Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 490 MK-6 Sniper Edition.

Chapter 490 MK-6 Sniper Edition.

Marvel's superhumans are fighting bloody battles, but no one knows that Killing Floor and Arkspace are negotiating.

It's not because of anything else, it's mainly because Ark Space feels a little uneasy, because according to normal circumstances, when the Chitauri attack, his Transcendents have a great possibility of breaking the Marvel world into pieces.

In fact, according to the situation in Marvel's main world, as long as the entire Avengers Alliance is destroyed, Ark Space is likely to obtain the origin of the world.

But who knew that there was a troublemaker named Fang Yun who accidentally fused the time gem. You know...Constance got the space gem in the novice world, and Killing Space didn't allow him to get it in order to prevent the plot from collapsing. stuff.

But... Fang Yun, a scumbag, obtained the Time Treasure so easily, which does not conform to the rules of space.

Moreover, this situation made Thanos furious, and casually killed more than a dozen of his extraordinary people. No matter how you look at this situation, it makes Ark Space feel a little wrong.

There are only four remaining transcendents. Although Arkspace is still very confident, the situation is getting more and more chaotic. According to his information, only Constance and Oberwulf belong to the top level of transcendents in Killing Space.

But suddenly a Fang Yun fused with the Time Gem appeared, and two reunited metamorphosis appeared, and he even killed one of his super apostles, which is the No. [-] machine... This is simply unimaginable.

And now there are 20 hours left, such a long time, the remaining two superhumans may also die.

In that case, the loss of Ark Space would be too great, so he had to make a final negotiation with Killing Space.

A story world decides the outcome!

If you lose, you will lose half of the plot world plane and lose the title of the top space.

If you win, you win big.

Of course, the price of this negotiation is to allow Killing Space to choose the main battlefield.


So the moment Boss Fang and the others were about to make a move, a white light appeared in the sky and took Lin Xu away.

As for the remaining Fang Yun and Constance, there are other contractors who received the information at the same time...

"Reminder: The main mission of Marvel World has ended!"

"Reminder: All contractors still have 10 hours to leave."

"Reminder: As an apostle of space, and with the status of a transcendent, you will participate in the next space war!
This war is the final decisive battle between Killing Space and Ark Space. The winner and the loser will become the winner's subsidiary space. The losers in the next space war will all die and will not have the right to resurrect.

As a participant in the space war, you have the right to know the plot world of the next space war. "

"Hint: The plot world of the next space war is..."

When the information reached here, Constance suddenly walked towards Fang Yun. Faced with this person's space ability, Fang Yun had to guard against it. Although the killing between the two would not drop the killing key, it would drop divinity...

"El Yunze?"

"Huh? Is there something wrong?" Fang Yun raised his brows when he saw the next plot world, feeling that something was wrong.

"You should have also received the mission information, why don't you cooperate?" Constance shrugged, expressing no hostility, as if he wanted to talk about something important.

"Cooperation? Then let's talk." Fang Yun said it didn't matter, so the two walked into the dark and dark grove...


After a long time, Boss Fang came out dangling out with his pants in his hands... Well, don't get me wrong, the guy just disappeared after the two of them had talked, and the Transcendent also needs to boo, after all, he hasn't Becoming a god...

As for what Constance could tell him?

It's nothing more than some unnutritious words, such as what, I think you are very good, join my team.

Then send you to the dead, anyway, you have the time gem, you can easily reverse the time to resurrect... Then the reward is half and half, that is, I will take the divinity, and then I will give you some broken equipment.

Boss Fang talked nonsense with him for a while, and Constance felt that the words of this bastard were mocking, so he left angrily. After all, according to his thinking, he is a proper protagonist. Disagree, really shameless.

"Such a self-righteous transcendent is really rare. If he has been like this since kindergarten, how did he survive until now..." Fang Yun couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Hey, don't worry about it... There are still ten hours left, and there are no casualties in the team, so go get a set of MK-6!" Thinking of this, he took out the communicator and contacted Stark. When he speaks out the proposal.

Iron Man agreed without hesitation. After all, after drinking the water of life, he seemed to be 20 years younger, like a young man who just graduated from university.

He is very grateful for Boss Fang's water of life, after all, life span cannot be replaced by any steel suit.

Two hours later, Fang Yunfei arrived at Iron Man's home, and the guy collected a bunch of tough flesh and blood corpses.

He was a little confused. So, after Stark finished speaking, Fang Yun suddenly realized that this thing turned out to be the wreckage of the first machine?
Then let the two of Ares use their combined skills to kill them?

Simply perverted!

"By the way... Stark, have you only developed the MK-6 now? Is there a more advanced one?" Boss Fang really doesn't need to wear any steel battle suits at this time. This thing is nothing more than a greatly improved defense. , has some high-tech means of attack, plus the ability to fly.

But he can fly, and his defense is not bad, and wearing this thing will also affect his actions.

"Well, there is no upgraded version. If you have any requirements, I can change it for you, but it can't be too exaggerated. After all, I haven't developed it to that level yet." Stark was a little helpless. He just got the corpse, and he hasn't started researching it yet.

And the remaining 8 hours is too little, and there is no space to spend common coins to extend the time, but... free things must not be missed, because there are other people in the Satan team who can use them. If Pete wears this Thing, using a sniper rifle, that's a fortress.

It can completely let other people see what a sniper with overwhelming defense is!

And thinking of this, Boss Fang immediately had a proposal: "Wait a minute, can you help me modify it into a steel suit suitable for snipers?"

"A sniper... that kind of lethality is not as good as using the MK-6's own weapon..." Stark curled his lips.

"Well... don't worry, I'll call someone over now, his sniper rifle is not ordinary, it can fire pulse energy... let him change it.

I want to replace the energy source of the sniper rifle with the ark reactor, it should... be able to increase the attack power a lot, right? "Boss Fang suddenly came up with this idea, and he was very excited. He called Pete to come over quickly. After all, he was also in New York, but he couldn't participate in the battle of extraordinary people.

"Then, that's fine, I'll change it for him..." Stark was a little upset at this time, after all, his steel suit was so hanging, but people looked down on him, which really made him very depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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