Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 492 Azeroth mission information.

Chapter 492 Azeroth mission information.

It is impossible to hide the final confrontation between the two spaces, so from the eyes of the people in the space, you can see the fear in their hearts.

It's just that this kind of people are mostly the lowest-level contractors.

As for the contractors, only a small number of them accepted the task of entering the World of Warcraft, and the others only knew the surface in a trance.

And the contractor who suddenly accepted the mission felt that he was awesome. Being able to participate in this kind of mission was a terrible sense of pretense. Although he was likely to die, he wanted to let other contractors look up to him. How can you tell the details of the task.

As for the evolutionists... Of course they are not in the mood to communicate with the contractors about this kind of problem.

Therefore, the contractors at the bottom do not know at all that Killing Space has always been at an advantage against Ark Space. According to normal circumstances, Space has a great chance of winning, and Space chooses Azeroth for a reason...

After all, Boss Fang has developed so well there, which can be called a miracle of space. At least there are no other contractors like him who have worked desperately to develop Sunset City into an existence that is not weaker than the local forces.

And the contractors have so many resources, wishing to pile them all on themselves, in an attempt to make themselves stronger, so how could they care about the cities and even the kingdom under them.

Of course, they are right in their hearts. The main reason is that they don't have strong charm and talent, and they can't completely control many plot characters. Over time, their own power may have problems.

So they understand that they can't control a power for a long time, it is better to squeeze it extremely, so as to obtain more benefits in a short time.

So although Fang Yun's personal strength is very bad, but if you want to talk about the war mode, he has full confidence and said: "Come on, I want one to fight 1..."

As for the next world, whether there will be a war mode or not is almost obvious... There must be, depending on the scale, it may be a war for the entire Azeroth.

"It's our enemy the Burning Legion, the Scourge, or the orcs?" Fang Yun was a little confused.

After thinking about it, he still planned to go to Azeroth once to test the information, but just when he was about to send it, a message suddenly appeared...

"Reminder: The continent of Azeroth has been completely blocked by the killing space and the ark space. Before the final war begins, no contractor in any space can enter it."

"Reminder: Since your connection with the Azeroth continent is as high as 99%, and your relationship as an apostle and a supernatural being, you will receive news of the mission change in advance!"

"The continent of Azeroth will become the final battlefield of the two spaces!"

"Killing Floor Picks the Alliance and the Horde"

"Ark Space Selects The Burning Legion"

"The main forces of other forces, such as the Scourge Legion, Naga, etc. will be neutral forces, hidden in the eastern continent, but will not participate in the war."

"Reminder: The final battle will take place across the entire eastern continent, with the south of the Sador Bridge as the battlefield. Kalimdor and the rest of the eastern continent are limited to trade."

"Reminder: All factions will redistribute territory, and detailed mission information will only be fully known after you enter the story world!"

"Hint: You will still own Sunset City..."


The sudden mission information contained a lot of content. It took a while for Boss Fang to fully digest it. Afterwards, he told the information to the rest of Satan's team. He was not stopped by the space, but he was restricted from spreading it outside.

"'s obvious, what I just said is correct, the plot characters that destroy the world will not appear, otherwise Sargeras came to Azeroth to blow his breath, and the whole world would be destroyed.

And the Burning Legion will not be as strong as in the game, but it can't be too weak. Anyway, when the Horde and the Alliance are united, they can fight him evenly, but... the combination of the two will definitely not be too stable. "Poker breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

According to his thinking, if they are all god-like figures, then he is an evolutionary who is still playing a fart, and just go home early to pick up the child.

"However... Even if the Burning Legion is weak, the clone of President Sa will still appear, and suddenly they have some territories. Maybe they will allocate some cities to them. This is not good for our situation." Ares said slightly After hesitating, he made an opinion. After all, he had played games. If the Burning Legion really took root in Azeroth, its strength would definitely be even more terrifying.

Especially the ability to keep reviving... well, it shouldn't be possible now, otherwise it wouldn't be in the interest of the space.

"Hmph... Assign territories to them? You really think that Killing Floor can be kind, you have to know that World of Warcraft belongs to its main battlefield, and it must have the first choice.

And it didn't choose the Burning Legion, because it naturally believed that the Alliance and the Horde had a greater chance of winning.

Killing Room made Ark Space choose the powerful Burning Legion and gave them territory...

It is entirely conceivable that those territories are barren lands such as Burning Plains, Barren Lands, and Cursed Lands, and the space is not evenly distributed...

So those resources are our opportunities. The scope of the battlefield is almost as large as China, and it must be a protracted war. "Fang Yun lit a cigarette at this time and took a deep puff. He felt that he was about to surge, because... the space specially told him that Sunset City was still there...

Although he didn't know where the timeline went, at least it would be a long time later, and the Scourge had already gained a firm foothold, which also showed that the Kingdom of Lordaeron had also completely fallen.

Alsace is also holding the Frost Sword at this time, sitting high on his throne. Although he will not participate in this war (held down by the space), he is probably also happy to see Azeroth appearing more and more. many corpses...

"Then... spend all you have, and get ready to go to war!" Fang Yun stretched out his evil right hand to the others at this time...

"No, I have no money!!" Ares stepped aside in an instant.

"MD, poor ghost, I won't give it to you..." Hanks shook his head more decisively. Although the two of them killed the first machine, they exploded more of divinity. As for the equipment...a golden handle Do energy pulse pistols count?
Fang Yun looked at the poker with his faint eyes, the guy rubbed his nose, and reluctantly said: "Well... take it, take it, I will give you 1000 common coins...

It’s not that I won’t give it to you, I’m just an ordinary evolutionary, my strength is very scumbag, and I learned some ways to break through the extraordinary with Dr. X, which cost me a lot of common currency, and now it’s really nothing. "

Seeing this situation, Pete stood up, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Head, you forgot, we still have two sets of Starship Troopers armor, I don't need them now, I can sell them!

At this critical time, there must be many evolutionists who want to spend the general currency in their hands, for fear that they will not get it back, so if you can take out these two sets of equipment, plus the broken equipment you usually don’t use, sell it. Decisively become the most powerful local tyrant in Satan's team! "

So... How much the two sets of MD-armors in the public space can sell depends on who is quick. In the end, Fang Yun saw the purple-black face of others, and left gloating...

Is this fast?
Do not……

Boss Fang directly forbids other members to take out things in the public space, so everything is his...

 Thanks to those who are wandering on the edge, thousands of floors and thousands of rewards
(End of this chapter)

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