Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 489 If you don't agree with one word, you will fit together......

Chapter 489 If you don't agree with each other, you will fit together......

The battle scene of the Extraordinary is definitely grand enough, exactly like the situation where Stark wears the anti-Hulk armor and singles out the Hulk.

The battlefield at this time is divided into three places, one is to demolish a small city in Mexico.

A demolition highway in Las Vegas, USA.

The other one... is staring with wide eyes.

It is impossible to say that no one pays attention to these battles. SHIELD has already locked all the satellites that can see here.

As for the battle between Beowulf and Nero's inheritors, why there are no superheroes to stop it, the main reason is...Mexico is an unpopular place.

In particular, the sudden appearance of the No. [-] machine really stunned many superheroes who were paying attention to this war. Even Iron Man felt a little trembling when he saw the big guy through the satellite. According to Jarvis's words: "The target Combat power has exceeded the scope of calculation."

What does this mean?
It is possible for someone to slap Iron Man into a discus. This situation made Stark instantly dispel the idea of ​​participating in this battle. After all, there is hope for people to live. As long as he is given enough time, he can build enough Strong armor.

"But I have to say, this mecha is very exciting to me. If I can get some things from this mecha, the combat effectiveness of the MK armor must be increased several times or even dozens of times." Stark swallowed, thinking for a long time. , decided to go there, but not to participate in the battle, but collecting the body, no one can stop him.


Most of Marvel's superheroes are paying attention to the problem of the first machine, and even the other two are ignored.

At this time, the first machine had already killed 3 extraordinary people, and the strong continuous ability of the AT position did not disappear until it reached 30 minutes.

However, the combat power of the No. [-] machine is still undiminished, and I don’t know how many people are scared. This is the situation. Let other extraordinary people leave completely, and they don’t plan to continue fighting, and only the No. [-] machine is left in the entire battlefield. MT.

"Damn it, damn it, turn on the fucking gravity field!" Hanks roared angrily.

At this moment, the whole earth seemed to become heavy, cracks appeared in the asphalt road under the feet, and the depth was 30 centimeters deep, and the trees seemed to be unable to bear the branches and leaves, and they broke off one after another.

But the movements of the No. [-] machine finally slowed down, and Ares, who was forced to a blind spot, barely escaped the punch with the gusts of wind. Regardless of the violent shock wave behind him, he endured the injury and ran away. At the same time, he Glancing at Hanks, he said, "Let's do a trick!"

"Humph... A trick, what a trick, you rubbish!" The delirious No. 30 machine, who didn't know where the will came from, faced the gravity of [-] times, and even forcibly opened the second AT position. field.

Although the No. [-] machine itself also had a series of bloody cracks, which looked extremely terrifying, but the combat power became more and more tyrannical, and the two of them were on the verge of collapse after chasing them.

But...Ares and Hanks finally reached the end of the MT road. They not only gained divinity, but also a super combination skill compatible with epic suits...the kind that consumes 30 points at once The power of the meritorious ability is unimaginable, and they have never used it once.

And when they were really cornered by the No. [-] machine.

When their armor was damaged, their swords were cracked, and their bodies were covered in blood.

Even when all hidden audiences are not optimistic about them.

Ares and Hanks closed their eyes at the same time before the attack came, and their epic suits shattered one after another... merging into a huge battle armor more than three meters high, the battle shield and the battle sword were inserted straight into the ground, one by one An invisible force actually directly blocked the attack of No. [-] machine.

No matter how much machine No. [-] used energy attacks, explosive attacks from the AT position, and even heavy fists fell on it, it didn't move at all.

When everyone looked at the two naked men, they found that the two were actually merged into one! ! !
"I'm careless, you ghost!"

"MD, it's disgusting!"

"Oh, it's so big... how envious!"

The emergence of various unsightly situations has amazed many people, especially seeing such a big really makes many men envious, have to find something suitable for this thing if it is half a meter long Giant girl.

As the giant stood up, the huge suit of battle armor, as if possessed of spirituality, was quickly inlaid on the burly man's body. The moment he held the sword and shield in his hands, a double sound appeared.

"Hahahahaha, damn it, Malegoth, pig!"

"FCUK, listen to me, don't use a fucking shield, of course use a sword if you are so awesome!"

"Fuck off, I also forfeited 15 merit points, why did I let you use this body..."

Hmm... In short, this is a very powerful fusion skill, but two souls control one, and some very painful scenes will appear.

Faced with this situation, the No. [-] machine naturally would not give up its attack. It launched a series of attacks against the giant, hitting the giant one after another with incomparably fierce attacks, and there were loud noises, directly knocking it into the air hundreds of times. meters, and a long trace appeared on the ground.

I don't know if he was seriously injured. After the fit, the giant just supported his body with his arms and fell down again.

After all, even if the two are combined, they are not invincible in defense. The originally bright and beautiful armor was almost smashed, and the shield did not know where to throw it. At this time, only a giant sword is left in his hand.

"I thought it was some awesome method, but it turned out to be like this. Come on, come on, stick a giant sword into someone's chest!" A sharp and piercing voice came from the No. [-] machine, and the meaning of contempt was self-evident Metaphor.

But... at this time, who dares to go up in front of the No. [-] machine to make gestures?
Iron Man hiding in the dark did not dare.

Nick Fury, who was above the sky, also did not dare.

The Hulk didn't pay attention to this matter, and those who paid attention to this matter were all waiting for the fisherman's profit, so how could they intervene.

So when the No. [-] machine went to Ares and the two of them, no one chose to help.

But they don't know... If the two of them solve the problem of who will control the body early, the first machine will be over long ago...

So... the moment when Ares finally gained control of his body without knowing how much he paid.

Everyone only saw that the giant stood up suddenly, raised his head to look at the No. [-] machine, and swiped his neck with a powerful gesture.

And in the next second, there was a loud noise!
Another second later... the giant had skipped the No. [-] machine, and stopped slowly about ten meters behind him.

"Tick, tick..."

As the giant slowly put away the blood-stained giant sword, the head of the No. [-] machine, which was still extremely arrogant, suddenly slipped off its body and hit the ground heavily, and the body that could have recovered did not know why. What kind of force did it bear, suddenly shrunk into a ball, and then exploded, and saw... the sky was full of flesh and blood.

"This trick is called... Wushuang!"

(End of this chapter)

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