-hand combat.

Houses collapsed along with their battle routes, and every time they separated, they collided together at a faster speed!
Flesh and blood fell with swords and swords, but they didn't stop!

Because the domain is immortal, they are immortal!
And this... is the battle of top transcendental beings.


In fact, in a certain sense, at the stage of Chaofan, data is no longer so important. They have huge power, exceeding the speed of sound, and every move may kill people!

The most important reason is that those who have divinity will increase the hidden fatality rate and lethality with the increase of divinity.

And the so-called head, heart, also began to be deadly, the special nature of the past will become history, half of the head exploded and survived, that is the treatment that novices have.

Powerful beings like them can no longer have this opportunity, but some extraordinary people with strong will can survive... In short, the data is no longer absolute.

(End of this chapter)

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