Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 493 Cheat to new heights, black market scammers come again!

Chapter 493 Cheat to new heights, black market scammers come again!

Boss Fang, who hasn't been to the black market for a long time, came here now and found that it was crowded with people, no different from the vegetable market. A group of sellers and buyers shouted at their necks, wishing to stick out their tongues and compare their size with you... …

And the emergence of this situation is naturally because there are too many evolutionaries who will participate in the final battle, as long as Fang Yun expected 2000 people to be much more...

Basically, all evolutionaries with names and surnames will participate in this battle, and there is no shortage of superhumans, all of whom have accepted the mission.

As for why not fight the elite showdown?
Killing Dimensions is a fool to do that. He has already dealt a terrible blow to Ark Dimensions. If he does not need to be overwhelmed by the general situation, but picks out a few superhuman beings to decide the life and death of Dimensions, wouldn't he be full?
Especially when the quantity is large, qualitative changes tend to occur.

It is entirely conceivable that if an army composed of evolutionaries fights you desperately... MD, it is really exciting to think about it, even if the opponent is an extraordinary person, if he does not run, he will have to kneel down.

As for the situation in the final battle, it may have to be militarized. For example, the space selects a very powerful transcendent to be the supreme commander of the other contractors, so that the maximum combat power can be exerted, otherwise... stragglers In the face of a large-scale war, it is impossible to make much effect.

Like Gul'dan, a legendary top-level plot character, his strength is higher than most extraordinary people, but he also needs enough troops to have the confidence to attack Stormwind City.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful he is, he will not have that ability.

Of course, there is another prerequisite, that is, both sides must have top-level existence, otherwise, if such a super strong character is not restrained, he can blow up an army by himself with harassing attacks.

"Hematemesis sale, legendary primary items, G virus stock solution, 50000 common coins, only 50000 common coins!" An evolutionary sat there, and a bottle of potion was placed on the ground.

But no matter how much he yelled, no one dared to go there. After all... this is a G virus, a virus that turned into a monster, and it's not a T virus. Even if his price is not too high, he dares to drink it How many are there in the space?
Does Boss Fang dare to drink?
Of course...he didn't dare.

And the most important thing is...he has no money, the two sets of armor have not been sold yet, and he really doesn't have a single currency in his pocket at this time.

Oh, the poker gave him 1000 common coins, but this thing is enough for him to buy 3 bottles of medium-sized MP potions.

So Fang Yundan looked at the hard-working young man in pain. It is estimated that no one will buy the things that this guy sells. I can't control him.

What's more, the G virus needs time to evolve, and it cannot increase its combat power too much in a short period of time.

And what does the evolutionary need now?

An explosive potion that increases strength for a short time!
"Let's take a look and have a look, everyone, come quickly, the special version of the large-scale recovery potion, flash back 2000 health points, specially for the evolutionary team MT, 3000 common coins per bottle!"

Boss Fang didn't turn his head when he heard this sound, so he knew how many people abused and attacked this guy, but they were reluctant to leave. After all, the flashback potion is really awesome, but Nima's price is too expensive, right? .

However, many teams still had to pay for two bottles of MTs, plus military potions. If they were lucky, they could withstand two or three fatal attacks.

That can create great value.

Fang Yun looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't find what he wanted to buy, but this is also the situation of all supernatural beings. Their attributes are very high... They have a little way to restore blood, and even the blood bottle is not too necessary. At the critical moment, the blood volume above 5000+ basically cannot be recovered by taking drugs.

Only military potions can be used.

Even a guy like Boss Fang has 9330 health points. It is completely conceivable how exaggerated the health points of Hanks and Ares are!
There are nearly 20000 points in existence, the MT epic suit is not just talking, the blood increase is really thick, and the blood is returned a lot, otherwise, how can they resist the attack of the first machine for so long.

As for the extraordinary, except for legendary equipment and divinity, they don't have any ideas about other items. When they reach this level, it is a journey of divinity collection.

Ares and Hanks killed Unit No. 18, and a total of [-] divinity points were released for the two of them to share equally.

The amount of divinity burst out is almost 10~30% of the amount of divinity possessed by extraordinary people.

What's more, the two of them can burst out 18 points of divinity, which is also a good fortune, which happens to be a 30% burst rate, which also shows that the first machine has 60 points of divinity...

But it is not easy to kill a superhuman, no one dares to say that he is sure to win, so at this moment, there is no rumor that a superhuman has become a god, and they often kill and kill, and then die...

Fang Yun looked around and around, feeling his head was in a daze. Fortunately, he saw a seller leaving, and the goods also exploded at full speed, ran somewhere with a 'whoosh' sound, and sat down. Many people who want to sell things are amazed, it's really Nima's speed.

"Brother? I think your actions are not ordinary people. You should be able to sell some good products, right?"

"Maybe it's a top evolutionary... But since you are so powerful, why don't you come to the black market to grab a place, why don't you go to the auction?" A weak chicken evolution said sourly.

But no matter how this group of people attack with words, Boss Fang just remains unmoved. He won't go to the auction or something because there are too many tax deductions. Moreover, he has found that there are many top-level existences in the black market, and there are also many superhumans appearing. So he slowly took out pieces of equipment...

Then this group of people were dumbfounded, they couldn't even breathe!
One of the guys stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes: " gold, I am dark gold again...

Wait, is this purple?legendary? "Speaking of this, Boss Fang has already taken out Medivh's manuscript, whether it is sold or not is not the key, the main thing is to attract attention!
And it doesn't matter if he takes it... the whole body, 4 pieces of legendary equipment, the sunset sword, the holy sand eagle, the fire of killing intent, the manuscript of Medivh, let him put them all here...

A black market, a seller, come up with 3 pieces of gold, 4 pieces of dark gold, 4 pieces of legend, how big a sensation is it?
Detonate the audience directly!
"My Cao, my god, my god, your amazing, let me take a look at the equipment information, this is a legend, I have never seen it in my life, please let me have a look, The next world might die, give it a chance!"

A bald head popped up suddenly, his eyes widened, and he wanted to reach out to snatch it, but the seller was obviously unusual, and no one dared to get too close because of his aura.

Even if they can't hurt people in the space, no one dares to be presumptuous in the face of such a powerful existence, but the adoration, envy, and jealous eyes all show that they really want to take a look at these equipments, even if they can't afford them. ... It's good to have a look.

So... Boss Fang suddenly smiled: "I want to see the equipment information, okay!

Gold equipment costs 100 common coins, dark gold equipment costs 300 common coins, and legendary equipment costs 999 common coins. You only need 999 common coins to see the true appearance of legendary equipment!
All these equipments are for sale, but only those who read the information can buy them..."

After he said this, he stopped talking, leaving a group of people staring at him, especially a stronger black man. When he saw this scene, he suddenly realized that he seemed familiar...

He vaguely remembered that when he first entered the space, he only had more than 1000 common coins in his pocket, and it seemed that he was cheated of 100 common coins...

However, the goods will not be sold if the equipment is included... It is a new level of deception.

But he recognized Fang Yun, and Boss Fang naturally recognized him too...

So the black brawny protects you in a kind of fighting space, but if you dare to say anything, I will kill you. Under your eyes, he silently swallowed his saliva and left...

(End of this chapter)

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