Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 491 The God Who Destroyed The Universe?nonexistent!

Chapter 491 The God Who Destroyed The Universe?nonexistent!

There is no need to wait for Pete for too long, half an hour later, he came running over...

After all, New York is too congested, and the traffic volume is so heavy, it is not as fast as him. After all, even if Pete is not good at agility, he can reach 100 kilometers per hour when the speed is soaring.

Although Pete at this time is no match for a superhuman, he has really learned the skill of turning bullets. If he is wearing Iron Man's armor, even if he has no domain, he is not an existence that ordinary superhumans can casually kill.

Panting, Pete took out the Gauss pulse sniper rifle. After Stark received it in his hand, he asked Jarvis to scan it, and sighed a little: "It's a very good thing... although it's worse than my MK armor. Hundreds of times...well, but pretty good.

Moreover, this gun also has a very abnormal energy source, which can recover automatically. Although the recovery is relatively slow, it also has infinite energy! "

"Naturally, but do you think it's possible to combine him with the steel suit?" Boss Fang asked directly, ignoring his flamboyant appearance.

After staring at the sniper rifle for a few minutes, Stark finally relaxed his brows: "Yes, it's not a big problem, but the future energy source can only use the Ark reactor."

Hearing this news, Fang Yun silently asked the space, how much common currency is needed to charge the Ark reactor once.

It turned out that only 1000 common currency was enough, of course he nodded without any scruples.


After a series of modifications, in just two hours, Stark completely changed this suit of steel. Steel has two gloves, one of which has become very thin, and can no longer use the energy hand cannon. , but at least it will not delay his shooting.

Moreover, this pair of gloves has a wireless charging method, which can charge enough energy for the Gauss sniper rifle.

Especially Stark was very curious about this energy source. After leaving the infinite energy source, he conveniently modified his legendary weapon to become a legendary mid-level super weapon.

MK-6 has also become an extremely pitch-black armor, mainly because the red and yellow targets are too conspicuous, and Pete is not the flamboyant Stark, how could he choose this color.


"Then, come back!" Fang Yun said a few words to Stark after the transformation, and then left happily.

He and Pete ran to an uninhabited place, and quietly waited for the countdown to return. As the time drew closer, at the last second, his whole body was enveloped by a white light, and he quickly disappeared into the Marvel Universe. in the universe.

Since the last world was a special situation, they didn't even start the ended.

So no rewards whatsoever.

But if you can get some good things in advance, it will naturally be regarded as a reward.

I have to say that Boss Fang doesn't envy any rewards, and nothing is as powerful as the time gem. As long as he has enough divinity, he can develop more time skills, and even...become the god of time.

So the next moment of returning to the space... everyone in the Satan team came to Fang Yun's room.

Because there are three extraordinary people in the team, only Pete and Poker are not extraordinary, but everyone else is, so they also accepted the task.

After all, the number of Transcendents is still too small. They are the main force in space warfare, but they can't cover everything... Especially the huge world view of the next world, it is completely conceivable that it will be... a total war.

Evolvers should be very useful, not to mention half, at least one-third of the evolutionists in the entire Killing Floor.

That number... Maybe there will be one or two thousand people.

And this world is naturally... the continent of Azeroth, the huge World of Warcraft.

It stands to reason that this is Boss Fang's hometown, so he should feel at ease, but the more this happens, the more worried he becomes: "World of Warcraft has a super invincible villain, Mr. Sa who is fiercer than Thanos, if this old man appears, we people Wouldn't it be gone in ashes?"

Speaking of this, the others were a little silent, but the old god of poker shook his head. He was holding an ace of spades, playing tricks that others couldn't learn, making it change and change...

"You shook your head to tell the key point!" Hanks couldn't help pinching his neck and lifting him up.

"Don't... I said, I said, don't do it!" Poker, whose hair was messed up, no longer pretended to be aggressive, and patted his clothes depressedly and said slowly.

"I don't know if you found a problem..."

"Crack!" Poker touched the back of his head with a changed face, and Ares actually did it too...and it hurts so much! ! !
"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Okay, let me tell you... Captain, have you cleared the world of Pirates of the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings?"

"Yeah?" Fang Yun nodded, then frowned again: "But what I'm talking about is whether Sa will come, what's the use of those things?"

"But you didn't realize the key point, there are gods in the background of Pirates of the Caribbean... As you said, there are Sea God, Death God and other powerful and irresistible plot characters.

The Lord of the Rings also has the Eternal Land, where there are also gods, and legendary high-level plot characters like Gandalf often say the Eternal Land.

But don't you think there is a problem?

That is... has no one ever seen a god who is so powerful that he can destroy planets and create creatures?

I doubt it, we have been tricked by space...

The so-called background of the world is simply a cover... It is completely a black cloth covering our heads, so that we have no way of knowing, because our own strength is not enough, and we will not go to death to explore some eternal land .

Therefore, President Sa of Azeroth probably won't appear... Even if he does appear, it will be a clone, and if he dies, he will be the clone of a legendary top-level plot character.

And as extraordinary beings, you already possess the strength of legendary high-level plot characters, so you will definitely not be easily killed in seconds when facing him...

Because Killing Dimensions cannot construct the existence that destroys the universe. After all...the multiverse has three other top-level dimensions. If Killing Dimensions is so powerful, why not release a few plot characters that destroy the universe, completely kill other dimensions, and dominate it by yourself? Multiverse?

So... the extraordinary has almost reached the upper limit. If there is a god, it is not an invincible existence, at most it is a creature that is much stronger than us.

And why space makes us so powerful, according to the current situation, it is for the resources of the plot world, let us fight for it, and compete with each other for the origin of the world.

Of course, the most important thing is where does the space come from..." Po Ke smiled mysteriously at this point.

Let Boss Fang and the others feel itchy, let him speak quickly.

The result is……

"I don't know how to dig, I want to know... that would be great."

Of course... there is no need to think about this situation, poker made everyone beat up violently.

But the others couldn't help admiring this guy's thinking... The brain circuit of the psychopath is really extraordinary, and what he said is so reasonable that he can't refute it...

 There is only one more volume left... Well, I have a lot of emotions, so let's give a monthly ticket to reward.
(End of this chapter)

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